Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 800 Really Like a Black Widow

Chapter 800 Really Like a Black Widow

Perhaps because she felt that it was not appropriate to enjoy the shade under a big tree with these rough old men, after waiting for the little girl to drink the drink in the bottle, the young woman nodded gratefully at Tumenov, and then hugged him. After picking up the child, he left in a hurry.

"How did she leave?" Doc asked in surprise.

"Maybe men and women are different." Lion Head said.

Tumenov also explained, "Indeed, the people here are still very traditional and sophisticated. Looking at it this way, we are really embarrassed to drive others out."

"Why don't we let her go," Doc said quickly.

Tumenov shook his head, and said with a serious face, "Dude, there's no need for this one. Even if we let her go, she won't come back."

"Take a break, guys, wait a minute, there are more than 20 kilometers of dirt roads, that thing is terribly bumpy, but don't spit it out, so as not to be ashamed at that time." Yang Tianlong couldn't help reminding.


After buying the ticket and waiting for half an hour, the bus bound for Kahak slowly drove over.

Like the economy of this country, this car looks very dilapidated. At least in China, such a car is absolutely mandatory to be scrapped.

To Yang Tianlong's surprise, that woman was also in the car, and she was sitting next to Tumenov.

However, the car was not full, and the driver didn't bother to pay attention to it. When the departure time came, he quickly started the car and drove in the direction of Kahak.

On the road of more than 20 kilometers out of the city, there are trees on both sides of the road. Although it is not very dense, it is enough to resist the blowing of hot air and the yellow sand outside.

However, after more than 20 kilometers, without the shelter of the big trees, the yellow sand hits the bus one after another under the blowing of the hot wind, which is very regular.

Soon, the whole car was filled with a dry smell of loess.

"Ahem..." The little girl in the young woman's hands seemed to be unable to stand the unpleasant smell in the air, and she couldn't help coughing slightly.

Tumenov glanced at the little girl out of the corner of his eye, and his face was a bit grim. Moreover, the mother and daughter were sitting next to the window, and it happened that the afternoon sun shone from their side, which made it difficult for both A young woman or a little girl looks dry.

"Drink some water, ma'am." Tumenov handed two bottles of water to the young woman again.

The young woman was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head, "No, thank you."

"It's okay, we still have to thank you for making room for us just now, and I'm really sorry to say that." Tumenov said with a smile.

"It's all right," said the young woman.

"Take it, the child must be thirsty." Tumenov has already noticed that the eyes of this cute little girl have been flicking over the drink in his hand. The eyes of a child are the purest and there will be no lies .

The young woman insisted on not wanting it, but she couldn't hold back Tumenov's insistence. She had no choice but to accept two bottles of water. As soon as her daughter unscrewed the bottle caps, the little girl quickly stretched out her hand, and then grabbed the drink and shook her neck. He leaned back and gulped down half of a bottle of water.

"Drink some too." Tumenov said with a smile.

"Thank you, no need." When she said this, the young woman tightly gripped the drink bottle in her hand.

As everyone knows, since Vasily found out that she was in the same car with them, he has been looking at this young woman from the corner of his eye.

To be honest, she is really similar to those black widows.

From time to time Vasily watched the woman...

But Yang Tianlong seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, but in fact he injected his consciousness into Mengdiao and the high-definition electronic map, and he switched back and forth between the two.

He wanted to quickly find the local militant stronghold in Kahak, maybe Mr. Claire was there. After all, he didn't want to wait until he arrived in Kahak before starting to look for Mr. Claire's whereabouts.

However, the Kahak Mountains where Kahak is located stretches for dozens of kilometers, so it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to find the stronghold of militants here, and the difficulty is quite great.

After watching for half an hour, Yang Tianlong felt that his eyes were extremely dry and his eyeballs were swollen and painful. In order to relieve his fatigue, he decided to withdraw his consciousness.

Perhaps all of this still depends on the help of Durul. Durul told them yesterday that he has injected viruses into all the calls in Zakyev's mobile phone belonging to Afghans, and is currently analyzing them.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he suddenly saw the car stop abruptly and stop at a shack.

"Bica is here." The driver said loudly, "If you want to get off the bus, hurry up, and if you need to go to the toilet or buy something, hurry up. We will start again in 5 minutes."

"Everyone get out of the car. There is a military security checkpoint here. Everyone has to go through the security check." The driver said again, "Take your luggage."

"What?" Upon hearing this, Tumenov was taken aback. You must know that when he arrived here half a year ago, no one cared about him at all, let alone the security checkpoint set up by the Mi Army.

What the hell is going on?Tumenov almost stood up in fright.

"Sir, could you please hold the baby for me?" At this moment, the young woman next to Tumenov stood up involuntarily.

"Yes." Tumenov nodded subconsciously.

"Thank you." Before she finished speaking, she put the little girl in Tumenov's arms.

But after walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped.

"Baby, drink water." She unscrewed the bottle cap for her daughter tenderly.

After taking a few glances at her daughter, she quickly got out of the car again, this time with a look of no hesitation.

Vasily, who had been observing from the sidelines, took advantage of the opportunity and hurriedly sat over.

"Man, look at this little girl." Vasily said quickly, frowning.

"Look at what?"

"Look, I suspect she is the Black Widow." Vasily said involuntarily.

"No way." Tumenov was taken aback.

At this moment, Yang Tianlong and the others felt something different happened here after passing the words of the local people and the scene outside the car window.

I looked outside, and sure enough, there was a military security checkpoint next to the shack, where five or six military officers were checking other passengers.

Vasily quickly rummaged through the little girl's pocket, and sure enough, Vasily found a note in the little girl's trouser pocket.

The note was written in Afghan Chinese, which Vasily could not understand.

He had no choice but to pass the note to Tumenov on the side.

After taking the note and looking at it, Tumenov couldn't help being taken aback, and his face changed drastically in an instant.

"Not good..." Tumenov's brows were furrowed, as if some bad luck was about to come.

 Thank you brother "Mingyin 123" for the reward, and thank you brother "Roller 008" for your monthly ticket support, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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