Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 793 Take the High Road or the Small Road?

Chapter 793 Take the High Road or the Small Road? (4 more)
In fact, there is no need for Zardo to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this big road and small road in detail. Yang Tianlong and the experienced guys can also roughly know the two or three.

A big road is nothing more than a good road, but there are many dangers; a small road is a rough road, but relatively few dangers.

However, to their surprise, Zardo took the initiative to suggest that they take the road.

His reasons are also very good, I saw Zardo explaining them one by one.

First of all, according to common sense, everyone knows that the road is dangerous, so many guys, including those terrorists and robbers, will choose reverse thinking; secondly, the current terrorists and robbers prefer to operate in the mountains, because There, the mobility of the cars is extremely poor, and they can make good use of the terrain to escape and hide. If they are on the main road, their cars may not have the performance of the Mi Army.

What Zaldo said didn't seem to make sense. After everyone listened, they all became silent, and everyone seemed to be thinking.

"Not long ago, I brought a group of tomb robbers to Kandahar from here." Zardo hesitated seeing them, and he quickly added again.

Yang Tianlong's inner thought is how his unmanned attack aircraft should function. After all, on the main road, there is probably no problem with the smooth communication signal, but once he goes to the small road, it is hard to say.

"How does the mobile phone signal compare between the big road and the small road?" Thinking of this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"It must be good on the main road, but the signal on the small road is very poor, basically none." Zardo replied without thinking.

Upon hearing such a thing, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded, then looked at the guys behind him and said resolutely, "Guys, let's take the big road."

The thoughts in everyone's hearts were a little shaken, but now seeing that the backbone proposed to take the main road, they all stopped hesitating and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go. After arriving in Kandahar, you wait for us in Kandahar. After that, we will return to Laika. After the task is completed, I will give you 2000 dollars." Yang Tianlong looked at Zardo calmly and said.

Hearing that the gentleman finally wanted to give him 2000 US dollars, Zardo couldn't help but nodded quickly, as if he was afraid that the God of Wealth would escape.

"Guys, let's go." Yang Tianlong said with a big wave of his hand.

I just calculated that if they take the main road, at a speed of 60 hours per kilometer, they can reach Kandahar in 3 hours, and then from Kandahar to Kahak, and if everything goes well, they can arrive at night.

"Is there any guy who is sleepy and wants to sleep." Vasily said involuntarily at this time.

"What's the matter? Dude." Albuquer looked at Vasily and asked.

"If you're sleepy, you can try this thing." Vasili said while raising the incense stick in his hand.

In Said's van just now, Yang Tianlong bought dozens of sticks of incense with Said, and the president spent only more than 100 US dollars.

"What is this thing? Drugs?" Albuquer asked in surprise.

"Root incense, a kind of incense raw material produced locally, has a very good effect. It is very helpful for repelling mosquitoes and refreshing people." Vasily explained.

At this time, Zardo also hurriedly said, "This is really effective. If you are sleepy, you can smell its smell. It smells very good."

"Will it be addictive?" Albuquer was still quite skeptical about this so-called root incense.

"No, its soot can also be used to remove oil stains, and even be used for beauty." Zardo said.

"I'll try." Albuquerque frowned slightly, took the root of incense in Vasily's hand, and inhaled lightly, Albroke only felt a refreshing fragrance float into his body, Not long after, he felt that the exhaustion in his body was swept away, and his whole body recovered a lot.

"It's really effective." Albuquer said to everyone with a serious face.

Hearing that the effect was well-deserved, Akinfeev, Andre, Alexander, Dembele, Kapai and other guys quickly gathered around, and all of them began to smell the fragrance of the root incense.




All of them were full of surprise.

Taking a closer look at each guy's face, there is a look of radiance on his face.

"Okay, let's go." Yang Tianlong said while putting his mobile phone in his pocket. He also used this time just now to set the flight route of the unmanned attack aircraft.

Currently, unmanned attack aircraft fly at an altitude of 400 meters.

Not only were there unmanned attack aircraft, but Yang Tianlong also brought Meng Diao with him, and Meng Diao also began to patrol on both sides of the main road. Once an unknown guy broke in, Meng Diao would definitely send an alert to Yang Tianlong in time. warning signs.

"Boom..." Dozens of motorcycles sprayed out blue smoke, and everyone seemed to be very happy to enjoy the pleasure brought by the roar of the motorcycle engines. They all basically roared in place. After the engine started for a while, he rode the motorcycle out.

Zardo's so-called main road is actually not wide, it can only accommodate a large truck and a small car side by side.Both sides of the road were originally crop fields, but less than ten miles away from the city of Laika, there was a saline-alkali land. The saline-alkali land was barren and looked extremely desolate.

Even the hot wind blowing in the air has a thick dusty smell.

When encountering vehicles on the road, Yang Tianlong and the others are in a straight line. When there are no cars, the motorcycles will drive in two rows. On the straight road, Yang Tianlong constantly switches his consciousness between reality and the Eagle Eye system .

20 kilometers, 30 kilometers... 90 kilometers, finally, they are less than 10 kilometers away from the border.

Zardo motioned for them to stop.

Then he said with a serious face.

"Bosses, we can't pass through the border checkpoint openly. The military and police check there is very strict."

"Then where should we go?" Everyone couldn't help asking.

"Take the path," Zardor said.

"Are you going on the path all the time?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but nodded, the communication signal here is not bad.

"No, detour 15 kilometers and take the main road," Zardo said.

"How's the signal on the small road?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"There is hardly any signal, but we have to take the path," Zardo said.

(End of this chapter)

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