Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 798 Informationized Rice Army Troops

Chapter 798 Informationized Rice Army Troops
Fortunately, less than five kilometers after Yang Tianlong and the others turned to the main road on their motorcycles, they saw two huge Chinook helicopters roaring in the air. Even at a height of 100 meters above the ground, the airflow generated by the propeller still stirred up the yellow sand on the ground.

"Is Lao Mi moving so fast?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Tianlong couldn't help frowning.

Vasily replied from the side, "Just now the government army's vehicle-mounted radar positioning system should have been destroyed, and then it was discovered by the Mi Army's information and intelligence center, so Chinooks were sent over for reinforcements."

"Their information intelligence system is so powerful?" Yang Tianlong was very surprised.

Vasily nodded, "Of course, I participated in a military exercise organized by the United Nations in 2000. The informatization of the Mi Army was really surprising. That was only in 2000, and it is estimated that earth-shaking changes have already taken place."

"The current battlefield is like this. If you look a few more times or take a few more steps than your opponent, you are the winner." Albuquer on the side also added at the right time.

Yang Tianlong nodded, without making a sound, but involuntarily stepped up the accelerator.

At this moment, they are less than 40 kilometers away from Kandahar.

The road was unimpeded. Although the Humvees and armored personnel carriers of the Mi Army could be seen along the way, those guys did not block them or take other actions, because judging from the actions of their equipment, they should be heading towards The incident just happened in a hurry, so this allowed them to hit the gas pedal as much as possible along the way, enjoying the endless fun brought by motorcycle riding.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, they finally came to the city of Kandahar, and Albuquer also met his old comrade-in-arms, Tumenov from Kazakhstan, a generous guy.

"Hey, Albuquerque, long time no see." Tumenov was waiting for them at a donkey restaurant on the outskirts of Kandahar, and when Yang Tianlong and the others arrived, Tumenov had already grabbed the donkey The meat is ordered, one serving per person.

To Yang Tianlong's surprise, Tumenov could speak fluent French.

"Hey, Tumenov, my old buddy, long time no see, how have you been in recent years?" Albuquer said with great enthusiasm.

Tumenov nodded, "Not bad, how about you? I heard you're still in Africa?"

"Yes, I'm still working in an old industry in Africa. Come on, let me introduce you..." Albuquer excitedly introduced Yang Tianlong and the others to Tumenov.

Tumenov was also very hospitable, warmly hugging these guys one by one.

"Guys, try the hand-caught donkey meat here. Don't look at all of you looking dusty and dilapidated now, but I can guarantee that once you eat this donkey meat, you will definitely be extremely refreshed." Tumenov greeted these newly-acquainted guys with enthusiasm.

Riding motorcycles for a long time, and the road is sometimes rough, so they all exhausted a lot of physical strength. Seeing the large pieces of donkey meat and soup on the table, everyone It is to enjoy this delicious food with big mouthfuls.

Yang Tianlong also picked up a large piece of donkey meat, dipped it in the soup, and tasted it carefully. He also felt that the taste was really good. The deliciousness comes.

"These are all made from donkey meat from two or three years ago. First, they are boiled fiercely in a high fire, and then seasonings are added, and then the juice is slowly simmered over a low fire. It takes about half a day to make the soup. I added some local special spices, and the taste is also very good." Tumenov introduced this donkey meat dish to them while talking.

But it seems that there are not many guys who are really listening to him seriously, because the hungry guys have already been conquered by this rare delicacy.

Only Yang Tianlong and a few others looked at Tumenov seriously when he introduced him.

After Tumenov finished speaking, he couldn't help smiling at Yang Tianlong and the others.

After the meal, everyone hardly rested, and Tumenov led them towards a regular hotel in the city.

"Why do we have to enter the city? We can walk around it." Dembele couldn't help but look surprised.

"Man, we can't ride motorcycles." Albuquer said seriously, looking at Dembele.

"Why?" Dembele was very curious.

"Because there will be a lot of militants on the road behind, and it is easy to be spotted on a motorcycle. With the chaos in Afghanistan right now, how many dare to come here?"

After thinking about the words carefully, Dembele nodded slightly, and he seemed to understand something, but he was still very curious, not knowing what kind of transportation they would use next.

Store the motorcycle at the hotel, and Zardo's task is temporarily completed, he needs to wait for Yang Tianlong and the others at the hotel.

The next journey was led by Tumenov.

"Let's take a bus from Kandahar to Karhak every hour. Buses are relatively safe," Tumenov said.

"Man, how many times have you been here?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help looking at Tumenov and asked. In his opinion, taking a bus is a very slow process, which is somewhat different from their idea of ​​quick fixes Conflict.

"I come here a few times a year, and I do business with them, transporting livestock such as cattle, sheep, and horses from Kahak to Kandahar for sale. Although these guys are a bit lazy, they don't seem like good people to the impression. They will still be inspected." Tumenov said seriously.

"Boss, I think this suggestion is good. Let's not be in a hurry right now, especially at this crucial moment." Vasily added as soon as Tumenov's voice fell.

Yang Tianlong had a good time thinking about what he said just now, and he also felt that it made sense.

Now is the time for him, the backbone, to make up his mind.

"Okay, I agree." Yang Tianlong nodded resolutely.

Soon, they walked towards the car passenger transport center.

It is said to be a car passenger transport center, but in fact there is only a loess road the size of a football field, and dozens of dilapidated minibuses are parked there.

The local residents in ragged clothes were waiting for the car there, and when they saw Yang Tianlong and the others, their eyes also looked at them one after another.

After looking at it, everyone suddenly felt a little uncomfortable all over.

 Thank you "I am the wilderness" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother, brother is the first to recommend, reward, support to the younger brother, thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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