Chapter 976
"The enemy's Molotov cocktails should be running out, let's hurry towards the fire dragon." Claire said loudly at this time.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tianlong shook his head, "The width of the fire dragon belt is at least ten meters, and it is several floors high. It is too difficult for us to go there."

"Then what should we do?" Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help but fell into endless despair. Could it be that they are going to confess their wealth and lives here today?

"There is a blank area two kilometers away, let's run towards it." Yang Tianlong looked at the high-definition electronic map and said decisively.

"Okay." Without any explanation, everyone hurriedly ran towards the destination, they have always believed in Yang Tianlong's words.

What they could think of, the enemy naturally saw it too. When they saw a place two kilometers away that hadn't been burned, the plane flew towards it quickly.

The people on the plane are even ready. Once they arrive at the destination, they will throw down the last incendiary bomb. At that time, the guys below will be engulfed by the raging fire. Even if you can't escape this fate.

The helicopter was getting closer and closer to the destination, and the guys in the cabin were all ready, but just as they were about to open the hatch and throw the incendiary bomb, suddenly, a huge monster rushed over.

The Molotov cocktail that the guy held high in his hand was caught off guard and fell into the airport.

"Boom..." The raging fire burst into flames, and in an instant, the cabin was filled with flames.

When the pilot saw a raging fire in the cabin, the pilot panicked all of a sudden.

But right now there is no place for the helicopter to land in this area at all. The two pilots on the plane can only be patient and fly the helicopter towards a safe place. I can still remember to burn the enemy to death in this encirclement.

Five minutes later, there was a shocking explosion sound in the distance, and the flames rushed up all of a sudden.

When Yang Tianlong saw this scene, he couldn't help shouting.

Everyone knows that the enemy has no ability to surround them, so the speed of everyone's feet is much faster.

Finally, at two o'clock in the afternoon, they escaped from the Patrick prairie and walked into the tropical rainforest.

In the tropical rainforest, Alexander and Kapai threw the bazooka on their shoulders toward a bottomless cliff.

In this way, their speed became faster.

Two days later, they finally rushed back to the small town of Subi, all dressed in travel and dust.

Everyone was shocked when they saw their unkempt appearance.

General Satin even dropped the cigar from his mouth.

"Guys, you have worked hard." General Satin walked over and said loudly.

"It's okay, we just haven't showered for several days." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Claire also nodded, "That's right, let's take a shower first, this appearance insults our gentlemanly demeanor."

"Did you all come from grilling on the prairie? Why do you smell like smoke?" General Satin said with a smile.

"That's right, the barbecue on the prairie is great, I'll take you to try it when I have time." Claire also found that half of the temples on her nose bridge had been melted by the fire.

"Guys, hurry up and take a shower, and I will wash you off at night." General Satin said hastily.

Jumping into the crystal-clear stream, everyone bathed in it beautifully.

"I'm exhausted." Even Alexander, who looked extremely strong, couldn't help sighing.

"Take a good rest for a few days." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Let's take a rest and return to Bunia in two days." Claire also agreed with this opinion.


The dinner was also exceptionally sumptuous. When General Sardin, Lion Head, Vasily and others learned that they were almost burned to death in the prairie, they couldn't help but look surprised.

"No wonder someone told me that the Patrick prairie was on fire, and [-] hectares of prairie were reduced to ashes." General Satin said with a look of fear.

"Fortunately, the enemy's helicopter exploded, otherwise, we would really be burned alive inside."

"This is very strange, and I don't know why the helicopter exploded..."

"Maybe it's God's will."


In fact, Yang Tianlong is the only one who knows about the reason for the helicopter explosion.

Although the dinner was rich, everyone's appetites were not so generous in this kind of fear, and they didn't eat much. Of course, except for the little bird, the little guy let go of his stomach and opened his mouth to eat. It's been a long time since I had such delicious food.

"Old buddy, what are you going to do, little bird?" At around ten o'clock in the evening, in General Sardin's command post, General Sardin looked at Claire and asked involuntarily.

"He is from your Nuertu tribe, but I want to take him away. The goat and him are good friends." Claire said seriously, "Because I promised him to help him change his destiny."

Seeing what Mr. Claire said, General Satin nodded and agreed without hesitation.


On the second day, everyone rested for a day in the small town of Subi. On the third day, they embarked on the schedule. The journey went smoothly. They arrived at Lake Albert in the afternoon.

In Lafu's scenic spot, Yang Tianlong and the others met their familiar old buddy——Lafu.

Raff just came back, and Wilmots also came back. He, Raff and the others greeted them at the scenic spot.

Claire and Raff also met once, and they also greeted each other with enthusiasm.

However, among these guys, the most enthusiastic ones are the goat and the little bird. When they met, they all opened their eyes wide in unison. They thought that they would never meet again in this life, but who would have expected that they would be in this foreign land met.

The two and a half-year-old children burst into tears after being surprised.

After crying for a full 10 minutes, they reluctantly parted.

"I will follow Mr. Claire from now on." The bird said with a smile.

"He is my father, and you will call him father in the future."

"Okay, he is also my father." Xiaoniao nodded.

In the evening, Raf and his wife warmly entertained Yang Tianlong and the others. During the meal, the lion head suddenly came over and told Yang Tianlong that the guys he had found who were going to the North African desert would arrive in Bunia at noon tomorrow.

It is already March now, and according to the plan, Yang Tianlong has to embark on another journey to the Sahara Desert to find Nuerman's whereabouts.

 Thanks to "Book Friends 160328094604243" and "Book Friends 20170815125344481" for rewarding monthly tickets, thank you buddy
(End of this chapter)

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