Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 974 Escape from the Prairie

Chapter 974 Escape from the Prairie

On the vast grassland, it is not a simple matter for a truck to drive at high speed. Yang Tianlong probably calculated in his mind that according to the distance between the two sides, the enemy's helicopter would be able to reach the speed in less than an hour. catch up with them.

Moreover, Yang Tianlong also discovered that Musala's army not only had helicopters chasing him, but also the ground troops were constantly moving towards their direction.

"Get ready guys, let's fight at any time." When Yang Tianlong said this, he didn't have much confidence in his heart, after all, they didn't bring guys like rocket launchers this time.

And now that he is in the carriage, it seems that it is not easy to take out the bazooka from the plane warehouse.

Sometimes people are like this, they would rather take risks than obediently get caught.

However, he quickly came up with a good idea, that is, there is a pile of supplies near the front of the car, which is now a blind spot for rough old men like Alexander and the others, and he might be able to use this blind spot to accomplish what he wants to do matter.

Taking advantage of no one going there, Yang Tianlong walked over unhurriedly, then lay down on the cassava flour bag, took out two rocket launchers and Several rockets.

"Hey, guys, it seems that a helicopter is coming?" Alexander couldn't help asking quickly at this moment.

Yang Tianlong was startled suddenly, quickly closed the plane warehouse, and then quickly raised his head.

There were no helicopters in the sky.

Yang Tianlong couldn't help but look at Alexander, this guy still insisted on his face, that is, he heard the sound of the helicopter.

Seeing this, Yang Tianlong quickly opened the high-definition electronic map again. On the map, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The enemy's helicopter was still at least 30 kilometers away from them. It takes about ten minutes.

"I'm here to find out if there are any other weapons here." Yang Tianlong spoke quickly, and after he finished speaking, he threw the bag of cassava flour towards the outside of the carriage.

Seeing that the boss wanted to find some weapons from inside, Alexander and the others hurried over to help, and after carrying a few bags, two rocket launchers suddenly appeared in front of them.

"My God, there is really a bazooka here." Alexander and the others were taken aback, and almost wept with joy.

"Really?" Claire poked her head out excitedly.

"Yes, Mr. Claire, two rocket launchers, plus more than a dozen rockets." Alexander said while holding up a pair of military green rocket launchers, with an extremely excited look on his face.

"Wait and kill them." Claire also became extremely passionate.

"There is a group of cavalry ahead." The vehicle drove forward for another two kilometers, and suddenly Doke found a group of cavalry ahead.

Yang Tianlong and the others took a closer look, and sure enough there were more than a dozen tall horses ahead, and the people there seemed to be waiting for them.

"Damn it, kill them." Alexander couldn't help but set up the bazooka.

This guy's speed is really not slow, before Yang Tianlong and the others finished speaking, the bazooka flew towards the group of horses with a trail of white smoke.

Musala's subordinates were caught off guard, and they didn't expect that the other side had already opened fire a kilometer away.

"Boom..." The rockets exploded among the horses.

The guys who were closest to the center were shot and fell to the ground one after another, and those who were farther away also fell to the ground one after another because the horses under their crotches were frightened.

By the time they reacted, the injured horse had already fled around.

"Rush over." Claire ordered decisively.

Doc kicked the accelerator, and the heavy truck shot past like an arrow off the string in an instant, crushing the black militants who were still groaning on the ground.

Bloodstains tens of meters long were clearly visible.

"Haha..., it's exciting enough." Doke laughed, and suddenly the vehicle rushed towards a small hill that came out of nowhere.

Being seriously distracted, he was caught off guard and slammed the steering wheel. As a result, the car suddenly fell into a ditch.

"Shet..." Doc was dumbfounded for a moment.

Not only Doke was dumbfounded, but the rest of the people were also dumbfounded. They didn't think of the sudden hill and this ditch at all.

Fortunately, the ditch was not deep, and they were basically uninjured, except for some minor abrasions.

Doc's driving skills are good, but his ability to deal with special situations is quite poor. He thought that the vehicle fell into a ditch, and the truck would rush out as long as he kicked the accelerator.

Doc kicked the accelerator, and the truck's engine roared, but the body of the truck basically didn't move.

Doc was a little unbelieving, and hurriedly kicked the accelerator again, and he still got the same result as before.

When Claire saw Doc's reckless appearance, he also knew from the movement of the car that the rear wheel of the car must have slipped.

"I'll do it." Claire said without any explanation, and sat down immediately.

"The rear wheels are slipping, so you can't use force." Claire said as she shifted into reverse gear, and the truck suddenly slid a meter backwards. Foot the gas pedal, with a sudden increase in the direction, the truck drove out of the small ditch all at once.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Yang Tianlong has also been nervously observing how far the enemy's helicopter is from them. Now he calculated again, and estimated that it will arrive in 5 minutes.

And right now they are still thirty kilometers away from the edge of the tropical rainforest.

It is not too easy for a helicopter to spot them at high altitude.

"Hurry up, they will arrive in 5 minutes." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but said to Claire.

Claire is also an old driver with quite skilled driving skills. When he heard that the enemy's helicopter was about to arrive in 5 minutes, he shifted gears and accelerated, and the truck suddenly accelerated again.

The people in the carriage were caught off guard and almost fell to the ground.

Sure enough, 6 minutes later, there was a huge roar of a helicopter in the sky.

But fortunately, there is only one helicopter coming over at the moment.

As for the other two, they were still distributed about [-] kilometers away from the edge of the helicopter.

The height of the helicopter was very high, and it swished over their heads.

Alexander and Kapai also set up the bazooka, just waiting for the helicopter to be within their range.

After the enemy's helicopter flew through the air, it turned around deftly, and the altitude immediately dropped to a height of 200 meters.

Faintly, they could even see the Gatling heavy machine guns on the enemy helicopters aimed at them.

(End of this chapter)

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