Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 874 Looking for Apusa

Chapter 874 Looking for Apusa
Regarding the question about the lion's head, Yang Tianlong and the others didn't even have to answer it, and the heads-down masters automatically helped him answer it.

It turns out that their head-down masters also have magic tools. As long as the magic tools are there, they can sense whether there are other head-down masters in the [-] kilometers around.

From the map, those islands are all within 80 kilometers from the three islands of Sera.

"Didn't Apsa sense someone approaching?" Lion Head couldn't help asking.

"This problem is easy to solve. Once they sense the presence of Apsa, they leave quickly and return to Kalimantan Island, so that Apsa will not arouse suspicion. It's a guy passing by."

Upon hearing the explanation, Lion Head found it reasonable, so he couldn't help but nodded.

Soon, Yang Tianlong and the others gathered together again. He divided the work among the head-down masters, and each head-down master was assigned to several small islands.

After dividing the work and explaining the precautions, tomorrow's arrangement will be like this.

From Mingdulu to Sera Sand Island, according to a reasonable itinerary, they all need at least one day.

This requires vehicles, ferries and other means of transportation.

Da Peng handed over these matters to a younger brother who seemed very clever, and patted his chest to express that there was no problem at all.

After dealing with all this, Yang Tianlong and the others briefly chatted for a while, and then they each returned to their rooms.

In the room, he provided the application for the flight route to the Super Flying Club. His special plane will take off early tomorrow morning, and the destination is Slow Valley. Come here, and then go to cast spells.

After finishing all the work, Yang Tianlong had time to rest. He watched video with his wife for more than an hour, and dealt with the emails sent by Belen, Xili, Hansa and Vasily.

Right now, all the beef cattle have been taken care of. For the beef cattle alone, Yang Tianlong has received nearly 5000 million US dollars in his bank account, and the new beef cattle will soon be transported from Australia to the high mountain pastures in Bunia or Ethiopia.

The lake sand business is also in full swing. Due to Rondobe's intervention, those foreign builders in Kinshasa dare not play tricks at all. As a result, Yang Tianlong's lake sand has risen a bit, and the supply is almost in short supply. status.

Domestic construction companies are even more powerful, and they have signed orders of hundreds of thousands of tons.

Vasily also sent their combat plan to Yang Tianlong. This combat plan, code-named "Operation Winter", plans to start operations at the end of the year.

Yang Tianlong was a little surprised by the so-called "Operation Winter" code name, but as he read the battle plan in depth, he quickly understood what was going on.

It turns out that although South Sudan is also located in the hot African continent, the altitudes of Musala and General Sadin are at least 500+, plus the dense jungle, so at night or when the weather is bad, the local In fact, the temperature will become very low. In the cold climate, the enemy will be more or less paralyzed in thought.

It was less than 20 days before Vasily and the others launched their attack. In the combat plan, weapons and equipment were also specifically mentioned. Judging from the strength of both sides, Yang Tianlong and the others did not have the upper hand at all.

"Five days later, I will definitely go to Bunia, and I will replenish your equipment at that time. At the same time, I also ask General Sardin to strengthen ties with the government forces. At that time, the two sides will jointly put pressure on Musala." Yang Tianlong quickly wrote in the email The middle replied Vasily.

After replying to Vasily, he opened his account involuntarily. Right now, his accounts add up to about 1.5 million US dollars, but he will definitely not use all of the 1.5 million US dollars. He will use 7000-8000 million US dollars, estimated It should be able to take the initiative in the war. It is best to drive Musala's army 200 kilometers away. In that case, their oil fields can be drilled with confidence.

Tanks, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns, armored vehicles, unmanned attack aircraft, individual combat weapons, helicopters...these are estimated to be around 8000 million US dollars.

Looking forward to a hearty victory for them.

After finishing all the work, it was getting late, and after a simple shower, Yang Tianlong lay down on the bed to rest.

On the bed, he didn't bother to pay attention to other things, and let his mind relax.

When I woke up, it was exactly 07:30 in the morning.

After breakfast, I saw a fleet of off-road vehicles ready to go at the entrance of the hotel.

"Let's go." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly at the guys.

Immediately, he opened the car door gracefully and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

The drivers of the off-road vehicles are composed of local people. They are very familiar with the climate, environment, and traffic of the tropical rainforest. Therefore, apart from the rough roads along the way, they did not encounter any more problems.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, they finally arrived at the port. At the port, they bought a boat ticket to the Sala San Islands. At six o'clock in the evening, they finally arrived at the Sala San Islands.

Originally, the head-down masters wanted to find Apusa's whereabouts at night, but they were stopped by Yang Tianlong. The reason is very simple. The ferry at night has stopped operating. If they rented a speedboat, they would definitely be found. of.

After listening to a head-down master, he couldn't help but took out the magic weapon.

At this time, I saw that the magic weapon in his hand showed a different kind of colorful light.

Yang Tianlong and the others were stunned for a moment.

The heads-down masters were also stunned.

"Could it be that Apsa's place is within the range of 50 kilometers?" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Soon, all the lower-head masters took out their magic weapons, and sure enough, all of their magic weapons were shining with light.

Seeing that Apsa was indeed nearby, they took out the map and searched for it within a radius of 50 kilometers.

Right now, there are not many eligible islands, but only three.

And according to the descendants, if Apsa gets closer to them, the light of the magic weapon will become brighter. Judging from the current brightness of the magic weapon, it should be one of the islands.

The straight-line distance of this island from Sera Sam Island is 10 kilometers.

Seeing that it was so close, everyone suddenly became excited, and they looked forward to finding out tomorrow.

See if Apsa is on that island.

(End of this chapter)

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