Super God: I Can Copy Kamigawa Gene

Chapter 12 "Infinity"

Chapter 12 "Infinity"

While buying breakfast, Lu Chen received a text message from Qilin.

It means that it's too late and I won't have breakfast.

Seeing this, Lu Chen bought breakfast nearby, and when he rushed back, he happened to meet Qilin going out, so he brought her breakfast.

"Be careful on the road."

Seeing Qilin go away on the motorcycle, Lu Chen felt a little emotional.

It's been a few days since I came into this world.

He actually caught up with Qilin.

It can only be said that God really favored him.

Then he will definitely not disappoint the other party.


Back in the courtyard, Lu Chen planned to start formal training.

Currently, according to his own situation, he has formulated two cultivation routes for himself.

The first one is physical training.

Liu Chuang's Shenhe gene, with normal growth, can quickly grow to the strength of the three generations of gods.

After all, this is the gene of the strongest god of war from the Deno galaxy.

However, Liu Chuang's Shenhe gene also has obvious flaws.

That is, there is no good way to deal with the blow of the secondary biological plane of the void level.

He is a pure god of war, the kind with explosive combat power.

Therefore, Lu Chen planned to strengthen his physical training as normal, and it was enough to maximize the growth and evolution of his genes.

The second is the construction of sub-biological engines.

The sub-biological engine, if used well, this is definitely a sky-defying weapon.

And now Lu Chen has the two elements that allow the sub-biological engine to continue to evolve, the energy source and the information base.

Then if we don't build a sub-biological engine like this, it really can't be justified.


Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the courtyard, Lu Chen turned on the sub-biological engine to create a gravity space, and set the gravity to [-] kilograms.

This is the maximum limit that his current physical state can carry. In such a gravity space, even if he does nothing, his body will be fully exercised to the greatest extent.

So, while Lu Chen was cultivating his body in the weight space, his mind was entering the information database and began to connect with the sub-biological engine.

After 5 minutes, the information base and the secondary biological engine were successfully connected.

At this time, Lu Chen found that the calculation frequency of his secondary biological engine had increased by one frequency, reaching five frequencies.


Suddenly, the weight space disappeared.

Lu Chen stood up and checked the secondary biological engine, only to find that the energy had run out.

Energy is needed to run the sub-biological engine.

It's like you want to turn on a computer, then you have to power it on first.

The way Lu Chen makes the sub-biological engine run now is to absorb energy from the Chiwu star and then replenish it.

However, since Lu Chen is not bound to a star and has an independent celestial energy supply, there will often be energy outages.

Now, he intends to bind a star.


【I am here】

"Find me a star that fits my subbiological engine."

[Okay, searching, please wait...]

After about 5 minutes, the mechanical sound of the plane system sounded again.

[Find a suitable star, 721 million light-years away from Earth, named Yuanyan Star. 】

"Can I drive?"

[Yes, through the void plane, you can directly drive that star. 】

"Okay, help me connect."

[No problem, please wait...]

After another 5 minutes, Lu Chen only felt a blur before his eyes, and he suddenly appeared in front of a huge star.

【connection succeeded】


Lu Chen nodded, and it's up to him next.

"Open the Heavenly Tribulation control panel!"

"Turn on the stellar drive."

"Set the target, Yuanyan Star."

[Target set successfully. 】

[The information library can be placed. 】



A huge metal sphere slowly condensed out, and around this metal sphere, belts of light like star rings lingered, extremely bright.

Looking at the results he made, Lu Chen was very satisfied.

With stellar drive technology, everything is much easier.

After all, no matter what you do, the energy problem is the first to be solved.

After exiting the plane space, Lu Chen opened his eyes.

The "Qian Kun" that Ge Xiaolun established in the middle and late stages of the Xiongbinglian world, he has directly completed it now.

And Lu Chen named his information base "Wuliang".


Turning on the sub-biological engine again to create a gravity space, Lu Chen found that it seemed to be a lot stronger.

"Boundless", that is, the information base, Lu Chen put it near Yuanyan Star through the plane space, and the secondary biological engine "Heavenly Tribulation" in his body can also continuously obtain energy through "Boundless".

And "Heavenly Tribulation" is constantly running, and the simulated and detected information will also be stored in "Infinity" to upgrade its operating frequency.

This has formed a virtuous circle. As long as the source of flames is not exhausted and the catastrophe continues to run, there will be no information in this universe that Lu Chen does not know.

With the information in hand, many things can be done through the "Heavenly Tribulation".

For example, let a civilization disappear directly, or directly change the universe!
Of course, this all depends on how many billions of years it takes to accumulate.

You must know that the big clock, as the oldest astronomical computer, has only existed for more than 3 years.


After practicing until noon, Lu Chen found that he could already adapt to the weight space of [-] jin.

Genes are assisted by cultivation in the process of natural growth, and the effect is still obvious.



Just after turning off the secondary biological engine, the phone rang.

Lu Chen wiped the sweat from his hands, took a look at his phone, and found that it was from Qilin.

"Lu Chen, it happened suddenly. I have now entered the training base of the Xiongbing Company, and I will undergo special training for up to three months.It's too late to say goodbye to you, so I can only say sorry.When I finish the feature, I will definitely make it up to you. '

'Qi Lin. '


It has been connected by Xiongbing.

Lu Chen suddenly felt a little lost.

But Lu Chen also understood that this was Qilin's mission.

And he also hopes that Qilin can become even better.

So, Lu Chen clicked on the communication, and replied to Qi Lin: "It's okay, you have special training with peace of mind, I'll wait for you to come back!" '

Putting down the phone, Lu Chen went to wash his body.

After lunch, Lu Chen began to think about how to spend these three months.

Because of the energy supply from Yuanyan Star, don't worry about your own energy.

This allowed Lu Chen to solve a big problem without having to ingest energy through eating to supply the Shenhe genes in his body for consumption.

Therefore, Lu Chen only needs to consider how to cultivate the fastest and most effective way.

And the fastest and most effective way to practice is naturally actual combat.

But this is not easy to get.


Lu Chen is used to asking the system for help when encountering problems.

After all, there is such a system, so it is not in vain.

【I am here】

"I want to conduct actual combat training!"

[Yes, now I will provide you with two options. 】

[Scheme [-]: Use the sub-biological engine to simulate combat scenes and conduct actual combat training at the spiritual level. 】

[Scheme [-]: Open the wormhole and send you to the vicinity of Pluto, where there is a gluttonous fleet, and you can get sufficient practical training. 】


(End of this chapter)

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