Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 850 The children finally came to this world

Chapter 850 The children finally came to this world
After a period of busy preparations, Yang Tianlong and the others sent Elena to Edward Hospital three days before his wife Elena gave birth.

Yang Tianlong never left his wife for a single step, and guarded his wife tightly every day.

Elena's stomach hurts from time to time, in order to relieve his wife's pain, Yang Tianlong found a collection of jokes and told his wife.

Eileen's face was peachy when she heard this joke, and even the pain in her stomach eased a lot.

It has to be said that the hospital's medical technology is really powerful. They detected the accurate birth time of the child through advanced equipment. At around [-] o'clock that night, Elena was pushed into the operating room.

"Doctor, is she going to give birth?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help but looked at the elderly obstetrician and gynecologist and said.

The serious-looking female doctor couldn't help but nodded, and then brought Yang Tianlong in front of an instrument, "The fetus will come out in one hour. According to the data detected so far, the indicators are all normal. If there is no accident, You'll see the kids in an hour and a half, congratulations, twins."

In fact, the doctors at Edward Hospital did not test the sex of the fetus, so she could only tell Yang Tianlong that they were twins.

Seeing that all his wife's indicators were normal and the doctor's face was extremely calm, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Son, it's okay." Mr. Franlo looked at Yang Tianlong and said comfortingly.

Mrs. Sophia didn't say a word. She gave birth to three children and knew that childbirth was definitely a hell for a woman.

She even couldn't help praying silently for her beloved daughter from the bottom of her heart.

Linka's child has been born. They returned home a few days ago. In order to take care of the child, she and John did not come to the hospital.

And Jonny followed Elena to Paris Fashion Week, and they couldn't visit Elena in the hospital.However, the sister and brother love each other deeply, so Jonny still recorded a blessing video in the message to Yang Tianlong.

This blessing video is said to be watched after the children are born.

Everything was spent in waiting and suffering, Yang Tianlong kept walking up and down the corridor, Franlo stood by the window, looking closely at the bright moonlight outside; and Mrs. Sophia was slightly With her head lowered, she was still silently praying for her beloved daughter...

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, there was a burst of crisp crying from the baby in the operating room, which hit Yang Tianlong's heart like the sound of nature.

"My child..." Yang Tianlong was startled suddenly, and looked at his father-in-law with joy.

"The child is born." Franlo also suddenly laughed.

Mrs. Sophia let out a sigh of relief, God bless, mother and child are safe...

Twenty minutes later, the same gray-haired obstetrician and gynecologist came out, and she looked relaxed.

Taking off the mask, the doctor showed a satisfied smile,

"Congratulations, mother and child are safe, they are twins, very cute and cute."

After all, the experienced female doctor stretched out her hand and expressed her blessings to them.

"Thank you..." Yang Tianlong became incoherent with excitement, his eyes were already filled with tears, as long as he was a little more excited, the tears would roll out.

"Thank you..." Mrs. Sophia, who is also a woman, embraced the female doctor tightly.

"Can we go in and have a look now?" Yang Tianlong asked, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

The female doctor nodded, "Of course, but you shouldn't stay inside for too long, she needs a good rest."

"Understood, thank you doctor." After saying this, Yang Tianlong quickly ran into the operating room.

Franco followed closely behind with Madame Sophia...

On the hospital bed, Eileen's face was pale. It could be seen that the birth of these two children almost exhausted her whole body strength, and she needed a good rest.

"Honey, don't talk, have a good rest, thank you..." Yang Tianlong said and kissed Elena's forehead gently.

The sweat on her forehead hadn't completely dried off, after kissing her forehead, Yang Tianlong carefully took out the towel and slowly wiped off the sweat on Elena's face.

"These two little guys are so cute." Franlo and Sofia looked at the two little guys in the baby cradle next to them kindly.

Yang Tianlong also searched for the sound and looked at the past, only to see two rosy-faced babies trying to open their eyes and look at this strange world.

They all have long eyelashes, big eyes, high nose bridges, and a skin color that is very close to Yang Tianlong's skin color...

"My child..." Yang Tianlong smiled at the two cute little guys, then pouted his lips and made a grimace.

"Giggle..." The two children looked very smart, and they were suddenly amused by their father's grimace.

"The two children look exactly the same, which one is the boy?" Faced with the two identical children, Franlo was caught in a dilemma for a while.

Sophia was careful, she pointed to the slightly smaller child and said, "This should be Gianni."

"Really? How do you know?" Franlo said curiously.

"Because Gianni's stature is definitely not as big as a boy's, and her eyelashes are also longer." Mrs. Sophia observed very carefully, and Yang Tianlong and Franlo couldn't help admiring after hearing it.

But is Madame Sophia right?
Yang Tianlong cast his eyes on Elena who had been quietly listening to their speech on the hospital bed.

Elena's body was still very weak, seeing her husband cast a questioning look at her, she couldn't help but nodded.

"The one next to you is Phyllis, Mr. Francois, Mrs. Sophia, who do you think Gianni looks more like?"

Franlo and Mrs. Sophia told Yang Tianlong at the same time that girls are more like him, and boys are more like Elena.

"In China, girls are like fathers and boys are like mothers, which means that the children will have good fortune in this life." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Really? But they are really blessed." The more Franlo looked at the two grandchildren, the more he liked them, especially this kind of mixed race with great cultural differences. They are really beautiful.

If there is no accident, Phyllis will definitely be a handsome guy in the future, while Gianni will be a beautiful woman.

"Huaxia Dragon, do you Huaxia women have to confine themselves to confinement after giving birth?" Suddenly, Madam Sophia couldn't help asking. (Thanks for the lonely reading of novels, etc., for updating my brother’s monthly pass, thank you, brother)

(End of this chapter)

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