Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 746 Death Trap

Chapter 746 Death Trap
It turned out that what was waiting for him was not the happy winks of the hyenas, but a huge trap.

At that time, the hyena made a "tweet-tweet-tweet" sound from the trap.

At this time, Yang Tianlong felt that the voice sounded so miserable, like the voice of a helpless person facing death.

He came into the trap cautiously, and saw that the bellies of the three hyenas were all pierced by sharp wooden thorns. Each hyena had at least five or six wounds on its body. The face wailed miserably.

"Huaxia Dragon, Huaxia Dragon..." Albuquer's voice came from the headset.

Albuquerque saw Yang Tianlong go for a while, and after there was no movement, he quickly called Yang Tianlong through radio communication.

He knew that if the time passed a little later, he might not be able to call Yang Tianlong.

"Received." Yang Tianlong's cold voice came over.

As soon as Albuquer heard it, he understood a little bit, and it seemed that there was something different there.

"Where are you now?" Albuquerque asked quickly.

"100 meters ahead."

"We'll come right away." After that, Albuquerque waved his hands at everyone, and then all the team members quickly moved towards Yang Tianlong's position in the posture of a long dragon.

When they came to the trap, they were also taken aback.

Doc and the others, who have lived on the edge of the rainforest since they were young, are familiar with the situation in the rainforest. Under normal circumstances, hyenas will never fall into the trap, but now these hyenas have fallen into the trap in unison. , which is quite surprising.

"Could Siman and the others also encounter this?" Everyone felt a little scared, after all, there might be traps everywhere.

"It's possible." Yang Tianlong nodded, "We have to be careful."

"But old buddy, how do we find Siman's location?" Lionhead couldn't help asking.

This problem is the biggest problem facing them right now. In this vast rainforest, if you don't bring a compass, it is easy to get lost in it. Let alone looking for the target, even if you want to get out of the rainforest safely and smoothly This is all a big question.

Yang Tianlong also fell into contemplation all of a sudden, he must have an excellent goal to find the route they want to advance, and he can't just wander around in the rainforest, otherwise, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

But now without the help of hyenas, what should I do?

Yang Tianlong's brows were tightly furrowed, the same was true for Lion's Head and Albuquerque, and the same was true for the rest of the staff. Everyone was racking their brains to find the way forward.

"Chirp..." Suddenly, a voice came into Yang Tianlong's ears.

This sound interrupted his contemplation all of a sudden, he opened his eyes suddenly, and Yang Tianlong found a monkey hanging on a branch.

In an instant, all the fatigue on his body disappeared, replaced by a burst of excitement from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't move, there are monkeys." Yang Tianlong chuckled, taking advantage of the lion's head and they didn't look carefully, they took out a small bag of taming liquid from their pockets.

"Is there anything to eat?" Yang Tianlong whispered, he was afraid that his thick voice would frighten the cute monkey.

"Yes." Albuquerque quickly took out a can.

He quickly opened the can, poured the taming liquid into it, and stirred it gently with a dagger, Yang Tianlong let everyone retreat.

The smell produced by the mixture of the canned food and the taming solution really attracted the monkey, and after a while, the sound of the taming being completed rang in his mind.

"Hey, buddy, come here." With his own consciousness, Yang Tianlong called the monkey over.

The monkey jumped onto Yang Tianlong's shoulder very sensitively.

Albuquer and the others looked dumbfounded at this scene. This Huaxia dragon is really amazing.

After simply communicating with the monkey with consciousness, the monkey scratched its head and jumped onto the thick leaves.

I saw that the monkey beckoned smartly like a human being, signaling them to follow.

"Go, guys." Yang Tianlong and the others quickly walked forward behind the monkey.

"What the hell is this? A monster? It's so human?" Albuquer said with a look of surprise.

"There is a saying in the depths of the rainforest, that the animals in it are all human. As long as you have special abilities, they can communicate with you. It is possible that our boss is such a magical person." Doc whispered.

"Hey, guys, don't tell me, Huaxialong is really a magical guy. That time I went to the island from the crocodile to rescue the hostages with him, it was so frighteningly exciting..." Lion head as Yang Tianlong His staunch supporters followed closely behind him.

"Huaxia Dragon, what about those traps?" After walking more than ten meters away, Albuquer couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, it will tell us." Yang Tianlong turned around and smiled at everyone. It was this smile that seemed to give everyone infinite confidence.

Sure enough, after walking forward slowly for a kilometer, the monkey pointed to the front and yelled.

Yang Tianlong and the others used long sticks to test, there was a trap.

"Is this guy so powerful?" Albuquer praised sincerely.

"The cleverness of monkeys is sometimes unimaginable to us humans." Yang Tianlong said with a serious face.

"Then do you think humans evolved from monkeys?" Dembele couldn't help but say at this time.

"It's hard to say..."


Along the way, everyone was chatting to drive away their fatigue, but it was too difficult to walk in the rainforest, so when they arrived at nine o'clock, they had only traveled four kilometers.

This is still far from their previous estimate that Siman and the others are within the 20 kilometers range.

"Old man, what time are we going to rest?" No one knows that you can't drive at night in this rainforest, otherwise, it will be easy to be discovered by the enemy.

"Let's rest in half an hour." Yang Tianlong said.

However, just as he finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly blew from somewhere, and the wind mixed with leaves blocked their sight.

"Not good..." Albuquerque couldn't help but yelled at this moment.

"What's the matter?" Everyone became extremely nervous in an instant, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and several guys even pulled the bolts of their guns.

"It's about to rain heavily." Albuquer said, pointing to the palm-sized sky above his head.

 Thank you "Mengbuxuan" brother for his monthly ticket support, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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