Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 917 Sea View Villa

Chapter 917 Sea View Villa
This time Bazar brought the Rolls-Royce fleet, six golden Rolls-Royces lined up on the side of the tarmac.

After Mr. Franlo and Mrs. Sofia saw the Rolls-Royce motorcade, they couldn't help being surprised. They didn't expect that after returning to Reedsburg, there would be such a big battle among local friends.

After a warm hug and a grand introduction at the airport, Mr. Franlo realized that the guy just now was Prince Hussein's chief butler.

The country of Karta is already rich. Their capital Reedsburg is a seaside city like Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Both cities are built on dollars and are known as the two pearls in the desert.

The urban construction of Reedsburg is no worse than that of Dubai, and some places are even more prosperous than Dubai. After all, this is the capital, but Dubai is not the capital of the United Arab Emirates.

The convoy passed through a corner of the urban area, where countless skyscrapers soared into the sky, Mercedes-Benz and BMW were the most common in the city, and tall palm trees were planted on both sides of the wide streets.

If you don't distinguish carefully, sometimes you really don't know whether you are in Rydesburg or Dubai.

The convoy drove into the city quickly, and after 10 minutes, it quickly drove out of the city and went straight to Yang Tianlong's villa by the sea.

Previously, Yang Tianlong and the others had only seen this villa in pictures, but now they are actually going to move in, so he and his wife Elena are full of expectations.

Less than 10 minutes after the convoy drove out of the city, it stopped in a villa area.

There are armed guards at the door.

Seeing that it was Mr. Bazar, the guard at the gate hurriedly gave a military salute respectfully, and the convoy filed in.

Finally, he stopped in front of a brand new villa closest to the sea.

The villa is surrounded by palm trees or coconut trees, creating a lush scene.

Bazar got out of the car first, followed by Yang Tianlong and the others.

"Old man, that three-story villa is your home." Pointing to the three-story villa behind him, Bazar said with a smile on his face.

"It's more beautiful than I imagined." Yang Tianlong said with a smile. He knew that there was a swimming pool in the backyard of the villa, and there was a garden of several hundred square meters beside it.

"Why don't you go in and take a rest first, and let's go to the restaurant in the city center later." Bazar said with a smile.

"Okay." Yang Tianlong nodded.

As soon as the master finally moved in, the eight servants serving him came to the villa one after another. These eight servants were three men and five women. Two men were drivers, one was a cook, and the woman was a cleaner.

"Hello, master." Seeing Yang Tianlong and the others, the eight servants said in unison.

Yang Tianlong had never encountered this situation before, and he couldn't help being startled by the sudden sound.

"Hello." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"They are all very loyal servants, and the files at home have also been filed," Bazar said.

"Old man, I don't worry about your work." Yang Tianlong said to Bazar with a grateful face.

"I don't worry about your handling of the matter. His Royal Highness is very happy with that matter." Bazar said softly.

"It is my honor to serve His Highness the Prince." Yang Tianlong replied.

The two walked into the living room on the first floor while talking.

The first floor has a living room, study, kitchen, chess and card room, and dining room; the second floor has two master bedrooms with living rooms, and two secondary bedrooms with bathrooms; the third floor has a small cinema, office, and study.The roof is a hanging garden...

All are selected the best brand furniture, low-key yet luxurious.

Even Franlo and Sofia, who have seen the big world, couldn't help but express their admiration for the decoration and design of this villa.

"Sir, I'm afraid it was designed by the French?" Mr. Franlo said to Bazar with a smile.

Bazar nodded and gave Franlo a thumbs up, "Sir, you really have a discerning eye. The design of the villa was designed by the French Times Architectural Design Company, and the house decoration is a German company."

"Very good." Franco nodded.

"The picture on the wall?" Suddenly, Franlo's eyes froze on the picture on the wall.

It was a photo of the Alps. The snow-capped mountains, forests, meadows, dwellings, and lakes presented in the photo were integrated by the photographer from an extremely ingenious angle. Green, very aesthetic, simple dwellings, yet warm, lakes and mountains, waves...

"This is a photo taken by the famous photographer Mr. Franlo more than ten years ago. We obtained the film for US$20." Bazar explained with a smile.

Franlo smiled slightly, and he also saw that this photo was made by himself.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help laughing.

Bazar looked at Yang Tianlong puzzled.

"Old man, the photo was taken by my father-in-law." Yang Tianlong said.

"Really?" Bazar didn't think of this at all.

Yang Tianlong nodded, "Of course it's true, if you don't believe me, you can ask him."

Without waiting for Bazar to ask, Franlo nodded, "Yes, I waited for two days on the mountainside opposite the chilly spring, watching the sunrise until the clouds opened, and finally took this photo, but I Later, I had a fever for nearly a week."

"It turned out to be from the hands of Mr. No wonder the photo gives people a feeling of Shangri-La, disrespectful and disrespectful." Bazar said apologetically.

"It's okay, looking at it this way, we are also destined." Bazar said with a smile.

"Looking at it this way, it's true." Bazar said with a smile.

Since there was still an hour before dinner, Bazar did not leave, and he sat alone in the living room.

And Yang Tianlong followed his wife and parents-in-law to the bedroom on the second floor.

Just two master bedrooms.

There is a living room and a study in the master bedroom, and all the furniture in the room are made of solid wood.

After looking around the bedroom with his wife, both Yang Tianlong and Elena couldn't help being amazed. This villa is much more luxurious than their villas in Berlin, Addis Ababa, or even Kinshasa. few.

Phyllis and Gianni are very curious about this new home, and have been looking at this strange new home with curious eyes along the way.

They didn't carry much luggage, and after a brief tidying up, his wife Elena started breastfeeding Phyllis and Gianni.

But Yang Tianlong walked out of the bedroom and came to the living room to accompany Bazar.

(End of this chapter)

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