Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 872 I Will Be Your Little Brother

Chapter 872 I Will Be Your Little Brother
But they ran into trouble in the parking lot outside the night market.

Dozens of guys with knives and sticks seemed to have been waiting in the underground parking lot for a long time. After seeing Yang Tianlong and Lion Head, these guys quickly threw the cigarette butts in their hands towards the ground, and immediately All of them strode towards them with cruel faces.

Yang Tianlong and the others were startled, they never expected that the owner of the night market would set up an ambush in the underground parking lot.

However, after a moment of surprise, they all became calm. This kind of scene is not uncommon in their lives.

"Kill..." The opponents are also a group of young people aged eighteen or nineteen. Although many of these young people have thin arms and legs, they are full of vigor when they fight, and they have a kind of The tenacity of not letting the opponent die is definitely not good at letting go.

After a loud roar, I saw this group of gangsters waving knives and sticks and rushing towards Yang Tianlong and the others like a death squad.

"Fuck..." The opponent's yell could not help but arouse the blood of everyone on Yang Tianlong's side.

They quickly dispersed.

The punks also rushed in shouting.

But they seem to be useless, Yang Tianlong and the others are all seasoned masters, and after less than ten rounds, these little bastards lay on the ground crying and howling.

There were still three guys left in the opponent, and they were also stunned. They didn't expect the opponent's combat power to be so tough.

But in an instant, they all took out pistols from their arms in unison.

"Hurry up and hide." Yang Tianlong yelled, and all the people quickly dispersed and hid in the underground parking lot.

"Bang bang bang..." The opponent fired several gunshots, aimlessly shooting at the wall.

"Damn it, they actually brought guns." Dapeng frowned uncontrollably, and subconsciously pulled his hands out of his pockets. Unexpectedly, he found out that he didn't bring a gun when he went out today.

Not only did Da Pong not carry a gun, even his little brothers didn't bring anything today.

The footsteps of the other party began to move slowly in the underground parking lot, and they were very careful with every step.

Lion Head also subconsciously searched for his hidden weapon in his pocket, but after searching for a long time, he found nothing.

What about Huaxia Dragon?

Suddenly, Lion Head suddenly realized that Yang Tianlong was not by his side, and he began to worry about Yang Tianlong's personal safety.

Yang Tianlong hid in a corner by himself just now. After hiding, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then stretched out his hand to...

Super electric baton.

Looking at the super electric baton in his arms, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smile, such a handy guy, he hasn't used it for a long time.

He doesn't need to stand up and fight the opponent face to face, he even needs to lie on the ground, and after finding the target, lightly press the switch button.

Lying on the ground, Yang Tianlong searched for the opponent's footsteps through the densely packed tires.

Not long after, he really found the opponent's footsteps moving in the passage not far away.

With a slight smile, he flicked the switch lightly, and there were two hissing sounds, and the guy fell to the ground in response.

"What's wrong?" The other two hurriedly said in Dai language.

They quickly approached the guy who fell just now, Yang Tianlong was not polite this time, and pressed lightly on the two guys, and then the two guys fell to the ground in response.

Lion Head and Da Peng were also very surprised. They heard the sound of someone falling to the ground just now, but they didn't hear the gunshot. What's going on?

"Come out, I've dealt with them." Yang Tianlong patted his palms lightly, and walked out of the corner calmly.

Lion Head and Dapeng understood at once, and they quickly got out from their respective hiding places. Sure enough, at the passage, they found that the three guys had passed out on the ground.

Da Peng was extremely surprised, "What happened to them?"

"They were stunned by this thing." Yang Tianlong said while throwing the super electric baton in his hand to Dapeng.

"What is this?" Da Peng couldn't help but look at the thing that looked like a baton, "Electric baton?"

"Yes, the electric baton, the effective electric shock range can reach within 15 meters." Yang Tianlong said with a relaxed face.

"So powerful?" Da Peng seemed to be very interested in this thing, and he couldn't help looking at the guys who were still howling on the ground not far away.

"Of course, why don't you give it a try." Yang Tianlong said to Dapeng.

Dapeng nodded, and then pointed the electric baton in his hand at a struggling guy on the ground.

"Don't, don't..." The guy noticed at a glance that Dapeng was holding a thing in his hand and pointing at himself. Subconsciously, he quickly waved his hand and begged for mercy. If it was a pistol, then he would be finished.

"Really?" Da Peng smiled slightly.

"Yes, brother, don't shoot." The guy sure enough thought it was a pistol.

"Hey, it's a pity that what you say doesn't count." Da Peng smiled slightly, and then pressed the switch.

There were two soft hissing sounds, and the guy fell to the ground in an instant.

The rest of the guys were also very frightened, and they all quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Go back and tell your boss that this matter is over, and no one will commit any crimes." After saying this, Dapeng did not target other people, but put away the super electric baton.

This is really an artifact, and Da Peng couldn't put it down with a look on his face.

On the car back to the hotel, Lion Head couldn't help but looked at Da Peng and asked, "Old man, are you really going to leave it like this?"

Da Peng snorted coldly, shook his head, and said, "How is it possible, they almost killed me, I must kill them all, at worst, I will not come to Slow Valley in the future, but go to the Golden Triangle."

"This is the you I know." Lion Head smiled slightly.

"After you finish that vote, I'll bring my brothers to kill them." Da Peng said with a vicious look on his face.

"Maybe we can be together." Yang Tianlong also spoke at this time.

"Together?" Da Peng froze for a moment.

"Yes, after finishing this vote, I will never set foot on the land of Dai again." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Okay, I will go to Africa with you in the future." Dapeng said with a hearty smile.

"Going to Africa to sell drugs?"

"No, be a militant." Dapeng shook his head resolutely, "I don't want you to look down on me as a drug dealer. After arriving in Africa, I will start a new life and resolutely not sell drugs and hang out with you."

Da Peng also learned from the words of the lion's head that Yang Tianlong has a good armed force in Africa, which is much more prestigious than him as a drug dealer, so he also decided to be Yang Tianlong's younger brother after arriving in Africa.

Leaving aside anything else, he absolutely worshiped him just a few times in the underground garage.

(End of this chapter)

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