Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 991 Arms Trading

Chapter 991 Arms Trading
Originally thought that Robert was just alone, but when they arrived, they found that there were two more guys beside Robert. These two guys looked like fleshy faces, and they knew that they were not easy to mess with. One of the guys The height is even close to two meters.

"My two bodyguards." Robert said with a smile.

After greeting Robert's two bodyguards, everyone sat down and had lunch happily.

This lunch didn't take long, it was over in less than an hour, and none of the three of them drank alcohol during the meal. This is Robert's principle of conduct for many years. During these transactions, he did not He knows how to drink, and if there is a situation, he will definitely be shot when he looks drunk.

After lunch, the five boarded a Toyota station wagon.

In the car, two of Robert's bodyguards checked their weapons and equipment.

Yang Tianlong took a look from the corner of his eye, the two guys had explosives hanging in their windbreakers, and they were holding silent miniature submachine guns in their hands.

It seems that these guys are well prepared, if they run into the police or gangsters, then none of them can get out alive.

The speed of this Toyota station wagon is fast enough to make Yang Tianlong feel that the scenery outside the window is like a flash.

An hour later, they stopped by a river downstream of the Nasser reservoir.

There are tall trees and bushes on both sides of the river.

Two guys with vigilant faces were watching the surrounding situation.

When they were in the car earlier, one of Robert's bodyguards had already spoken to the guys here, so after waiting for them to get off the car, the guards also let them go without reservation.

"Our people are assembling things inside." Robert took off his sunglasses and said with a smile on his face as he looked at a prefabricated house in the woods.

"Can we go in and have a look?" Yang Tianlong couldn't help asking.

Robert nodded and said with a smile, "Of course, you are my friends, welcome to watch."

Later, under the leadership of Robert, Yang Tianlong and the others walked into the board room, and saw dozens of skilled guys carefully assembling various weapons and equipment.

"Silent submachine guns, rocket launchers, automatic rifles, sniper rifles... as long as there are firearms in this world, I can provide them here, unlike Zakyev, who only sells things from the former Soviet Union, no, to be precise , he stole the former Soviet Union's arsenal for sale." Robert corrected in a timely manner.

"Your workers are very skilled." Yang Tianlong was overwhelmed by the dazzling movements of those workers.

Robert said proudly: "They are workers with wrenches and screwdrivers, and soldiers with automatic rifles. The shortest ones have been with me for three years and are very familiar with these things." Robert said from the ground Picked up a newly assembled Uzi submachine gun.

"Where's the bullet?" Robert frowned.

"Boss, here are the bullets." A guy quickly handed over a box of bullets with a respectful expression.

I saw Robert skillfully pressing the bullet into the magazine, and then took out a muffler from the cabinet, and installed it on the muzzle of the gun.

Pushing open the window, Robert raised the Uzi submachine gun with one hand, and shot at a tree trunk with a thick wrist.

A clip of bullets hadn't been fired yet, and the trunk with a thick wrist fell down.

"It's a good thing, and it looks cool." Robert smiled slightly, and threw the Uzi submachine gun to Lionhead.

The lion head smiled and filled the magazine with bullets, and started shooting at the trunk of the big tree.

At least tree trunks as thick as buckets shook tremblingly after being hit by the bullets shot out of the gun barrel at high speed.

"It's a good gun." Looking at the red and hot muzzle of the gun, Lion's Head said in admiration.

"Killers love the Uzi, it's easy to hide," Robert said.

When Lion Head was about to throw the Uzi submachine gun to Yang Tianlong, asking him to have a try, unexpectedly Yang Tianlong shook his head.

"I'll let it go."

"Man, what time do you trade?" Lionhead looked at Robert and asked.

Robert didn't answer the lion's head immediately, but looked at the watch on his wrist, and then said, "There is still an hour, we can have a cup of coffee."

"Is it absolutely safe here?"

"The surrounding area has been guarded by our people. It is very safe. I believe that the other party will not dare to blackmail us. We have more than 30 brothers here, and there are such guys." Robert looked confident said.

"Have you ever been blackmailed?" Lionhead asked with a smile.

Robert laughed, and he didn't hide it, "It must have happened. When I was young, I followed my brothers and traded with a group of people in North Africa. In the end, the other party reneged on their debts and crippled my brother's legs. Fortunately, we had prepared a speedboat at that time, so we saved our life."

"Then what happened later? Let it go?" Yang Tianlong also asked with some interest.

Robert laughed, shook his head, and then said with a serious face, "How could it be nothing? Later we killed the other party. They are not kind to such things, so why should we show loyalty to them?"

"That's true. To do business, you must pay attention to the word reputation. This kind of gangster will definitely be punished." Yang Tianlong said.

"So since then, we haven't taken everything. We still like to deal with those veteran hooligans. Maybe they will keep the price as low as possible, but they won't renege on their bills. Even those African warlords, even if they have no money, they will Will exchange women, children, wood, and diamonds for equivalent value."

"Then you must also know many political leaders in war-torn African countries?" Yang Tianlong asked suddenly.

Robert nodded, "Basically they all know each other, it depends on which country they are from. Some of them only met once, but they all know what I do. I have a good relationship with the leaders of Libya and Sierra Leone."

"What about Catalia?"

"Which country?" Robert couldn't help frowning.

"Catalia." Yang Tianlong repeated.

"Sorry, we basically don't do business with them." Robert said seriously.

"Why? Because of their bad debts?"

"That's right, their president is not a friendly guy, that guy is greedy and dishonest, even Zakyev doesn't cooperate with him." Robert revealed the details.

(End of this chapter)

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