Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 989 My Cellmate Is an Arms Dealer

Chapter 989 My Cellmate Is an Arms Dealer
Yang Tianlong called Cassaid.

A few minutes later, he hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

"It's done. He said he could get us a helicopter the day after tomorrow."

"It's great." Big Bear Alexander couldn't help raising his fist with excitement.

All the guys couldn't help clapping their hands and applauding.

Soon, the topic turned to the actions of Lion Head and the others in the past few days.

However, Lion Head became a little depressed. He told Yang Tianlong that they had been active near the hotel for the past few days, but they didn't find any relevant clues.

"Where's that guy you said looks like a policeman? Is there anything suspicious about him." Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Lion Head still shook his head, "There is nothing suspicious."

"It seems that our focus still has to be in the desert." Yang Tianlong said meaningfully.

Lion Head nodded, and even said with regret, "Old man, if I had known this, I would have followed you to the desert."

"There is no medicine for regret in the world." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Yes, so we must be careful in everything." Lion Head said.

All of a sudden, at this moment, just as the lion's head's voice fell to the ground, there was a knock on the door.

It's already past eleven o'clock in the evening, this knock on the door?

Everyone became quiet all of a sudden, Lion Head couldn't help but look surprised.

"Has anyone of us gone out yet?" Lion Head said as he walked towards the door with a vigilant expression.

But soon he got the answer, none of them went out, all of them were there.

When I came to the door, I couldn't help being surprised when the lion's head passed through the cat's eyes.

Then he looked surprised.

"It's Robert," said Lionhead to his fellows.

Yang Tianlong and the others were also taken aback, and couldn't help but recall the name Robert in their hearts.

"My fellow prisoner in Somalia." Lionhead smiled, and then opened the door of the room all at once.

"Lion's head." Robert looked excited.

"Old man." Lion Head stretched out his warm arms.

The two hugged each other tightly, both emotionally excited.

After a while, the two separated.

"Old man, how did you know about my room?" Lion Head said in surprise.

"I just checked into the hotel tonight. I saw you at the door. I wasn't sure at the time. After I was sure, I asked the service lady at the front desk. They said you live here." Robert smiled and said .

Robert is a thin old man of medium build, with silver hair all over his head. He is estimated to be at least 60 years old, and he looks quite temperamental.

"I never expected to meet you here, old man." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"Yes, this may be fate." Robert said with a smile, "Looking at you, you should be doing well."

"It's okay, let me introduce you." The lion's head pulled Robert over enthusiastically, and introduced Yang Tianlong and the others to Robert one by one.

"I've heard of your name. According to the lion's head, you are an omnipotent and amazing guy." Robert said, holding Yang Tianlong's hand.

Yang Tianlong smiled a little embarrassedly, "I'm not as amazing as you said, it's just that God takes care of me."

"God loves the chosen ones." Robert said seriously.

"Old man, it's getting late, and we're all going back too, so you can talk slowly." At this time, Akinfeev patted the lion's head on the shoulder and said.

Lion Head nodded, but then turned his attention to Yang Tianlong, "Old man, you stay, let's talk together."

"Okay." Yang Tianlong nodded.

Soon, only Yang Tianlong, Lion Head and Robert were left in the lively room just now.

Lion Head also specially opened a bottle of red wine and poured it into everyone's glasses.

"Come on, cheers, let me meet you here." Lionhead said.

Robert nodded, then raised his glass and drank it down.

Soon, under the narration of Lion Head, Yang Tianlong learned that Robert was a "comrade-in-arms" detained together with Lion Head in the Somali prison. Under Robert's plan, they successfully took advantage of the female prison guard's lustful shortcomings and succeeded prison Break.

"It turns out that Mr. Robert is also a guy with both wisdom and courage." Yang Tianlong smiled and said.

Robert shook his head, "I'm not both smart and brave, otherwise, I wouldn't have been caught in Somalia."

"By the way, old man, what did you get arrested for?" Lion Head was suddenly curious.

"Selling arms." Robert took a sip of his wine and said with a wry smile.

"Is it because of the opponent's suppression?"

"Yes, Zakyev, a former Soviet Red Army major general and one of the Chechen war criminals, made me spend more than half a year in a Somali prison." When Robert talked about the past, his face was extremely angry.

"No way, you and Zakyev also had a feud?" Yang Tianlong and Lion Head couldn't help being surprised again.

Robert was also taken aback, and said in disbelief, "What? You two, listen to your tone, you and Zakiev?"

"That's right, we also have conflicts and hatred with Zakyev." Lionhead told them about their past with Zakyev.

"Haha, that's great, this time we are going to work together to deal with Zakyev." Robert laughed.

"Then how much do you know about Zakyev?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

When Robert heard this, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "To be honest, Zakyev belongs to the kind of person with great powers. He has many passports on his body, which allows him to travel around the world, even though he is a member of the Chechen War. A war criminal, but the United Nations did not include him in the ranks of war criminals. However, due to the tense war situation in South Sudan in recent years, the United Nations began to investigate Zakyev, but they still did not list Zakyev The ranks of war criminals, so it is very difficult for us to clean up Zakyev, but there is good news right now, that is, the Musala armed group supported by Zakyev is in the alliance between the government army and the Nuertu people. Under the attack, they lost a lot of territory."

"This is a fact, but according to Zakyev's strength, he will not let it go." Yang Tianlong put down his glass and said.

Robert nodded, "That's right, especially the oil field worth tens of billions of dollars. It's a piece of fat. Zakyev won't spit out the fat for nothing. I heard he's going to visit soon. South Sudan, prepare to launch a new attack on the Nuertu people to take back that oil field."

"About when?" Yang Tianlong asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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