Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 833 The Evolutionary History of Greasy Middle-Aged Men

Chapter 833 The Evolutionary History of Greasy Middle-Aged Men
The next day, when Yang Tianlong woke up from his sleep, he found his wife lying quietly beside him, breathing evenly.

Thinking about what his wife told him all night last night, he must be in the process of recovering his body functions right now, so Yang Tianlong was extra cautious when he got up, lest he would disturb his wife.

Putting on the sportswear, Yang Tianlong knew that his father-in-law must be exercising on the roof of the building at this time, and he also needs to keep his body in good function through daily unremitting exercise.

But after he took a few steps towards the rooftop, he suddenly stopped.

He couldn't help but shook his head with a smile on his face, then turned around...

There is another important thing that I almost forgot.

Thinking that the printer had already printed all the wood scanned yesterday, Yang Tianlong hurried towards the study.

Sure enough, the printer has stopped working, and the printed products have been neatly placed in the plane warehouse.

Continue to scan again, after more than ten minutes, scan all the prints of the past few days, and then move the products from the plane warehouse to the online store.

Now there are very few products left in the online store, and most of the wood products have been turned into naked Huaxia coins, lying quietly in Yang Tianlong's bank account.

Randomly extracted a few comments, all of which were positive comments, and many buyers said that the raw materials of this product are wood from the plateau country Tutan, no wonder the quality of the product is much stronger than before.

Among them were several local rich buyers, and Yang Tianlong, who bought millions and tens of millions of dollars at every turn, was stunned.

"What a tyrant." Yang Tianlong closed the online store with a smile on his face, and then strode towards the rooftop.

On the rooftop, Mr. Franlo is training with his body leaning forward. The sweat on his face has been densely covered. The golden sunrise is reflected on Franlo's body. From a distance, it looks like an ancient Roman statue.

Franlo exercised very seriously, he didn't notice Yang Tianlong's arrival at all, he didn't realize until Yang Tianlong came to him.

"Next." Franlo said while handing over the [-]kg dumbbell in his hand to Yang Tianlong.

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, took over the [-]kg dumbbell with ease, and then did the lifting exercise with a calm expression.

"Excellent." When Franlo looked at Yang Tianlong's thick muscles, he couldn't help being amazed. He even squeezed Yang Tianlong's muscles vigorously with his big rough hands. It was really strong.

"It seems that you didn't give up halfway through this exercise." Franlo said while wiping the sweat from his face with a towel.

"It's okay, sometimes I will let it go occasionally." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Persistence is the last word." Franlo said.

"Yes, persistence is the most important thing in everything, but sir, your body is also very good." Yang Tianlong praised.

"Haha, that happened in the past two years. In fact, I used to be a greasy middle-aged man. Later, I felt that if I didn't work hard, I wouldn't even have the chance to be a role model for the children. So after that, I I started working out, exercising, not to mention, the effect is really good, I feel that my physical function is very good now, and it is no different from a man in his 30s."

"Your role model is really good. I think your three children are all excellent."

"Haha, in fact, this is the result of their mother's good education and their own hard work. To be honest, I seldom take care of my two daughters, because at that time I often went on business trips to shoot in the wild, basically relying on my wife Come to educate and manage, but I have disciplined Jonny a lot, but this guy still doesn't follow me." Franlo laughed at himself humbly.

"Johnny is also good enough. There are very few young people of his age who can become the royal photographer of stars in the photography world." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"You're talking about Miss Letty, right?" Franlo suddenly laughed.

Yang Tianlong was taken aback, then he nodded quickly, "Yes, I'm talking about Miss Ratty."

"The last time Jonny was asked to go to South Sudan with Miss Ratti, he seemed to have offended her. Fortunately, I am familiar with Miss Ratti's agent, so that Ratti would not lose her temper."

"I've seen that star, and he really has a very temper. It can't be completely blamed on Johnny. Everyone has their own principles."

"Yes, so Johnny seems to have come to his senses recently, and his mother and I are very pleased." Franlo said.

"Young people, it is inevitable that they will make some mistakes on the road of growth, just correct them."

"That's right, but don't make mistakes that can ruin a person's life, otherwise, it will be very difficult for God to save you." Franlo said seriously.

Just as the two of them were chatting vigorously, suddenly, Mrs. Sophia came up with a smile on her face.

After saying hello, Mrs. Sophia turned her attention to her husband, "Sir, Linka and John are coming back tonight."

"They're back?" Franlo was taken aback.

Sophia nodded, "Yes, Linka is going to give birth next week, and they also think that Berlin has good medical conditions, so come here."

"These two children should have said earlier that we have to prepare rooms for them in a hurry today." Franlo said.

"The rooms are all ready-made. I bought quilts and sheets last time. Let's just wash them." Mrs. Sophia said.

"Madam is still thoughtful, I thought there were none of these homes." Franlo smiled a little embarrassedly, "That's simple, just let Johnny do it later, Hua Xialong, you will talk to me in the morning I'm going to the hospital."

"Okay." Although Yang Tianlong didn't know why he went to the hospital, he felt that Franlo must have something to do, otherwise, he wouldn't have called him.

Sure enough, during breakfast, Mr. Franlo explained the reason for going to the hospital, that is, to book a bed at the Eduard Hospital in Berlin.

This is a hospital that enjoys a high reputation all over the world, and it is exclusively open to pregnant women. Many international celebrities will choose to give birth in this hospital.

After having breakfast and chatting with his wife for a while, Yang Tianlong followed Mr. Franlo and drove straight to Edward Hospital.

However, in the underground parking lot of the hospital, Yang Tianlong saw a familiar figure again.

(End of this chapter)

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