Take a plane to Africa

Chapter 997 The Dangerous Cliff

Chapter 997 The Dangerous Cliff

The cliff of the cliff is not a straight line, but abrupt and uneven. On the cliff, every step of the lion's head is very hard. Rocks that are weathered but not dropped are easy to kick down.

Every step of the lion head is very careful. After all, he is a pathfinder and needs to provide a good reference for the later guys.

The rope is slowly descending, and the lion's head's heart also tenses up along with the slowly descending rope, and sometimes breathes out, it's very complicated...

When descending to the halfway up the mountain, suddenly saw several big birds fluttering out from inside. The big birds went straight to the face of the lion's head. Fortunately, he lifted his arm so that it didn't hurt his face.

Fortunately, the quality of the camouflage jackets they wear is also quite good, and the price of each piece of clothing is around a thousand dollars.

"There is a big bird..." Lion Head quickly said through the Infinity headset.

Yang Tianlong and the others were startled, everyone heard it clearly.

"It must be the local peregrine falcon," Saraha blurted out.

Both Hassan and Ajid nodded involuntarily.

The peregrine falcon is a kind of medium-sized raptor that the nomads of North Africa like to domesticate most, and it can well assist the herdsmen in hunting.

When Yang Tianlong heard that it was a peregrine falcon, he couldn't help grinning. It happened that Meng Diao was also nearby. Right now he only has one Meng Diao. If he domesticated all these Peregrine Falcons, it would be a good thing to end his trouble. do you mind...

Without hesitation, he decisively ordered the eagle to fly towards the lion's head.

Under Saraha's instruction, the lion's head was hanging on the cliff by himself rather pitifully, motionless.

This is the only way for Lionhead not to be besieged by peregrine falcons right now.

Just when the lion head was full of anticipation for the peregrine falcons to fly away, he suddenly heard the sound of a big bird fluttering from above his head.

Lion Head couldn't help taking a look out of the corner of his eye, and his heart burst into joy, it was Meng Diao.

He clearly remembered this fierce eagle, it was Yang Tianlong's fierce eagle.

Sure enough, Meng Diao rushed into the flock of peregrine falcons, and it didn't take long to disperse the peregrine falcons. A slow-running peregrine falcon was picked up by Meng Diao with its claws, and then disappeared in the on top of the lion's head.

After seeing the peregrine falcons being washed away, the lion kicked his head, and his body quickly slid down a few meters.

He couldn't help but let out a long breath.

However, after the peregrine falcon was driven past, it did not mean that he was absolutely safe. Less than ten meters away from the ground, the lion's head heard another hissing sound.

Borrowing the moonlight, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. It was so dangerous that he almost stepped on it. What the hell was a nest of poisonous snakes. Dozens of poisonous snakes with long letters were stirred up in the nest. After letting the lion's head look at it, goose bumps could not help but appear all over his body.

Lion Head didn't dare to neglect any more, and he quickly accelerated, and when he was about one meter above the ground, he bent his knees, and his body fell firmly to the ground.

"The descent is complete, the next guy." Lion Head said quickly, "There is a poisonous snake's nest ten meters above the ground, remember, don't stay there."

"Understood..." Yang Tianlong replied quickly, in fact, he had already made preparations, waiting for the lion's head to slide to the ground.

Yang Tianlong also quickly swung the rope and slid down from the top, without any danger. Although he also found the group of poisonous snakes, but fortunately he had prepared in advance, so he entered this mysterious area quite smoothly. Oasis land.

As soon as he got to the bottom of the valley, Yang Tianlong couldn't help but feel a cold air coming from nowhere all over his body, pressing on his body, making him shiver involuntarily.

"It's a bit cold here." Yang Tianlong lowered his voice and said to the lion's head.

Lion Head nodded, "Yes, it may be that there are many trees in this environment, and the terrain is relatively low, so the cold air stays at the bottom."

The lion's head's explanation made sense, Yang Tianlong nodded, and then began to look at the surrounding environment.

This oasis produces tall Populus euphratica forests, and the dense Populus euphratica forest completely covers the entire oasis. Even if they have descended to the bottom of the valley right now, the viewing distance is still not very far.

He and the lion's head were vigilant, and the guys above began to descend one by one. In 10 minutes, all the guys had fallen to the bottom of the valley.

According to the previous division of labor, they decided to walk the entire oasis in clockwise and counterclockwise directions, and then meet again after finishing.

Yang Tianlong led Akinfeev, Ajid, and Sarahah in a counterclockwise direction, while Lion Head led Doc and Hassan in a clockwise direction.

It is easier to walk on the edge of the valley bottom, either thorns, tall grass, or wasteland. When you encounter thorns, take out a machete and chop them off; tall grass and wasteland can be stepped on directly. .

Yang Tianlong was the first to walk, Akinfeev was behind him, followed by Ajid and Salaha, all the guys held their hands tightly, lest they should not appear here something to come.

After walking a few steps, suddenly an animal sprang out from the grass, which made Yang Tianlong and the others, who were highly focused, startled.

"It's a mouse." Ajid said involuntarily.

"There are still mice here?" Yang Tianlong and the others were surprised.

Ajid nodded, "So there is a high possibility that there are people living here, otherwise, the rats would not appear here."

"Let's take a good look at every step to see if there are any traces of human activities here." Ajid said.

After walking more than ten meters away, all of a sudden, everyone was attracted by the sound of running water.

By feeling, the sound of running water was near them.

As soon as they heard the sound of running water, everyone couldn't help but become a little excited. They all cheered up again and looked around here.

Soon, Ajid, who was still the most experienced, discovered the source of the sound of running water.

It came from a large clump of grass in front of them.

The grass is very dense, if the sound of water flow reminded them that there is a spring here, none of Yang Tianlong and the others might be able to find it.

Pushing aside the thick grass, they saw a spring that looked like a pipe at the bottom of the cliff. The water in the spring was constantly surging upwards, and it seemed that the amount of water was quite abundant.

"There is a spring here, maybe there are underground rivers and caves." Ajid said after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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