Super God: I Can Copy Kamigawa Gene

Chapter 2 The Power of Replication

Chapter 2 The Power of Replication
Opening the information database and browsing all the information of the predecessor, Lu Chen also knew the ins and outs.

It turned out that he and Qilin, as well as his current girlfriend Yaoyao, were college classmates.

After graduation, Qilin joined the police force, Yaoyao worked in a business company, and Lu Chen was currently unemployed.

And the place where the three of them live, that is, the small yard in front of them, is owned by a distant relative of Qilin, and they are temporarily rented out to the three of them.

"You and Yaoyao, are you having a fight?" Qi Lin who was opening the door suddenly asked.


Lu Chen, who had browsed the previous information, responded, looked at Qilin who was opening the door, and said casually, "It's not that she thinks I'm fat, it's not just once, it's okay."


The courtyard door was opened.

Qilin walked into the yard first, and said: "I think you'd better coax Yaoyao, this time I think she is really angry."


Lu Chen responded.

Judging from the information in the information database, the predecessor loved his girlfriend Yaoyao very much.

Because, the predecessor can directly increase the price by seventy catties for a word from his girlfriend, which is outrageous!
However, the price is that his girlfriend Yaoyao seems to dislike her predecessor even more.

Analyzing from a rational point of view, Lu Chen understood that Yaoyao had lost her passion for love with her predecessor.

In other words, the two came to an end.

Leaving at the restaurant at noon is a different kind of breakup.


If you break up, let's break up, anyway, the predecessor is gone now.

In this current body, although the soul contained in it is also called Lu Chen, it is completely two people.

Moreover, this is the world of Xiongbinglian.

Judging from the time when the Kamigawa gene was turned on, the disaster is coming soon, and he needs to grow up quickly.

However, growth belongs to growth, and the "wife" also needs to be chased.

In the previous life, for the female characters in the Xiongbing Company, Qilin was Lu Chen's favorite.

Brave, strong, and desperate.

These noble qualities deeply attracted Lu Chen.

Of course, there is also Qilin's beautiful appearance and perfect figure, which are also Lu Chen's favorite.

Now, he actually came to this world, and the character he likes the most is right in front of him.

Lu Chen understood that this was the best gift God gave him, so he must grasp it carefully.


"I like you!"

Lu Chen suddenly shouted.

At this time, Qi Lin, who was standing in front of the house on the left, was about to open the door and enter, suddenly froze.

And Lu Chen was also a little apprehensive, and it was only after he yelled out that he realized that it was a bit abrupt.

Sure enough, Qilin didn't turn her head back, she just pushed open the door, stepped into the room, and quickly closed the door, leaving only this sentence:

"Don't be kidding, Yaoyao is still outside! You should look for her."

Looking at the closed door, Lu Chen opened his mouth, and finally swallowed the next words.

There is no rush for this matter.

Although he has changed now and has no feelings for Yaoyao, Qilin doesn't think so!

In Qilin's eyes, he is the boyfriend of her best friend Yaoyao.

Moreover, now he and Yaoyao are still arguing.

Under such circumstances, Lu Chen yelled that he liked Qilin, which undoubtedly gave him the title of scumbag.


After exhaling, Lu Chen walked towards the room on the right.

There are three rooms in this small courtyard, the left and right are bedrooms, and the middle room has been transformed into a bathroom and toilet.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, a faint scent of perfume filled the air.

The space in the room is still quite large, with a window at the back and a desk in front of the window with a computer on it.

The space on the right is partitioned off and a single bed is placed behind it.

Lu Chen went to the desk and sat down, opened the window to let the fresh air from outside flow in.

Slowly, his thoughts calmed down.

Now that you have come to this world, accept everything here peacefully.

Moreover, he activated the dark plane system and became the same existence as the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company.

Then, the next step is to develop your own divine power so that you can survive in this world well.

First of all, the Kamigawa gene copied by his dark plane system is very good.

Great Wall No. 1 Liu Chuang's Shenhe gene is the absolute God of War gene.

In terms of body strength, it is even harder than Ge Xiaolun's Indestructible Body.

There is nothing to say about combat effectiveness.

Compared with the other two, Liu Chuang's Shenhe Gene has a huge advantage in the early stage.

In addition, Lu Chen also studied the character panel.

Replication Power: 0%.

Lu Chen paid special attention to this attribute.

Regarding this, Lu Chen asked about the dark plane system.

And the answer of the dark plane system is: "When the power of replication reaches 100%, you can replicate another Kamigawa gene!"

In other words, he can have multiple, or even all of the Kamigawa genes, as long as the ability to replicate is sufficient.

However, the dark plane system did not tell Lu Chen how to obtain the power of replication, but let him discover it by himself.


The sound of a locomotive starting outside the courtyard door.

Lu Chen got up and came to the door of the room. Seeing the red lights of the locomotive outside the courtyard door, Qilin seemed to glance at him, then the locomotive started and drove away from the alley.

Lu Chen turned around and looked up at the calendar on the wall.

7 month 30 number.

If I remember correctly, Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang will fight in an alley tonight, and then turn on the dark plane system one after another.

And tonight, Qilin will also encounter a fatal blow from the Taotie advance team, and activate the first generation of Kamigawa warrior genes.

However, Lu Chen was a little worried.

After all, Qilin was hit by a stray bullet.

After getting up and going out, after locking the courtyard door, Lu Chen walked out of the alley.

Feiliu District Airport.

This is the place where the gluttonous advance team first landed, and they will carry out some destruction here as a test of the earth's civilization.

Now, he is a demigod, and although he still doesn't know how to use divine power, there should be no problem in rescuing Qilin in the chaos.

Ten thirty.

Lu Chen was drinking a cup of milk tea while walking around the streets near the airport in Feiliu District.

When buying milk tea, he found a problem.

That's the current body shape.

His height should be 1.8 meters five, but his weight is more than 230 catties.

Because of the broad bones, he looks extra fat.

When I bought milk tea just now, a girl complained to him in a low voice: "If you are so fat and still drink milk tea, you won't be afraid of getting fat."

For this reason, when Lu Chen passed by a clothing store, he deliberately went in and looked in the mirror.

To be honest, regarding his predecessor, Lu Chen didn't think it was Yaoyao's dislike for him at all, because when Lu Chen saw his appearance in the mirror, he couldn't help but dislike him.

Fortunately, he got the Kamigawa gene.

One of the powerful features of the Kamigawa gene is to speed up metabolism and increase physical strength.

Now, every inch of fat in Lu Chen's body is in a state of "burning".

In other words, even if he does not exercise, his body will gradually become the most perfect form.

This is the power of the Kamigawa gene!


(End of this chapter)

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