Chapter 954
Sure enough, Vasili told Yang Tianlong in the email that they also had several large-scale armed conflicts with Musala's army recently. Except for one failure due to the weather, the rest ended in victory. The area they control is also getting bigger and bigger. In this case, their armed forces seem a little stretched.

Vasily suggested that they recruit 5000-8000 black soldiers in South Sudan and spend about $100 on each black soldier.

Of course, Vasily was just a suggestion, and didn't say that he wanted to do it like this.

After Yang Tianlong looked at Vasily's email, he couldn't help but quickly opened the map on the computer, and marked the areas actually controlled by Vasily and the others with red lines.

After marking, Yang Tianlong made a rough calculation based on his own strength. At present, they do have a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

However, these 5000-8000 black soldiers are not so easy to recruit. It takes a certain amount of time for training alone, and it is not easy to guarantee the quality.

After Yang Tianlong thought about it, he decisively called Vasily.

"Vassily, are you sure you need so many recruits?"

"It's not necessarily true, I'm just thinking about it for the future," Vasily said.

"I think the number of recruits of 5000-8000 is too large. You guys can help me recruit about 100 special forces with combat experience. Each person will be paid no less than 1 US dollars per month. At the same time, we will recruit About 2000 recruits, I think as long as we control the quality, the problem highlighted by the quantity is not a big problem, what do you think?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, but they answered quickly, "No problem, boss, just follow what you said."

"By the way, Vasily, help me find black soldiers with better qualities in South Sudan. I'm free." Yang Tianlong did not forget to explain this matter.

"No problem, boss." Vasily nodded and replied with a determined face.

After finishing the call with Vasily, Yang Tianlong opened Belen's email again.

Belen's report was mainly about the investment in Bujumbura. He told Yang Tianlong that the land was bought, but now he encountered a problem, that is, the local government took the initiative to find him and asked that once they invested in the real estate After the module, they better set the price a bit higher.

In Belen's email, he analyzed that the local income in Bujumbura is not enough to support the high housing prices of real estate, but that guy is very powerful in the local area, and he is unwilling to offend that guy, so he had to ask for help Yu Yang Tianlong.

Sure enough, these guys all set their sights on the land in his hands, Yang Tianlong couldn't help shaking his head thinking of this.

But he is not the only one who has the final say on these lands, because there is Bazar's investment in them.

And the housing price is set so high, the purchasing power of this market...

This question is indeed a bit tricky, and Yang Tianlong is naturally unwilling to offend such a powerful guy like Rwanda just now. After all, he still plans to cooperate with him for a long time in the future, not to mention that he feels that the transfer of his base point is also the future. An important point to consider, because compared with Bunia, the future development of Bujumbura is definitely more beneficial to them.

"It's a good suggestion for you to reply to him like this, but we still need to consider it from the perspective of market purchasing power, so we probably won't offend him, but we are in Bujumbura, even if it is a strong dragon, it is not those local snakes. Therefore, it is more important to have a good relationship with the local dignitaries." Yang Tianlong tapped on the keyboard, and after finishing writing, he quickly replied this email to Belen.

Next came the email from Lufthansa. Lufthansa had already been to Berlin a few days ago, and Yang Tianlong also met with Lufthansa, but the specific negotiation matters still need to be done by Lufthansa.

The last thing Hansa negotiated was to decisively choose that factory, and what she sent to Yang Tianlong now was the design drawings of a German design institute.

Yang Tianlong took a look at the design drawings, and found that there were not only things he thought were good, but also things that he felt needed improvement. After thinking about it, he sent his opinions to Lufthansa without reservation.

To his surprise, Hansa might be in front of the computer, and within 5 minutes, Hansa replied decisively.


After finishing all this work, Yang Tianlong had some time to relax.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

The printer on the computer desk is still working quietly, the wood is constantly being printed out, and then placed in the online shop, and some best-selling products are also sold out quickly...

Seeing that the balance in his bank account was also increasing, Yang Tianlong suddenly felt very satisfied.

But when I think about it carefully, I am actually short of money. According to my account, I have money, but when I think that the land controlled by the Nuertu people in South Sudan needs funds to develop, it is impossible for me to completely rely on Bazar. Mister funds...

It seems that I am still a poor man...

Yang Tianlong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

His good mood was hit badly in an instant, and he even sat alone in the study for a long time, only the sound of Phyllis crying brought him back to reality from a daze.

The little guy was crying again.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help but smiled wryly. After shaking his head, he got up involuntarily and walked towards the bedroom.

In the past, Phyllis cried alone first, and then drove Gianni to cry, but this time it was beyond Yang Tianlong's expectation. This time, it was only Phyllis crying, and Gianni was still in a sound sleep.

His wife Elena is holding Phyllis.

Yang Tianlong smiled at his wife, and then opened his arms, "Honey, sleep a little longer, I'll take him to the playroom for a while, I guarantee he will be very obedient."

"Okay." Elena couldn't help but yawned for a long time. She was sleeping soundly just now, but she was woken up unexpectedly by Phyllis.

"Baby, don't cry, let's go down." Holding Felice, Yang Tianlong walked towards the play room downstairs.

In the playroom, Phyllis stopped crying very quickly, and then happily crawled around on the thick floor mat like an elf, feeding the toy in Yang Tianlong's mouth from time to time .

Looking at Felice's incomparably cute appearance, Yang Tianlong couldn't help forgetting the unhappiness just now, and he seemed to have begun to understand that the difficulties are only temporary, not to mention that he is only facing financial difficulties .

(End of this chapter)

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