Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 741 Siman They Lost News

Chapter 741 Siman They Lost News

After having breakfast at Wilmots' hotel the next day, Yang Tianlong and the others did not return to Bok Village immediately, but went straight to the pier with the technicians who came over last night.

I have already contacted Yom before, and asked Yom to bring the villagers to help. After all, it is definitely not enough to rely on these two skilled workers to work.

Liu Shengli and the others are also purchasing consumables for hydropower installation, including a water pump. The Congo River wharf is still some distance from the town, and they can only rely on the water of the Congo River for their livelihood.

But these things are also small things. After Yang Tianlong and Liu Shengli made arrangements, everyone drove straight to Boke Village.

However, before arriving at Bok Village, Yang Tianlong received a piece of news that shocked him.

The call was from Lufthansa, and Lufthansa told Yang Tianlong that Siman hadn't contacted her today, and he also tried to call the satellite phone, but he still couldn't contact Siman.

Hearing Hansa's hurried words, an ominous premonition flooded Yang Tianlong's heart instantly.

He even told the driver to drive faster.

"Old man, what's the matter?" Lion Head also looked at him anxiously.

"Sman and the others didn't get in touch." Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning and said.

"No way." Lion Head and the others were also taken aback.

"Really." Yang Tianlong said.

"How many satellite phones did they bring?" Lionhead asked quickly.


"What about the other one?"

"Still haven't gotten through."


Just as he was talking, Yang Tianlong's cell phone rang again suddenly, which was really shocking to him who was originally highly focused.

It was still a call from Lufthansa.

"Hansa, is there anything new?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"Boss, Siman and the others still haven't been in touch. I remembered something. He told me yesterday that he saw two dead bodies."

"Go on."

"No more." Hansa was about to burst into tears.

"Where are they now?"

"It can only be an approximate location, and it was yesterday." Hansa said.

"Hurry up and tell me, no, send the approximate range to my phone now." Yang Tianlong also said loudly anxiously.

"Okay, boss." After Hansa said this, she hung up the phone in a hurry.

Soon, Hansa sent Siman their approximate location.

Yang Tianlong didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly used his consciousness to adjust the position of this area, but the result surprised him.

The location of this area is nearly 2000 square kilometers, and it is still a tropical rainforest covered by countless plants.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to find Sman and the others.

However, in order to appease Hansa, Yang Tianlong still sent a message to Hansa. He told Hansa that they are going to act now. Siman and the others did not contact her. Maybe the satellite phone was out of power. In short, he told Hansa not to worry too much. .

"Hey, guys, we have to act now." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"To find Siman?" The lion head looked at Yang Tianlong intently.

"Yes, go to the rainforest to find Siman."

"Let's go back to the village and measure it." The lion head said and patted Yang Tianlong's shoulder with his hand.

In the past, the strength in his hands would definitely be very light, but this time the strength of the lion's head has become a bit heavy. He hopes that through this method, Yang Tianlong can calm down quickly.

Yang Tianlong really felt the meaning of the lion's head, and he nodded involuntarily towards the lion's head to show that he understood.

Liu Zhengyang didn't dare to slow down his driving speed. He almost ran all the way, which made the following team feel a little at a loss. They also stepped up the accelerator one after another, so as not to lose too much.

Back in the village, the first thing Yang Tianlong did was to get into his room.

"What happened?" Hank and Albuquer looked puzzled.

"Siman and the others are surrounded by a group of men in green clothes. We have to rescue them immediately. Albuquerque, take the guys to the cave to get the ammunition. Be sure to prepare enough; Hank, start the helicopter. "The lion's head exhorted.

"Okay." Hank and Albuquerque, who accepted the mission, immediately started to act, especially Albuquer, who had already thought perfectly about the weapons and equipment that needed to be carried.

Automatic rifles, all kinds of grenades, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, machetes and even many medicines that can be used in the rainforest.

However, Hank encountered difficulties here, because the helicopter could not start.

The reason is simple. These two helicopters have not been touched for a long time. Some parts are aging, some parts lack lubricating fluid, and the power of the battery is also insufficient. Under such circumstances, even if they can fly, then It is also dangerous to fly.

After he hastily told Lion Head, he took a lot of tools and went to troubleshoot alone.

As soon as Hanke left, Yang Tianlong hurried out, holding a huge topographic map in his hand.

"Guys, come and take a look." Yang Tianlong spread the map on the ground and shouted at Lion Head and the others.

Except for the failure of Hank to dispatch the helicopter, the rest of the people quickly surrounded him, including Liu Shengli.

"They are currently in this position, we need to quickly locate their ships." Yang Tianlong said.

"How to locate it?" Lion Head couldn't help asking.

"Can Durul?" Albuquer cast his eyes on Durul who was on the side.

Unexpectedly, Durul shook his head, "The satellite phone is not in the communication company's database, so it cannot be located, and now that the satellite phone is also destroyed, it will not be able to be located."

"This is up to me to locate." Yang Tianlong said suddenly at this moment.

Everyone was stunned, and they couldn't help but look at Yang Tianlong, but after seeing this guy's resolute expression, they no longer doubted anything, but nodded their heads one after another.

For Yang Tianlong's ability, the few of them who have been in contact with him know about it.

"Huaxialong, the two helicopters can't take off." At this time, Lion Head reported to him the preparations here.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help being surprised, "What? The helicopter can't take off?"

"Yes." Lion Head nodded.

"Fuck... what's going on?" Yang Tianlong's face instantly became furious.

"It hasn't been used for a long time." Lion Head said softly.

He really wanted to vent his angry expression, but then he thought that this helicopter was his own, and no one could use it. In the end, the responsibility was still his own.

"It's okay, let's use the speedboat." Yang Tianlong said.

"Where is the speedboat?" Albuquer asked involuntarily.

"Call Albom now and ask him to give us three speedboats, which will be transported by car now. The fuel must be full..." Yang Tianlong said while taking out his mobile phone.

He wasn't calling Albom, however.

(End of this chapter)

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