Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 993 Even the Interpol doesn't care

Chapter 993 Even the Interpol doesn't care

Yang Tianlong could see clearly just now, several policemen rushed into the prefabricated house.

For some reason, his heart suddenly became a little depressed. After all, those policemen came here on behalf of justice.

Although Robert is their friend, he is engaged in illegal and criminal work.

"Old buddy, run quickly." Seeing Yang Tianlong standing there bewildered and at a loss, Lion Head couldn't help but hurried up, pulled him up and ran.

When Yang Tianlong was pulled by the lion's head, he couldn't help but suddenly realized, and he hurriedly ran away again.

"Boom..." Several speedboats rushed out from the reeds on the other side of the river, and the guys on the speedboats set up Gatling heavy machine guns and fired wildly at the policemen on the shore.

The policemen hit by Gatling's powerful firepower suddenly lost their motivation to move forward. After one of the fattest policemen was headshot, they all fell to the ground.

"Our speedboat." Robert's face was grim, and then he turned around smartly, shooting at the plainclothes policemen who were lying on the ground.

The bullet hit the ground and stirred up a cloud of dust...

The speedboat quickly approached, and Robert and the others jumped into the speedboat at once.

"Let me do it." On the speedboat, Robert picked up a bazooka and pointed it at the police on the shore.

"Boom..." The fierce artillery fire of rockets once again stopped their progress.

"Fuck..." Robert spat hard into the river.

The speedboat soared into the reeds like an arrow off the string on the calm water.

"Damn guy..." On the shore, David of American nationality.James was so angry that he couldn't help throwing his police submachine gun to the ground.

"Where's the helicopter?" David growled angrily at a plainclothes policeman beside him.

"The helicopter doesn't know." The guy trembled when he spoke.

"What the hell is that the helicopter was in trouble." David said annoyed.

"Boss, the enemy's firepower is too fierce." Deployment said with regret.

"The firepower doesn't mean we have nothing to do with them." David said angrily, "This kind of transaction is rare, guys, we just missed it for nothing, you know? To wait for this day , I've been staring at that bastard Robert for half a year."

"Boss, give us some good guns next time. You haven't seen their Gatling heavy machine guns. Who would dare to go forward?"

"Damn it, let me see Robert, I have to kill him." David picked up his dick with a look of frustration.

"Fatty was headshot, and Ke Qi and his group also died in the board room." The policeman trotted over to report.

"I have to avenge this revenge." After finishing speaking, perhaps to vent his anger, David snapped the safety of the gun, and then shot towards the sky.

The guys around were silent.


After waiting for the helicopter to come over, Robert and the others had already disappeared without a trace.

On the speedboat, Yang Tianlong's mood was very complicated, he didn't know how to express or vent, in short, he was very uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Robert and Lion's Head were talking and laughing happily, as if the lives of those few policemen just now were as insignificant as grasshoppers.

The speedboat went through the reeds, and after half an hour, it docked on the shore.

Sitting in the off-road vehicle, Robert and the others drove towards the hotel in Lake Nasser.

By the time they returned to the hotel, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

"Guys, isn't it exciting." Robert said with a smile.

Lion Head nodded, "It's really exciting."

Yang Tianlong didn't seem to hear it, and frowned slightly.

"Hey, buddy, do you miss your wife?" The lion head couldn't help but patted Yang Tianlong's shoulder.

Only then did Yang Tianlong come back to his senses, and he couldn't help but nodded.

"Let's have some dinner tonight and find a few chicks to celebrate." Robert said with a cool face.

"You guys go, I still want a video with my wife." Yang Tianlong said with a smile.

"You go, I don't have that hobby anymore." Lion Head quickly shook his head.

"It's boring, you young lads can't even compare to an old man like me." Robert said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"We are different from you, we have a family." Lion Head said with a smile.

"Okay, you guys have a family, I'm a widowed old man, it's okay." Robert said with a smile, "Eat dinner first, you don't need women."

"Okay, I'd be a little hungry if you didn't tell me." The lion's head patted his stomach.

Yang Tianlong didn't seem to have any appetite for dinner at night, he simply chatted with his wife after eating.

Lion's Head also lost much interest. After eating, they chatted briefly with Robert for a while, and then they returned to the room.

"Old man, do you have something on your mind?" In Yang Tianlong's room, Lion Head couldn't help asking.

Yang Tianlong glanced at Lion Head, Lion Head is one of his most trusted buddies.

"Yes, I can't forget that scene this afternoon." Yang Tianlong nodded.

"No way, this is an era where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive." The lion's head suddenly understood why Yang Tianlong seemed to be in a strange mood. He was feeling sad for those dead policemen.

"I hate arms, I hate war." Yang Tianlong said as he picked up a can of beer on the coffee table, snapped it away, and then threw his neck back fiercely, and drank it all in one gulp.

"It will be fine in a few days." The lion head said softly.

"I hope." Yang Tianlong heaved a sigh of relief.

"Tomorrow afternoon, let's go to that oasis, old man, have a good rest." After the lion's head finished speaking, he patted Yang Tianlong's shoulder lightly, and left his room.

Yang Tianlong was the only one left in the huge room.

He was even in a daze for a while, and then he couldn't help but walked out of the meeting.

Maybe what the lion head said is right. In this society where the jungle preys on the jungle, no one has it easy. They are all fighting with their own youth and life.

"Damn war, damn arms dealer, I really look down on myself." Yang Tianlong said with a wry smile. He himself is more or less an arms dealer, so what reason does he have to look down on Robert and Zakiev? ?
"Forget it, forget everything, as long as my family and friends live happily, I'm not a savior, I can't control so much." Yang Tianlong shook his head, constantly admonishing himself in his heart.

This night, he naturally suffered from insomnia, and in the hesitation and struggle, he kept torturing himself.

It wasn't until dawn that Yang Tianlong fell into a drowsy sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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