Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 970 I want to influence him

Chapter 970 I want to influence him

When Claire looked at the boy scout and said these words slowly, the boy scout didn't speak, but looked at Claire coldly.

"I adopted a boy scout. He may have been a comrade-in-arms with you, but he is not from the Musala army, but from the Nuertu tribe. Let me show you his photo." Claire said as he took out his phone After finding the photo, he handed it to the guy with the tattoo on his neck.

The boy scout didn't answer the phone Claire handed over at first, but he involuntarily looked at the phone screen from the corner of his eye.

Looking at the thin black boy in the photo, the boy scout suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu.

His slightly frowning brow betrayed him inadvertently, and Claire seemed to understand a little bit.

"This is the photo of him that we brought back from South Sudan. Isn't he very thin?" Seeing that this guy didn't speak, Claire started talking to himself.

The black boy continued to look indifferent.

Clare's fingers kept sliding on the screen of the phone, and the photos of the goat's growth over the past year appeared in front of them one by one.

"Look at his current appearance, isn't he very strong?" Claire searched for the latest photo of the goat.

The Boy Scouts continued in silence.

"Son, you only have one life. If you miss this wonderful life, you will lose everything. I can help you, help you get rid of war, get rid of crime, I promise..." Claire began to understand, moved It is based on reason.

The boy scout continued to remain silent, and Alexander on the top of the mountain could not help but look angry when he looked indifferently.

If it wasn't for the boss not allowing the beating, Alexander swore that he would really teach this little black boy a lesson.

Claire wasn't angry at all, he just took out a cigarette and smoked it with a relaxed expression.


Finally, the Boy Scout spoke.

"Sir, is this little black boy nicknamed Goat?" He looked closely at Claire.

"That's right, his name is Goat, you know him?" Claire was taken aback.

"He and I used to be from the same village, but we were ransacked by Musala's army, and I was forced to become a boy scout." The boy scout said slowly.

"So you're also from the Nuertu tribe?" Claire frowned.

Boy Scout nodded, "Yes, I am a Nuertu, but I am now serving Marshal Musala."

"Son, let me correct you. You didn't work for him, you died for him." Claire said with a serious face.

Boy Scout was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes became a little dodgy
The atmosphere in the air became a little dull, and for a while, it turned out to be a little frozen.

"Anyway, it's death." Boy Scout said with a dark face.

"It's worth dying even if you die. It's like that guy from just now. He promised us to cooperate with us. Who would have expected that he would go back on his promise? Do you think he deserves to die?"

Scout didn't speak.

"Our guys have all experienced the baptism of high-intensity wars, and they are more effective than Musala's mob." Claire said with a smile.

Although the boy scouts didn't see the scene of the battle just now, but judging from the final chic and magnificent ending of the war, it is true that their people belong to a group of mobs.

And he also noticed just now that the faces of this group of white, yellow, and black people are full of rebelliousness. This kind of rebelliousness is not pretending, but a manifestation of their own superiority.

"The goat should be doing well now, right?" After another long silence, the boy scout spoke again.

"He had a good life and was very happy, but he wasn't like that at first." Claire said with a serious face.

"How do you say that?" Boy Scout became curious.

"Because of the long-term war, he actually has a disease in his heart." Claire said, "In his sleep, the goat will often yell, and even wake up suddenly from the bed in the middle of the night, and his temper and personality are extremely unstable. , like a psychopath."

Boy Scout was stunned. To be honest, he also has the problem of goats. Sometimes he would suddenly wake up from his sleep, and then he couldn't fall asleep no matter how much he slept.

"Then how did he heal?" Boy Scout is still young after all, no matter how mature he is, he cannot be compared with an adult.

"I took him to Paris in France, where we found a psychiatrist." Claire said with a smile.

"Barri, France?" He seemed to have heard of this place.

"Yes, a very beautiful city." Claire nodded.

"Thank you for everything you did for him." Scout finally laughed.

"Are you friends with the goat?" Claire asked suddenly.

"Yes." Scout nodded.

"He and I are naturally friends, what do you think a friend's friend would be?" Claire asked with a smile.

"Friend." This time the Scout blurted out without thinking.

"That's right, you are also our friend, boy, join us, and I will let you leave the war." Claire once again came with emotion and reason.

"I hate war." The boy scout's face became a little sad.

"Son, I know you can't help yourself. Cry. In fact, every one of us has shed tears, and the effect of crying will definitely be better." Claire hugged the boy scout into her arms.


Alexander and Yang Tianlong couldn't hear what Claire and the boy scouts were saying, but when they saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. They didn't expect this stubborn boy scout to be so unbearable. With a blow, he turned into a complete child in front of the powerful Claire.

"Uncle, I'll go with you." After crying for a while, the boy scout finally made up his mind.

"We welcome you, what's your name?" Claire said with a smile.

"My name is Birdie," said the Scout, wiping away tears.

"Little Bird?" Claire wiped his head, then waved at Yang Tianlong and the others, "Hey, guys, we have another guy, his name is Little Bird."

"Little bird?" Alexander couldn't help grinning, and then strode over, looked at the little black boy with a rebellious face and said, "Hey, kid, do you know my name?"

The little bird shook his head, "I don't know."

"My name is Big Bear, and I like eating birds the most." Alexander said with a chuckle.

(End of this chapter)

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