Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 986 Where did the gunpowder come from?

Chapter 986 Where did the gunpowder come from?
"At least half a month at a time." Ajid said after thinking about it.

"Do they all ride camels?"

"Yes, they all ride camels, but don't underestimate these camels. In fact, they are still very fast." Ajid said quite seriously.

"Then I want to ask you, buddy, why are they not fast at all when we are in the desert?" Yang Tianlong half-jokingly half-seriously said.

"Dude, you asked a good question. In fact, in the desert, the speed of camels is not slow, but I am not sure if we will encounter any difficulties in the middle, so I didn't let the camels speed up, because in that case , the loss of their physical strength is quite large." Ajid explained.

After seeing that this was the case, Yang Tianlong finally understood what was going on.

He didn't say anything more, just nodded with a face of sudden realization.

Soon, the two walked to the place where the villagers gathered, and saw dozens of young and strong men wearing red cloaks, receiving lectures from the elders of the tribe.

"They still use primitive javelins?" Yang Tianlong asked in surprise, looking at the extremely polished javelins in the hands of those grown men.

"Actually, they also have gunpowder guns, but holding javelins looks more majestic." Ajid said in a low voice.

"A gunpowder gun? Are you sure it's a gunpowder gun?" Yang Tianlong frowned and asked.

Ajid nodded, "I'm sure it's a gunpowder gun, there are several in Durada's family."

"They actually have gunpowder guns?" Yang Tianlong was taken aback in his heart. You must know that in this society, gunpowder guns have long been eliminated. Even though these guys can go outside to buy them, there are no manufacturers, so Gunpowder for their gunpowder factories?

"Did they make the gunpowder themselves or bought it?" Yang Tianlong asked.

"Of course I made it myself. Do you think they will have the ability to buy it?" Ajid asked with a smile.

Yang Tianlong nodded, and then he became very interested in how these villagers made gunpowder.

After some inquiries, Ajid said that he actually didn't know how the villagers made gunpowder, but if he was interested, he could ask Durada after seeing Durada later.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

Although the expedition ceremony of the hunters in Buha village is very simple, it is very grand. Every warrior who goes to the expedition has an incomparably determined face. Come very seriously.

After the clan elders finished their lectures on the expedition ceremony, these warriors jumped onto the camels' backs one after another nimbly. After shooting gunpowder guns in the hands of the adult men in the village, they embarked on the road to the expedition.

Durada was also among the powder gun shooters. After the ceremony was over, he also found Ajid and the others coming.

"It's so early." Durada asked with a smile on his face.

"I couldn't sleep, so I got up and walked around." Ajid said.

"Guys, ask him about the gunpowder gun." Yang Tianlong couldn't help but whispered to Ajid.

Ajid nodded, and then asked Durada about the source of the gunpowder for the gunpowder gun.

"It was sold to us by a guy named Rules." Du Raha said without thinking.

"What did you use to buy it from him? Dollars, euros, or Egyptian pounds?" Ajid asked quickly.

Durada laughed, shook his head and said, "We exchanged it with cow dung and horse dung."

"He said that they exchanged cow dung and horse dung with a man named Rules." Ajid translated Durada's words just now.

After hearing that this was the case, Yang Tianlong was taken aback. He had no idea that there was such a deal, and he had a vague premonition in his heart.

"Then ask that Rules what he needs those cow dung and horse dung for?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

Ajid nodded, and then quickly translated.

"He said he needed those things to make fertilizer." Durada said honestly.

"Make fertilizer?" Yang Tianlong frowned.

"Is there something tricky in this?" Ajid couldn't help asking in a low voice seeing that Yang Tianlong's face was a little strange.

"I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell." Yang Tianlong said after thinking about it.

"Ask again where that Rules lives?" Yang Tianlong asked again.

Soon, Yang Tianlong got the answer he wanted again. Rules lived in Aswan Province, but they didn't know the specific place, because Rules basically came here once every two months to communicate with him. They do business.

"When was the last time he came?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

"It's not long since I left." Ajid quickly replied.

"It's not long since you left?" Yang Tianlong gasped, it seemed that their luck was a little bit bad.

"Yes, I have some regrets." Ajid spread his hands and shrugged.

"Okay, thank him for me." Yang Tianlong stretched out his hand to Du Rada with a happy face.

Du Rada went back to the shed with them, and when they arrived, Yang Tianlong's men also got up.

"Let's have dinner first, and then Durada will take us to the culvert to have a look. After the visit, we have to go back where we were," Ajid said.

"Can we go to Zhabu Village today?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

After thinking for a while, Ajid nodded and said, "Today I will let the camels run faster, so that we can also reach Zhabu Village when it gets dark."

For breakfast, they ate the papaya powder that Durada said. Yang Tianlong and the others did not eat this this time. When they were in Bunia, they would also eat some papaya powder from time to time, because the nutrition contained in this thing is still quite good. abundant.

After breakfast, Durada led them into the village's culvert.

There are several towering big poplar trees at the entrance of the culvert, Durada said, the entrance is under the rhizomes of the big poplar trees.

Sure enough, they found the small entrance hole under the biggest poplar tree.

The small hole is really small, they can only crawl in. Fortunately, the villagers in the village often climb in to get water, so the passage under them has already become very smooth. .

After crawling zigzagging for less than ten meters, the space inside suddenly became spacious.

They could even hear the rushing water running inside.

And the humidity in the air is quite high.

(End of this chapter)

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