Super God: I Can Copy Kamigawa Gene

Chapter 10 [Heavenly Tribulation]

Chapter 10 [Heavenly Tribulation]
Lu Chen was very happy.

Unexpectedly, Diyu was so generous, and directly took out the core technology of Lieyangxing, the star drive.

At this moment, both Lu Chen and Di Yu felt that they had made a lot of money.

Next, under Di Yu's hospitality, Lu Chen had a big meal, and then was sent back by a special car sent by Di Yu.

However, what Lu Chen didn't know was that it was because of his contact with Di Yu this time that he lost the opportunity to join the Xiongbing Company.

Within 5 minutes of returning home, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

Lu Chen went to open the door and found that it was the leader of the Xiongbing Company, Ajie, who had come to him before.

Ajie's face looked a bit ugly, he walked into the yard, and said to Lu Chen: "You have met someone you shouldn't meet, no matter whether you have reached any cooperation or not, but some regulations are not allowed."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Chen froze for a moment.

Although he completed a deal with Di Yu, Di Yu didn't invite him, why did he suddenly violate some regulations?
"I won't explain to you what's superfluous, just return the phone and ID to me!" Ajie stretched out his hand.

Lu Chen couldn't help frowning, but seeing the other party's determined expression, he had no choice but to take out his phone and ID and hand them back to the other party.

"There is no room for negotiation?" After handing the item to the other party, Lu Chen still asked unwillingly.


Ajie was very decisive, turned and left after taking the things.

Lu Chen stood where he was, watching the other party exit the courtyard and disappear into the alley.

What is this called?

He was actually rejected by the Xiongbing Company.

Lu Chen vaguely guessed something.

The Xiongbing Company was established because of Lena, and the energy source is all from Lena.

And Leina is the Empress of Star Lieyang, but Lu Chen knows that there are not a few people who oppose her.

Now there is another male member of the Lieyang star royal family, and Lu Chen has to think of some things about fighting for power.



After exhaling, Lu Chen shook his head.

Forget it, don’t want us if you don’t want us!
It's not necessary to join the Xiongbing Company.

Getting up and closing the courtyard door, Lu Chen sat in the courtyard.

After installing the biological engine for Emperor Yu last time, his own has not been installed yet.

Moreover, despite the fact that it took only 10 minutes for Di Yu to successfully connect with the sub-biological engine, it might not necessarily be the case with him.

This is a question of strength.

Open the void plane system, connect void particles, and install.


A ripple instantly spread out from Lu Chen's body.

This ripple spread for about ten meters, just reaching the courtyard wall.

I saw that the entire courtyard wall disappeared in an instant.


The next moment, the courtyard wall reappeared, but it became crooked, as if the surrounding space was radiated and distorted.

Ripples trembled, Lu Chen's body seemed to be between two planes, and the degree of distortion was terrifying.

An hour passed.

The surroundings are still the same, but at this time, the area where Lu Chen is located has disappeared under all monitoring methods.

three hours later.

Eighteen forty-five in the evening.


With a vibrato, the ripple disappeared instantly.

At the same time, a mechanical notification sounded in the void plane.

[The secondary biological engine successfully connected. 】

[Please name the engine. 】

"Heavenly Tribulation!"

[The naming is successful, the [Heavenly Tribulation] engine starts for the first time, and the operating frequency is quad-core. 】


At this moment, Lu Chen felt that there was an energy core in his body.

That is the [Heavenly Tribulation] secondary biological engine.

This is the most powerful weapon in the world of Company of Arms.

The frequency of each engine is different, and the power is also different.

All secondary biological engines of all frequencies that have appeared in the world of Heroes Company, from the lowest two frequencies to the highest 48 frequencies.

And Lu Chen's engine is a four-band engine, which is only a little higher than the lowest two-band engine, and it is considered the weakest type.

However, the engine can be upgraded.

This is like a computer system. After you provide technology, its capabilities and frequency will also increase.

"Open the Heavenly Tribulation control panel!"

Lu Chen spoke suddenly, and his whole body was shocked.

"Create gravity space!"

"The space weight is set to 500 kilograms!"



As Lu Chen's words fell, a huge force immediately acted on him.

Caught off guard, Lu Chen was almost knocked down by this huge force.

The strength of a thousand catties seems to be the limit that his current physical condition can bear.



The surroundings regained calm.

Lu Chen took a breath, with unconcealable joy in his eyes.

The biological engine is really easy to use this time.

In this way, the problem of his cultivation was solved.

Even if you can't go to the Xiongbing Company, it's okay.

Nineteen thirty.

Qilin returned home on time.

Seeing Lu Chen in the yard, Qilin immediately asked, "Did anyone from Xiongbing Company come over today? How is it? Have you been admitted as well?"

Seeing Qilin's expectant face, Lu Chen felt a little guilty.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen said softly, "I'm sorry, but for some reason, I failed to join the Xiongbing Company."


Qilin was surprised, and seemed to want to ask Lu Chen why, but she swallowed the words again.

Afterwards, Qilin smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, even if you can't join the Xiongbing Company, then you are capable, and it's not a problem to find a good job."


Lu Chen nodded, clenched his fist and said, "Don't worry, as your boyfriend, I won't embarrass you."

Qilin's face turned red immediately, but this time she did not evade, but stepped forward and said, "No matter what you do, as long as you don't do bad things, I will support you."


Lu Chen was moved.

"Okay, let's clean up and go eat." Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, Qi Lin hurriedly backed away.

"it is good."

Lu Chen responded.

Two 10 minutes later.

The two appeared in a noodle shop in the next street.

Two bowls of beef noodles and a large bottle of drink.

After dinner, the two walked home along the road.

But when they approached the alley of their house, more than a dozen figures appeared and stopped the two of them.

Lu Chen immediately protected Qilin behind him.

Looking at the dozen or so people, Lu Chen found that each of them was holding steel pipes, baseball bats and other weapons in their hands.

"What do you want to do? Do you know that this is against the law!" Qilin yelled loudly. The reason for her work taught her not to bow to any evil forces.

"Brothers, come on!"

One of the dozen or so people yelled, and the next moment they all rushed forward.

At this moment, Lu Chen's eyes burst into light.

In the past, the best way to face this situation is to squat on the ground and hold your head, hoping that you will be lucky and not be beaten to death.

But now, it's them to look forward to.

"Create gravity space!"

"The space weight is set to two hundred kilograms!"


(End of this chapter)

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