Chapter 942
Yang Tianlong glanced at Tosor, and this guy's eyes were full of despair.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Yang Tianlong patted Tosor's shoulder lightly and said.

"Damn it, someone must have played tricks, otherwise, the cover would not have been closed." The lion's head hit the cover hard with a fist.

"We have to think of a way to escape right now." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

"This place is almost completely a secret room, how do we think about this?" Lion's head looked angry.

"Maybe there is a porch or a vent here." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

"It's possible, let's go find it separately?" Lion Head suggested.

Everyone nodded, and soon split up to search for it.

However, after searching around, there was no other exit except for a vent in the basement.

"Where is the vent? Take us to see it." Yang Tianlong said excitedly.

"The vent is small, about the size of a bucket," Tosor said.

"It's okay, take us to have a look." Yang Tianlong said.

"Okay." Not knowing what this guy could do, Tosor had no choice but to bring Yang Tianlong and Lion Head to the vent.

Sure enough, on the wall, they saw the bucket-sized vent.

It's just that there is an exhaust fan installed in the vent.

"Tear it down." Yang Tianlong said decisively.

"You want to crawl out of it?" Lion Head was taken aback.

Yang Tianlong didn't answer the lion's head directly, but continued: "Tear it down."

The lion head didn't ask any more questions, and soon moved a cabinet with Tosor. Yang Tianlong climbed up the cabinet, took the knife from the lion head, and quickly pointed the sharp tip of the knife at the nut of the nut. Location.

With a slight turn, the nut embedded in the exhaust fan turned slightly.

Not long after, Yang Tianlong took off the exhaust fan.

Tosor was right. The hole where the exhaust fan was located was about the size of a bucket. It was absolutely impossible for his head to get in, and his body to follow.

At first Yang Tianlong thought about releasing the unmanned attack aircraft, but there was no signal at this place, and releasing it was useless.

Right now, he might be able to think of using the giant python that has been curled up in the warehouse of the plane.

After a rough estimate, according to the physique of the giant python, it should be able to get in easily.

"There seems to be some lighted place outside, you all turn off the lights quickly." Yang Tianlong made an excuse and said to Lion Head and the others.

As soon as they heard that there was a place with lights, Tosor and Lion Head quickly turned off the lights.

The entire basement was suddenly plunged into darkness, and Yang Tianlong also took advantage of this opportunity to quickly release the giant python from the plane warehouse.

"Sorry, I got it wrong." Yang Tianlong couldn't help saying apologetically after finishing all the work.

"No?" Lion Head asked hastily.

"No." Yang Tianlong said as he jumped down.

"Then what should we do?" Lion Head couldn't help asking after seeing Yang Tianlong jumping down from the cabinet.

"Wait a minute, I have to remember it carefully." After Yang Tianlong said this, he closed his eyes slightly,
Tosor was really surprised that Huaxialong could still close his eyes slightly at this time, which is considered a talent.

When Yang Tianlong closed his eyes slightly, he instantly injected his own consciousness into the mind of the giant python. Right now, it can be said that he is using his own mind to control the giant python.

Although the weather outside was very cold and the giant python's body became a little stiff, but Yang Tianlong's persistence and persistence were helpless, so he could only crawl forward desperately.

Not long after, the giant python came to a barbed wire fence. Through the barbed wire, you could see a little bit of starlight above it. It seemed that the giant python had come to the open space in the yard now.

I couldn't help but see that the giant python opened its mouth wide and bit its sharp teeth towards the rusty barbed wire.

"Quack..." After a few clicks, the barbed wire was bitten off.

Then, the giant python slowly crawled out from the underground passage.

According to the route track, the giant python crawled over the turf, then turned over the window, and finally, the giant python came to the position of the cover.

Now Yang Tianlong was dumbfounded, the cover was pressed by an extremely thick safe.

No wonder they couldn't lift the cover with all their strength just now, so that's what happened.

The body of the giant python curled up against the safe at once, and then the giant python moved its body slowly, and under its powerful carrying, the heavy safe was finally moved away bit by bit.

Lion Head and Tosor heard the sound of the object above their heads moving, and their eyes began to spread with incomparable fear. This sound made their ears uncomfortable.

The lion head couldn't help but glanced at Yang Tianlong from the corner of his eye, seeing him still with his eyes slightly closed, he didn't speak any more, but kept staring closely at the top of his head.

Finally, the giant python also took a lot of effort, and it finally moved the heavy safe.

After Yang Tianlong used his consciousness to control the giant python to hide, he couldn't help but opened his eyes all of a sudden.

"Lion Head, go try that cover." Yang Tianlong said to Lion Head.

Lion Head was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded involuntarily. He strode forward and put his hands on the cover at once.

Sure enough, the cover was slowly moved away.

"You can move now." The lion's head was surprised.

Tosor also felt extremely surprised, and he also ran over quickly to help the lion head move the cover away.

"Old man, did you do it?" Lion Head couldn't help looking at Yang Tianlong below and asked.

"I didn't do it, but I believe in God's will." Yang Tianlong smiled slightly.

"So amazing?" Tosor also looked at Yang Tianlong with an extremely incredible expression.

"It's so amazing." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Let's go, there must be someone messing with this shit." The lion's head climbed up with an indignant expression.

Tosor followed closely behind, and Yang Tianlong was still the last one in the rear.

"Guys, there must be someone hiding in the downstairs on the third floor. Let's act separately, one person at a time, and we must find out the black hand behind the scenes." Lion Head said looking at the extremely dark corridor.

Tosor nodded vigorously, "I agree with Lion's Head's suggestion. If we are still acting together, we will definitely give the black hand behind the scenes enough time and space to escape."

Yang Tianlong also believed that there must be a fourth person, or even a fifth person, in this room.

 Thank you "Big Fatty" brother for your monthly ticket support, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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