Chapter 882
In the storm, these paper-cut eagles not only had nothing to do, even Yang Tianlong could clearly hear their long beaks moving up and down and making a crackling sound.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help being terrified when he heard this voice.

The eagles quickly flapped their wings and flew towards Yang Tianlong in the wind and rain.

Yang Tianlong wasn't panicked at all. He waited for the paper-cut eagles to enter the range of flame spraying, and then raised the flame launcher with a smile on his face.

"Boom..." The long fire dragon sprayed out all of a sudden, interweaving with the rain in the air, forming a unique and beautiful scenery.

These paper-cut eagles were instantly turned into ashes under the thousand-degree heat of the flamethrower.

Cannes, who was still practicing in the cabin, couldn't help feeling flustered and out of breath. He couldn't even control his internal strength, so he couldn't help but open his mouth wide and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The expression on Cannes' face became extremely painful.

However, the more painful thing is yet to come. Yang Tianlong didn't leave him a chance. He shot the window fiercely with the M16, but quickly raised the flame launcher, and the fire dragon passed through the broken glass towards It got in all of a sudden.

Cannes was caught off guard, and his eyes were shot by flames all of a sudden.

"Ah..." Cannes couldn't help but screamed in pain, and then his body staggered and fell backwards.

Yang Tianlong adjusted the power of the flame launcher to the maximum again with a ferocious face, and the fire dragon got in again.

The flames of the flame kept running wildly inside, and within a short time, the whole cabin was on fire.

Through the thick flames, Yang Tianlong could vaguely see the way Cannes was burned up and down inside.

This seemed to confirm the sentence, "No matter how good your martial arts are, you are afraid of kitchen knives."

The fire was gradually extinguished, and everything returned to calm. Lion Head and the others also rushed over at this time, and they couldn't help being surprised when they saw the cabin turned into ashes in front of them.

"That guy was burned to death inside."

"What did you do? Old man." Lion Head said in surprise.

Yang Tianlong shook his head calmly, pointed to the night sky where the moon had been revealed, and said, "God did it."

"It deserves to be taken by the sky." The lion's head said happily.

Da Peng seemed to be a little unbelievable that a head-subduing master disappeared like this, so he couldn't help calling a head-subduing master and asked him to go to the ashes to see if there was that guy's charred body.

Sure enough, as soon as the lower head teacher approached, he saw the guy's charred body at first glance, and even his magic weapon could be seen.

The magic weapon was still a little hot, and the lower head master naturally didn't dare to pick it up casually, but after a while, he made an admirable move, I saw him unzipping his trousers and urinating The liquid was spilled on the magic vessel.

Both Yang Tianlong and Lion Head were taken aback, and asked Dapeng with a rather puzzled expression, this guy is too dirty.

Unexpectedly, Da Peng laughed, "It's right for him to do this, let that guy's ghost never be reborn forever."

Seeing that this was the case, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

At this time, a head-down master found a rather majestic-looking rooster from nowhere.

The rooster stood on his arm quite docilely, and the lower head teacher gently stroked the feathers of the big cock. Suddenly, he gently raised his arm, and saw the big cock suddenly It just flew out.

"Oh..." The big cock crowed suddenly.

"Not bad." Yang Tianlong smiled and said, "Let's go back and see if the delay Gu on that guy's body has been unlocked."

Everyone nodded, and hurriedly followed behind him towards the hotel.

The lion head said to Dapeng proudly: "Man, how is it? Huaxialong is a very amazing guy."

Da Pong nodded with a sincere expression of conviction, "That's true, he is almost my idol now."

"Haha..." Lion Head smiled heartily.

When they arrived at the hotel, those guys were still quite violent. The head-down master released the big cock brought out again, and the clear and crisp crowing sound of the big cock pierced the sky.

"Whoa whoa……"

Those guys who were hit by the delay Gu seemed to be hit by some external force, and they couldn't help shaking from top to bottom.

Then one by one became quite dazed.

"What happened?" The shop owner looked at the chaotic scene in front of him, as if he woke up from a sleep.

"You have been hit by the time-delay Gu of the head-down master." Yang Tianlong said calmly.

"Ah..." The shop owner was taken aback, he couldn't help but look left and right again, only then was he convinced that the common people on the island were indeed bewitched.

"Who is playing the trick?"

"It has been condemned by God."

"It's right, let's go, let's flog the corpse." The residents on the island were quite angry. Even if the head-down master died, they vowed to flog the corpse.

Regardless of Yang Tianlong's reassurance, the residents walked quickly towards the destination with righteous indignation on their faces.

Looking at the mess in the house, the shop owner couldn't help but sighed softly.

"We will pay for the loss." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

"Huh?" The store owner was taken aback.

"1 dollars." Yang Tianlong said while taking out 1 dollars to him.

The store owner was a little afraid to pick it up.

"Take it, they are targeting us." Yang Tianlong smiled.

"They?" The store owner frowned.

"Yes, the big boss is on that deserted island, and we will clean him up tomorrow." Yang Tianlong said while helping the shop owner to lift up the tables and chairs that fell under his feet.

Driven by him, everyone soon helped to pack up the hotel.

However, there were some places that couldn't be tidied up right away. Seeing that it was getting late, they all went back to the room after tidying up.

As soon as he got back into the room, the light came on all of a sudden.

The sky outside also revealed the bright moonlight. In this quiet night, the crescent moon looked so pure.

It was already one o'clock in the morning, and everyone was a little tired, even Yang Tianlong was no exception. After lying on the bed for a long time, he fell into a deep sleep.

It was as if everything in the outside world had nothing to do with him.

The residents of the island kept whipping the corpse until dawn before giving up.

This head-down master was so hateful that many of them suffered minor injuries to their bodies and heads.

(End of this chapter)

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