Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 951 Dinner in Chinatown

Chapter 951 Dinner in Chinatown
Dinner is at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown in downtown Berlin.

As soon as you walk into Chinatown, the entire Chinatown is decorated with Chinese knots, red lanterns, and couplets, creating a festive atmosphere.

Before entering Chinatown, you can hear the sound of gongs and drums inside, and bursts of cheers come from inside from time to time.

"Your Huaxia Spring Festival looks very lively." Franlo said to Yang Dalin.

Yang Dalin nodded, "It's really lively, but the atmosphere here is also very lively. I thought it was only the Spring Festival."

"Dad, this place was made by Chinese people in Berlin." Yang Tianlong said quickly.

"Oh, no wonder I said that so many Chinese people are all Chinese." Yang Dalin suddenly realized.

Walking into Chinatown, I saw that there were people dancing lions inside. Lion dancing is a traditional Chinese custom. I saw two lion dancers acting as lion dancers walking lightly on the temporary wooden piles like a dragonfly on water. , Their wonderful performances have won applause from the surrounding audience from time to time.

It was the first time for Franlo and Sofia to see a show like a lion dance. They couldn't help being attracted by its wonderful performance, and they couldn't help but stop and watch it. After watching it for a while, Franlo still seemed to feel uncomfortable. Satisfied, he took out his phone decisively and took a picture of it.

It wasn't until the end of the lion dance show that Franlo came back to his senses, feeling that he was completely fascinated by watching it here.

"Sorry..." Franlo apologized.

"It's okay, sir, in fact, this show is really exciting." Yang Tianlong also saw the lion dance on the stake for the first time.

"I think so too. It seems that I think it is necessary for us to spend the Spring Festival next year in China." Franlo said with a smile.

"I think this suggestion is good." Mrs. Sophia nodded.

After hearing this, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smile knowingly...

After coming to Chinatown, everyone walked in a leisurely manner, admiring the roadside scenery that had already been decorated into a happy atmosphere.

The Franlos couldn't help nodding their faces as they walked, feeling amazed.

Jonny also began to have some inexplicable admiration and yearning for Chinese culture...

Even after Yang Dalin and Li Guifen watched these, their hearts couldn't help surging. After all, they were able to live Chinese programs in the land of crooked nuts. The online influence is gradually increasing.


The dinner was very rich. According to Franlo, the boss, the chef and the waiters are all from Bashu, so the nine bowls they can eat tonight are also the classic Bashu cuisine.

"Let's drink some of your Huaxia Luzhou Laojiao." Franlo said with a high-spirited face.

Yang Tianlong quickly translated to Yang Dalin.

Yang Dalin couldn't help but nodded, "My in-laws seem to be a bold person at first glance."

Seeing that his father had no objection, Yang Tianlong quickly greeted the waiter and asked him to bring a bottle of Luzhou Laojiao.

Opening this bottle of Laojiao wine that has been preserved for more than 20 years, a scent floats out from the bottle that has been dusty for a long time.

Even Mrs. Sophia was full of praise for Chunchun's wine.

"Son, give us three men a full blown." Franlo said with a smile.

"Three men?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help being surprised.

"Hey, Huaxialong, I don't drink, I want to drive." Johnny said quickly.

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, except for Johnny, a man who doesn't drink, they really only have three men.

A bottle of Luzhou Laojiao is just enough for three cups.

"Ladies and relatives, let's raise our glasses to welcome the arrival of relatives." As the host, the wine order was naturally issued by Franlo. According to Mr. Franlo in private, in order to prepare for the first welcome banquet He also took a look at the customs and habits of the Chinese people. The first three cups are not bad, showing the fine tradition of Chinese people's hospitality.

Everyone raised their wine glasses in unison, the ladies drank fruit juice, even Felice and Gianni in the stroller couldn't help raising their pink fists, and their mouths couldn't help but beeping He said, as if he wanted everyone to toast together.

The taste of Luzhou Laojiao, which has been treasured for more than 20 years, is really good. Yang Tianlong took a sip lightly, and felt that the aroma of the wine filled his whole body with the flow of wine in his body. It suddenly became a little warmer.

After three cups, Yang Dalin and Franlo both cheered up. Their drinking capacity was not bad. In less than half an hour, they had completely drained a catty of white wine.

"One more bottle." Franlo greeted the waiter with a smile.

Soon, the waiter opened another bottle of Laojiao wine.

Then the three of them started toasting again, and the atmosphere during the banquet was also quite good.

Yang Tianlong was busy drinking with his father and father-in-law, and Elena acted as an interpreter for the communication between Li Guifen and Mrs. Sophia.

Elena also tried her best to make this translation a good one.

"My in-laws look so young and beautiful, like stars in a movie." Li Guifen said with a smile.

"Mom, my Huaxia mother praised you for being young and beautiful." Elena said to Mrs. Sophia.

"Really? Then thank her for me. In fact, she is also very beautiful. You tell her that we will go shopping together in two days." Mrs. Sophia said.

Elena nodded, and translated Madam Sophia's words just now.

"Okay, I can just have a good taste of the local customs and customs." Although I am a farmer and live in the countryside all the year round, Yang Dalin and Li Guifen have traveled by plane from time to time since their son became successful in the past two years , in the process of traveling, one of the most practical words she learned is "to appreciate the local customs."

Seeing that his in-laws were not as cautious as before, the chatterbox between Mrs. Sophia and Li Guifen was gradually opened up, and their laughter and laughter came from time to time during the banquet.

In contrast, Jonny seemed to be alone, but he didn't realize that he was alone at all, because he and Irina were also chatting passionately, and his heart was no longer at the table, but had already flown to the Elena's side...

Thinking that he would see Elena tomorrow, Jonny couldn't help but get extremely excited.

This meal lasted until after nine o'clock in the evening, and everyone returned home with unsatisfied faces.

At home, Mr. Franlo also made tea and chatted with his in-laws.

And Yang Tianlong took advantage of the time to go to the kitchen and cooked bacon and sausage for Johnny.

Looking at the cured meat in the pot, Johnny couldn't help but feel the emptiness in his stomach.

 Thank you "Lemon Ice Pack" brother monthly ticket support, thank you brother

(End of this chapter)

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