Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 764 Amazon's Legend of Immortality

Chapter 764 Amazon's Legend of Immortality

"What's so good about the swamp? It's far less abundant than the lake's flora and fauna." The black boy Doc couldn't help muttering softly at this moment.

Medel's sharp eyes suddenly looked at Doc, but then he shook his head seriously, "No, young man, you are wrong, the nutrition in the swamp is richer."

"Why?" Seeing that Medel had corrected himself, Doc simply broke the casserole and asked the end.

"Because there are more animals and plants in the swamp than in the lake. Although the swamp is full of mud, it is not. Many of them are like duckweed, just floating on the water. As for the water there The world below is a completely different scene, perhaps the underwater depth can reach hundreds of meters, in short, compared to lakes, swamps are more mysterious."

Medel is right. Generally speaking, ferocious beasts always like to stay in swamps. First, it is convenient for them to camouflage. Second, there are many animals and plants in swamps, providing these ferocious beasts with inexhaustible resources. Inexhaustible food.

For example, in the disaster of Burmese pythons in Florida, USA, the abandoned Burmese pythons like to stay in the swamps there.

After Medel's explanation, Doc couldn't help but nodded.

"It is said that Cuba looks like a dinosaur, but it is not the same as a dinosaur. Its head is like a crocodile's head, but its body is like a python, and its tail is like that of an alligator. Once they saw the Cuban General A four-meter-long crocodile was easily dragged down from the shore, and according to visual inspection, what they saw was only half the body length of Cuba Cuba, but it had already reached seven or eight meters."

"So Cuba Cuba often shows up?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"No, they've been there for a year and a half in total, and they've spotted Cuban Cuba no more than four times in total, and all in different locations."

"Then are you still looking for it?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

Medel shook his head, "I won't go for the time being, because those men in green clothes are really scary, they seem to be desperate."

"Do the local Neil people know the story of Cuba and Cuba?" The Neil people mentioned by the lion's head were the group of aborigines who surrounded them, and it was Sman who told him later that he knew.

"They don't know, but their ancestors left this legend." Medel said.

"So Cuba Cuba lived a long time?"

"I don't know. The currently known terrestrial animals are only a few decades old at most. Creatures like Cuba and Cuba should not survive that long."

"Then you mean there is more than one Cuban in the swamp?" Albuquerque also asked with interest.

"I suspect it's not just this one, and there are many water holes in the local area, so Cuba Cuba is very likely to live in water holes at ordinary times, and when they are hungry, they will naturally come out to look for food."

"But, sir, I don't quite understand one thing. Cuba Cuba is a kind of creature that has never existed on earth. Even if you see them, what can you do with them? Is it possible to catch them?" Albu Ke asked curiously.

"Why catch them?" Medel couldn't help asking, "We can install signal sensors and micro-cameras on it, and then check its living environment, and then we can derive the survival rules of this creature from their living environment, By that time, there may be more Cuban Cubans on Earth."

"It seems that except for Africa, the rest of the world has been traveled by human footprints several times." Albuquer said with a smile.

"You are wrong, buddy, the primeval forests of Siberia, the Shenlongjia of China, the Pagus region of Central Asia, the high mountains of Canada, and the Amazon rainforest, in fact, human beings have not even conquered half of the earth." Medel Said seriously.

"Sir, when I was a mercenary in North Africa, I heard the story of the yellow-haired monster in the Sahara Desert. It said that there is actually an ocean deep under the Sahara Desert. Sometimes the yellow-haired monster will drill out of the quicksand. come out."

"I've also read a book that says that the monsters on Earth are actually experiments by aliens..."

All of a sudden, everyone chattered and talked about it.


Medel did not object to this, "You all have your own reasons. In fact, whether creatures like Cuba Cuba exist or not can only be proved by our conclusive evidence, but I still have to tell everyone that this earth really exists. Not what you see."

Everyone agrees with Medel's words.

After telling the first story, Medel took a sip of water and started the second story.

"This second story is the elixir of the Amazon..."

Yang Tianlong was startled again, isn't this consistent with what Eva said?

"Countless anacondas surrounded a dead giant anaconda with a head the size of two buckets and a length of more than 20 meters. A small anaconda had that kind of plant in its mouth, and it slid into it desperately. In less than an hour, the anaconda came back to life..." Medel spoke so vividly that when someone patted Doc on the shoulder lightly, Doc was frightened. Shout out.

"The second story should be true, because they experienced it themselves." Medel finally said.

Regarding this story, it was beyond Medel's expectation that no one came to ask him. After he finished speaking, the scene was completely silent.

"Mr. Medel, what's the name of the scientist leading the team?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking at this moment.

"Jean Electrolux." Medel said.

"Electrolux?" Yang Tianlong frowned slightly.

"What? Have you heard the story?"

"No." Yang Tianlong smiled lightly, shook his head and said.

"Then you know him?"

"I don't know him either, I'm just interested. After all, in this world, everyone wants to have the ability to live forever."

"But that place is difficult to walk, it is said that it is possible to enter the space-time tunnel." Medel said with a smile.

"Why do you say that? The space-time tunnel is mentioned in the notebook?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"It's not in the notebook, but there have been many expedition teams missing in the Amazon rainforest, and they were all in thunderstorms, so I extremely doubt that they have entered the space-time tunnel." When Medel said this, he lowered his voice, fearing that the surrounding people heard.

Yang Tianlong who heard this story felt a slight tremor all over his body...

The stories of these scientists are really not ordinary.

 Thank you "Yuyouyishufa" brother for the monthly ticket reward, thank you brother
(End of this chapter)

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