Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 825 Represents the Royal Family

Chapter 825 Represents the Royal Family
In the evening, Bei Lun stayed at Yang Tianlong's house. There were enough rooms and big enough to accommodate these guys.

"Belen, you have to contact Mr. Brad as soon as possible and ask him to send more cargo ships. We have to find a temporary storage place at the dock. The business of lake sand will usher in a blowout explosion." Yang Tianlong After taking a sip of tea, he explained to Belen.

"No problem. I'll contact Brad before I leave tomorrow. Boss, how many tons of lake sand do you think we need to transport?" Bellen couldn't help asking.

Yang Tianlong thought for a while, and then said, "Let's transport 20 to 30 tons first, so that we can maintain the lake sand capacity of Lake Albert at about 100 million tons, but there are indeed excavations downstream. There won’t be much sand coming out of the lake, and it’s estimated that there will be about two months before this golden waterway will be completed, and it will definitely be easier for us to do business by then.”

"Okay, then plan according to the transportation volume of 30 tons." Belen nodded, "Boss, Miss Rosalia helped us open the Yingguo market last time, and it is said that the overall evaluation is not bad. Does the reserve price need to be increased?"

Yang Tianlong didn't answer right away. After thinking for a while, he couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, but the rate of increase should not be too high. I think it should be controlled within 5%. After all, we have just opened up the European beef market."

"Understood, I will do a survey when I get there," Belen said.

"The first thing I told you just now is the first thing, and the second thing is that you explain to your designer friend, let them take the time to take a look at that place in the past two days, and make a specific plan and cost. We can still work with Emim if we can."

"Understood, I'll call them later, please send me the location." Belen said.

"Okay, I'll send it to your phone later." Yang Tianlong said.

"Boss, actually I have another idea." Suddenly, Beren seemed to remember something.

"Tell me." Yang Tianlong admired Belen very much, he knew that this guy was a very adventurous and innovative person.

"Actually, I think this time our beef does not necessarily adopt the dealer model in Europe, but also directly cooperates with shopping malls or restaurants. In this way, we save intermediate costs. If time permits, I would like to investigate both models. "Belen said.

It has to be said that this is indeed a good idea, Yang Tianlong nodded without hesitation, and agreed with Belen on the spot.

"Okay, I'm very relieved of the things entrusted to you, you can just do it boldly." Yang Tianlong said.

"Thank you boss for your trust." Beren nodded with a smile on his face.

This night, Yang Tianlong and Belen chatted very late, and the ideas between the two were constantly exchanging ideas. Although Yang Tianlong is the boss, he still needs to learn too much. Now Claire has been rescued. The situation in Sudan is slowly coming under control. As for the Skeleton Party, it won't be eradicated in a short while.

So it is very likely that while he will be with his family in the future, his work will focus on business development.

Thinking that his life is about to enter the business model, Yang Tianlong asked Bei Lun to recommend some business talents for him to use.

Belen nodded, expressing that he would try his best to recruit excellent talents to serve the boss.

The two chatted until after eleven o'clock in the evening, and they didn't give up until Albuquer and the others came back.

Back in the room, Yang Tianlong began to think about things in his heart.

Right now, his business investment can be said to be quite mixed. From the perspective of business rules, this keeps him in a busy state. Fortunately, all the elites under him are working hard and working hard to create wealth for him.

Scenic spots also require investment. Just like Ermim said, the Africa boom in recent years has created huge business opportunities in Africa. As long as you work hard, there is no problem in making money easily in Africa.

People's desires are always endless, and he is no exception. From thinking about having his own house and a stable job in China, to his current assets of hundreds of millions, Yang Tianlong's goal is to continue to accumulate wealth .

What can greatly increase his wealth at the moment is undoubtedly an oil field worth at least tens of billions of dollars temporarily occupied by Musala's army. Once the weapons and equipment are in place, I believe they will quickly regain that oil field. At that time, they can use the golden waterway to transport a steady stream of oil to all parts of the world.

However, there is no rush for these, and we must lay a solid foundation step by step.

Speaking of oil development, Yang Tianlong reckoned that he still needed Prince Hussein's help. After thinking about it, he decided to contact Bazar the next day and ask whether Prince Hussein's specific trip to Huaxia had been completed. It's confirmed, if it's confirmed, as long as time permits, he can go to Huaxia with Prince Hussein, and tell him about the oil field by the way.


Early the next morning, Yang Tianlong called Bazar.

Bazar looked very happy when he received Yang Tianlong's call, and his tone of voice was full of joy.

After explaining the purpose of coming, Bazar told him that a week later, they will fly directly to Modu from Riedesberg International Airport, the capital of Karta.

"Huaxialong, where are you now? If it's inconvenient, I can send a Boeing 737 to pick you up." Bazar said with a relaxed expression.

"I will be in Berlin at that time. Berlin is very close to Riedersberg. I will fly over at that time. I will ask weakly, will His Royal Highness represent the royal family?"

"Yes, but this time there is also Prince Nuerman." In the words, Bazar has already used the word prince to refer to the former Prince Nuerman. It can be seen that the future king of the country Karta will definitely It's Prince Hussein.

"Why did he follow?" Yang Tianlong was very puzzled.

"There's no way, he's the one who wants to go." Bazar also had a helpless expression on his face.

"Be on the lookout for him," Yang Tianlong said.

"Of course we will, but it is said that Prince Nuerman has found some experts, and Prince Hussein is entrusting me to call you, so that you must accompany him this time."

"Please tell His Royal Highness, I will accompany him this time." Yang Tianlong said.

Hearing Yang Tianlong's swearing, Bazar was naturally happier in his heart, and he even said "very good" several times to express his inner excitement and joy.

The two chatted intimately for a while before hanging up the phone.

Before leaving, he still needs to visit both Liu Shengli and Li Yanhong.

(End of this chapter)

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