Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 978 Preparations Before Action

Chapter 978 Preparations Before Action
After lunch, Yang Tianlong went back to his room to rest for a while, but instead of sleeping, he chatted with his wife.

In the video, Phyllis and Gianni seem to have grown taller, and they can express more affection for his father.

After watching the video with his wife for more than half an hour, Yang Tianlong saw that she was still a little tired, so he hurriedly told his wife to rest.

After finishing chatting with his wife, Yang Tianlong sat on the sofa in the living room to rest for a while, and then dialed Bazar's phone.

After some simple greetings, Bazar also directly entered the topic.

"Huaxia Dragon, according to our information, Nuerman is now hiding in Aswan Province."

"Where?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback.

Bazar repeated it again.

"Where is that?" In Yang Tianlong's memory, it seems that the place name of Aswan Province does not exist.

"Egypt, the lower reaches of the Nile," Bazar said.

"Isn't it in the Sahara Desert?" Yang Tianlong said very puzzled.

"That's right, it's in the Sahara Desert. You can look at the map, that's the edge of the Sahara Desert." Bazar said seriously.

"What is the approximate location of that place?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

"Next to the Nile, close to the Nasser reservoir," Bazar said.

"What about other information?" Yang Tianlong felt that the target range seemed too broad.

"We don't know other information, but it is near the Nasser Reservoir, so it must not be too far away."

"Okay, I got it." Yang Tianlong felt that the amount of information in this information was not very large, and he didn't want to take his guys around there.

"When you arrive at the Nassar Reservoir, our people will be waiting for you there, with all the weapons, equipment and means of transportation. You just need to fly there."

"I see, old chap."

"When are you going to leave?"

"tomorrow morning."

"Then I will arrange a special plane for you now, and fly directly from Bunia to Aswan Province tomorrow, and our people will pick you up at the airport." Bazar said quickly.

From Bazar's tone, Yang Tianlong also felt that he should have other urgent matters, so Yang Tianlong didn't chat with Bazar, and hung up the phone after a few simple concluding remarks.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Tianlong quickly opened the high-definition electronic map and checked the Nasser Reservoir on it.

It is indeed located in the remote area of ​​the Sahara Desert, and the entire reservoir is surrounded by saline land. There is an oasis from time to time beside the reservoir.

Yang Tianlong himself didn't have much confidence in his mind. From his point of view, after arriving at the Nasser Reservoir, he could only take one step at a time.

In the afternoon, he gathered all the guys involved in this operation and explained their destination and some simple things to everyone.

"They provide weapons, but I think we need to bring some flashlights and glucose," Ajid said.

"Is it because you want to enter the cave?" Yang Tianlong looked at Ajid and asked.

Ajid nodded, "Yes, the underground caverns there are intricate. If Nuerman hides in it, sometimes we encounter larger caves, we may not be able to drill out for several days, so we have to do it well. Prepare for a protracted war inside."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to Doke, and you can go to the town to buy later." Yang Tianlong gave this task to Doke.

Since the commercial square in Bunia was built, the town's economy has become extremely prosperous. Even some blacks from Uganda and Rwanda will come here to trade. Li Tao and the others also took the golden waterway from China to open the town. I opened a supermarket, so the goods in Bunia became more and more dazzling.

Doc nodded, and took a pen to write down his own affairs.

"How to solve the problem of drinking water in the desert?" Akinfeev couldn't help asking.

"How to solve it?" Yang Tianlong turned his attention to Ajid again.

"Underground drains." Ajid smiled, "Don't worry about this, as long as you follow me, there will definitely be water to drink."

After seeing Ajid's swearing face, Akinfeev asked another question, that is, what to do with his bow and arrow.

As soon as Akinfeev mentioned it, Hassan also wanted some sharp knives there.

Everyone's chatterbox has gradually been opened, and many guys have also put forward some requirements for their weapons or other things.

Yang Tianlong sorted out these requirements quickly, and after sorting out, he sent the email to the person in charge over there, Kassaid.

In less than half an hour, Cassaid replied to Yang Tianlong that everything was fine and they could meet their needs.

Seeing that the affairs in Egypt were completed, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but relax.

After the meeting in the afternoon and between dinner and dinner, all the fellows were packing their things, and they did all this as lightly as possible.

The dinner was very rich, and it could be regarded as a farewell party for their tomorrow's action. Everyone may have a good time, but they seldom drink alcohol. They don't want to get on the plane tomorrow with a drunken face.

"Old man, in short, you should be more careful in North Africa. I heard that the United States has recently stepped up its activities there, and I don't know what they will do." Claire said.

"We have no conflict of interest with them, let's take care of them." Yang Tianlong said indifferently.

Seeing that Yang Tianlong didn't seem to take the world's overlord of the United States seriously, Clare just nodded slightly, and it was inconvenient for him to say anything.

The dinner was over soon, and everyone dispersed while humming songs.

Everything was ready, and even the Boeing 737 plane sent by Bazar arrived at Bunia Airport at night.

From Bunia to Aswan, the straight-line distance is about 2500 kilometers. According to the flight technical parameters of the Boeing 737, the time they spent this time is about 3 and a half hours.

There is almost no time difference between the two places, so if they are normal, they will land at Aswan Airport around noon tomorrow, just in time for lunch.

At night, Yang Tianlong slept very early. Although he had a task in his mind, he still forced himself to fall asleep as soon as possible.

That night, he had another strange dream, dreaming that they broke into a pyramid in the hinterland of the desert and were hunted down by mummies inside.

Seeing that the weapon in the mummy's hand was about to chop off his head, Yang Tianlong suddenly woke up from his sleep.

Sweat all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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