Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 984 Desert Village

Chapter 984 Desert Village
The team quickly set off again, and after sitting on the back of the camel, Yang Tianlong had the time to check the surrounding topographic map. Although it was a vast expanse of yellow sand, he could quickly judge the approximate location of the camel just now based on his position. location.

Compared with him using high-tech products to find the whereabouts of the camel just now, Ajid still relies on traditional methods to find it.

Soon, Yang Tianlong found the camel.

"Just under the sand dune in front, there are some old ruins there." Yang Tianlong said seriously.

As soon as these words came out, Ajid and the others were taken aback, "Hua Xialong, how do you know?"

Yang Tianlong smiled slightly, "I have seen the topographic map here, and I know that there are ruins there, and there is only one place with ruins within a few kilometers, so the camels will only hide there."

Seeing that what Yang Tianlong said was swearing, everyone no longer doubted it, but walked towards the destination with a bit of expectation.

Half an hour later, they looked through the sand dune, and found ruins under the sand dune that had been inhabited by humans in the past.

"Excellent." Ajid looked at the camel hiding in the corner and couldn't help but praise.

"Haha, it's a small idea." Yang Tianlong smiled with embarrassment on his face.

"But our direction was a bit off just now, and we have to correct it now." Because they were looking for camels just now, they naturally aimed at the position of the camel. After such a deviation, only Ajid still remembered that their position was wrong. .

Ajid took out the compass and quickly checked it against the map.

"Buha Village is still there." Ajid said, pointing to the left.

"How long are we from Buha Village?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

"There is still a distance of forty kilometers away." Ajid said.

"How long will it take?" Yang Tianlong frowned and asked.

"It's about eight or nine o'clock in the evening to arrive at Buha Village, old man, this kind of thing can't be rushed. You have seen the speed of the camel, it's so slow." When Ajid said this, he also had a look on his face. Quite embarrassed.

"Okay, let's overcome it." Yang Tianlong naturally said helplessly.

A team of six camels walked slowly on the edge of the Sahara Desert. Fortunately, after the yellow sand roll just now, the scorching sun in the sky disappeared, which made them feel that it was not so hot.

The team didn't stop. Compared with Yang Tianlong and the others who often drank water, the camel's stamina was quite good, and there was hardly a single cry along the way.

Walking staggeringly in the desert, and the softness of the sand grains in some places is different, so Yang Tianlong and the others seem to be falling asleep on it.

From afternoon to night, they even marched for more than an hour in the dark, and finally arrived at Buha Village when it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

To be precise, they are still 1 kilometer away from Buha Village.

Because this is a nomadic village, Yang Tianlong and the others can't enter it rashly, and Ajid must communicate with them in advance.

"It's incredible that this nation lives in the desert." Akinfeev said curiously, "They don't have electricity, and they are almost far away from the civilized world."

"Yes, that's why they are very cautious about incoming things from the outside world. I vaguely remember that Ajid mentioned that he has been here, maybe he can help us enter the village smoothly." Saraha couldn't help but said.

Doc even yawned a little long, indicating that he was a little tired.

"It seems to be barking like a dog." Yang Tianlong's ears were sharper, so he couldn't help saying.

As soon as he finished speaking, his consciousness entered the system again, and he checked the high-definition electronic map again.

Sure enough, Ajid rode a camel into the edge of the village, and the hut made of earth embryo walls was right in front of him.

But a few hounds sprang out from nowhere, roaring at Ajid and the others.

"Dudala." Such a voice came out of Ajid's mouth.

Not long after, dozens of guys with spears came out.

Ajid started chatting with them endlessly, judging from their expressions and movements, it seemed that they got along quite well.

Not long after, another middle-aged man came out of the village. When he saw Ajid, his face lit up.

The two greeted each other in a characteristic manner.

Ajid chattered for a while, and the middle-aged man nodded.

Ajid rode on the camel and rushed towards Yang Tianlong and the others. Dozens of torches started to burn behind him, illuminating the entrance of the village brightly.

"There should be no problem." Yang Tianlong said to everyone with a smile.

At the same time, all the guys also saw the fire light. Doesn't the fire light mean welcome in this night?

The land near the village was relatively hard, so the camels were not slow to move on it. Two minutes later, Ajid came to them.

"I found my good friend, let's go in quickly."

"Let's go." Doc cheered excitedly. The body of a black man is like this. He doesn't seem to be able to cheer up during the day, but he is full of energy at night.

In the village, Ajid and the others were warmly welcomed by the villagers.

The middle-aged man is Durada, a good friend of Ajid.

In the evening, Du Rada settled Yang Tianlong and the others in one of his shacks.

According to Durada, this shack is mainly used to store sundries on weekdays, and the inside is not dirty.

Ajid.Hassan and Saraha are very hardworking. When they arrived at Durada’s house, they first tied up the camels, and then started to feed the camels. They move on.

After finishing all this work, everyone gathered in the shack.

"The night here is very cold, you must pay attention to your health." Durada said seriously.

The language between Yang Tianlong and Durada was not clear, so Ajid was needed to translate.

"Thank you, we have already put on thick down jackets." Yang Tianlong said gratefully after receiving the local fruit wine from Durada.

Durada prepared a bowl of warm fruit wine for each of the guys. According to Ajid, drinking this local wild fruit wine is especially good for sleep.

Although everyone is very tired, but without exception, they are very interested in these nomads in the desert.

Durada also solved the mystery of the survival of their nation for them.

(End of this chapter)

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