Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 762 That Group Didn't Have a Skull Logo

Chapter 762 That Group Didn't Have a Skull Logo
To everyone's surprise, Yang Tianlong insisted on having the dinner in Bok Village.

The reason is very simple, because he felt that he really experienced a very long dream. Most of the content of this dream was a nightmare. Only the final ending made him very happy, so he was very happy, really The kind of happiness that comes from the heart.

However, everyone had to agree, but to be honest, the scenery here in Bok Village is much better than that near Wilmots’ hotel, at least there are green mountains and green waters, unlike Wilmots’ hotel. Noisy traffic.

For this party, the Wilmots and his wife turned down their work and asked the waiters to take care of them.

Yom and the others started to get busy, buying a whole car just for shopping.

Wilmots also called all the chefs in his hotel over, so that he and his wife became shopkeepers for the first time.

Hearing that the swimming pool can be used, Siman couldn't hold back his inner excitement. He said that he really wanted to go for a swim in the swimming pool and experience the long-lost feeling of relaxation.

Sman's excitement is not unreasonable. After being injected with serum at the airport in Bunia, Colm was immediately sent to the best hospital in Kinshasa for treatment that night. At present, all his signs are in good condition. According to the doctor It may take less than a week for Colm to leave the hospital.And this time the snake venom did not have any side effects on his body.

This is really a happy thing.

"Old man, have you reported to Lufthansa?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking, looking at Siman who was full of tendons.

Siman nodded, smiled and said, "I called her yesterday, and she cried."

"Did you make me cry because of you kid?" The lion's head was full of laughter.

"How could it be that I was crying angrily? She was crying with excitement. To be honest, I was really sorry for her this time and made her frightened." Siman said a little embarrassedly.

"How did you meet those men in green clothes?" Yang Tianlong frowned involuntarily.

"It's a long story. At that time, Mr. Medel was going to a tributary to find a legendary creature called Cuba Cuba, and then we entered that tributary. When we were on the shore, we found several corpses. Those guys It seemed that he was executed to death by drying or by drowning. At that time, I specifically reminded Mr. Medel, and he told me that this kind of situation is actually very common in the tropical rainforest. Hundreds of people die every year in the rainforest. If there are thousands of people, then it is not called a rainforest at all. At that time, I may have been dazzled by some unrealistic factors, so I agreed with him. As a result, we walked more and more in the rainforest, and then met the man in green. "

"Why would they attack you?" Yang Tianlong asked curiously.

"Because we found out that they were arresting a local aborigine, and then we stepped forward. Unexpectedly, there were so many people in green clothes. As a result, we were driven to that river, and there happened to be a wooden boat by the river. , we got on the boat, and on the boat, Mr. Medel looked at the map and found a big waterfall behind us, so we abandoned the boat and went to the big rock.”

"This is why they attacked you?" Yang Tianlong felt that this matter was really strange.

"Yes, those guys seem to be bewitched. At that time, I deliberately looked at the back of their heads, but I didn't find the sign of a skull."

"Hey, buddy, you said the man in green arrests the local aborigines?" Siman talked eloquently, and only then did Lion Head have the time to ask.

"Yes, a woman." Sman nodded.

"Is that woman dead?" Lion Head suddenly became interested.

"No, she ran away." Siman said seriously.

"Guys, do you know why you couldn't find me?" Lion Head suddenly became a little mysterious.

"Why?" Everyone suddenly became interested.

"Because you ran too fast, we were surrounded by a group of local aborigines." Lion's head looked frustrated.

"Did they imprison you?" Siman asked quickly.

The lion head shook his head, "No, they probably mistook us for you, so they took us into the cave. Looking at it now, we are so stupid. At that time, I thought there was a special Shortcuts can keep up with you, and the result..."

"So they brought you back to the place where we landed?" Yang Tianlong said jokingly.

Lion Head nodded, "Yes, I was speechless at the time. When we got out of the cave, we saw the Mi-26 helicopter in the sky, so we didn't look back, and the f-cking boat came out again. There was a problem, and it took a long time to fix it before it was fixed."

"This is simply a bloody soap opera." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Lion Head nodded, "Yes, life is so bloody. We don't understand their indigenous languages, so we can only communicate by making gestures, and something went wrong in the end."

"It's good to be back, I didn't sleep well last night." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"I see, old man, our satellite phone is out of power, otherwise, I would have called you a long time ago, so maybe God has already arranged all this."

"Have a good drink at night." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Hey, Huaxia Dragon, you should have dealt with the men in green, right? Are they members of the Skeleton Party?" Siman also asked seriously at this time.

"To be honest, we also looked at your corpses buried on the shore, and we didn't see anything special about it. However, there is a distinctive sign of the Skeleton Party, that is, there is a skull on the back of the head, but we didn't find it at all, so they The probability of it being the Skull Party is not high."

"But I always feel that those guys seem to be bewitched." Siman frowned.

"It's hard to explain, what about Mr. Medel? He should have a deep research on tropical rainforests. Maybe you can ask him for advice in private."

"His knowledge is indeed rich, even creatures like Cuba Cuba know it." Sman said with a smile.

"By the way, old man, what kind of creature is Cuba Cuba?" Seeing that Siman mentioned the name of this creature for the second time, both Yang Tianlong and Lion Head became curious.

"A monster, similar to a dinosaur." Siman said after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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