Super God: I Can Copy Kamigawa Gene

Chapter 45 Learning Theoretical Knowledge of Subbiological Engines

Chapter 45 Learning Theoretical Knowledge of Subbiological Engines
Before coming to this world, Lu Chen was a complete homeboy.

He likes playing games and watching anime.

I like to play LOL the most in games, and I like Heroes Company the most in anime.

Qiangwei and Qilin are his favorite characters.

Perhaps it was God's mercy that allowed him to truly come to this world.

Not only did he catch up with Qilin, but he also won Qiangwei's heart.

This is simply the happiest thing in life.

What's more, he has become the king of angels, Kaisha, Yan, Leng, Zhixin, and Liang Bing has fallen in love with him.

Sometimes, Lu Chen wondered if he was dreaming, otherwise how could everything be so beautiful!

"Dong dong!"

The door was knocked suddenly, and Lu Chen, who was recalling the past, hurriedly got up to open the door.

The door opened, Zhi Xin stood outside the door.

But Zhixin's attire made Lu Chen's eyes shine.

I saw that the upper body was wearing ice silk long sleeves, which perfectly highlighted the figure, which could be described as uneven and perfect.

A pair of elastic pants on the lower body are tightly attached to the skin, and the long legs are perfectly displayed, making people unable to take their eyes off at a glance.

"Wang! Sister Yan said that I will teach you the theoretical knowledge of secondary biological engines." Zhi Xin's face turned red when Lu Chen saw it, and she couldn't help but whispered.


Lu Chen responded, came back to his senses, and immediately said, "Then come in quickly! Yan and Leng?"

Zhi Xin stepped into the room, her face turned even redder, and said in a low voice: "Sister Yan said, she will teach you fighting skills someday, and Sister Leng too."


Lu Chen suddenly realized that this is coming one by one!
Lu Chen closed the door casually, and said with a smile, "Then let's start! Don't tell me, I really don't understand the theoretical knowledge of sub-biological engines."

Zhi Xin immediately smiled happily and said, "Then Wang, you are the right teacher. In Tiancheng, if you want to talk about the degree of understanding of the theoretical knowledge of sub-biological engines, I can definitely rank second!"

"Then who is number one?" Lu Chen was a little surprised.

Zhi Xin replied: "Of course it's my teacher, Tianji Wang Hexi!"


Lu Chen was surprised, and then thought of that very domineering character.

"Okay, let's start!" Lu Chen nodded, he really wanted to supplement his theoretical knowledge about sub-biological engines.

Only in this way can the potential and ability of Tianjie be better developed.


Zhi Xin nodded, and said seriously: "Then let's start with the composition of the secondary biological engine."


Throughout the night, Zhi Xin explained the theoretical knowledge to Lu Chen very hard, and Lu Chen also studied it very hard.

The next morning.

Lu Chen opened his eyes, turned his head to look at Zhi Xin lying beside him, and couldn't help showing a smile.

Last night, it was really hard for this girl to teach him theoretical knowledge and help him practice it so hard.

After docking with Zhi Xin's sub-biological engine, Lu Chen gained a lot, and Zhi Xin also obtained Lu Chen's void power, and the sub-biological engine was upgraded to a higher level.

After getting dressed, Lu Chen went out, planning to buy breakfast.

Gently closing the door, just as Lu Chen turned around, Yan suddenly appeared, startling Lu Chen.


Angel Yan looked at Lu Chen with a smile on his face, and teased, "You are so careful, are you afraid of waking up Zhi Xin! It seems that sister Zhi Xin had a hard time last night."

Lu Chen couldn't help turning dark, stretched out his hand to pinch Yan's upturned nose, and couldn't help but said, "Even your king dares to tease you, right? Since you are worried about Zhi Xin, you will help her tonight."

"Really? Wang, you have to count on what you say!" Yan suddenly said happily.



For Yan, this is not a punishment at all, but a welfare!
Reaching out and pinching Yan's face, Lu Chen was a little surprised by the amazing elasticity.

"Okay, let's talk about it tonight, now accompany me to buy breakfast." Lu Chen got up and walked out.

Yan immediately followed, hugged Lu Chen's arm with both hands, leaned half of his body on Lu Chen, and said happily: "Obey, my king!"

It was still early, Lu Chen and Yan went out, walked along the street, and walked towards the breakfast shop on the next street.

On the way, some people who got up early for morning exercises or went to work cast envious glances at Lu Chen and Yan.

When the two walk together, it can be said that they are both talented and beautiful.

In today's world, such a perfect CP is really rare.

Walking all the way to the breakfast shop, the two stood outside the store and began to order food.

"Boss, bring me two baskets of buns, fried dough sticks, porridge..."

What Lu Chen ordered was a down-to-earth breakfast.

Yan stood quietly beside him.

The boss packed the food skillfully, and when handing it to Lu Chen, he still praised him: "Young man, I didn't expect you to be handsome, and the girlfriend you found is also so beautiful, it's really enviable!"

Lu Chen smiled, and replied, "Uncle, I'm sorry, I think you must have been a handsome guy when you were young!"

Lu Chen was just saying something politely, but the uncle seemed to want to show off his past, so he immediately said, "Young man, you really have eyes. To tell you the truth, I was the grassroots of our art school back then, so why not chase me?" Girls can line up from this street to the end of the street!"

Lu Chen: "!"

"Let me tell you." The uncle leaned in front of Lu Chen again, and whispered with a mysterious face: "Several of the school girls who chased me back then were no worse than your girlfriend."

Lu Chen: "..."

This uncle is really narcissistic enough!
Those swollen eyes, that bulbous nose, that thick lips, that sparse Zhongnanhai hairstyle...

What exactly did the years leave on this uncle to make him look like this in his middle age!

Lu Chen was a little emotional.

Time is really a butcher's knife!

On the way back, Yan kept laughing.

It's okay for her to laugh, but her soft body rubbed against Lu Chen's arm from time to time, making Lu Chen seriously suspect that she did it on purpose.

Back home, Liang Bing and the others also woke up.

There was a table in the yard. Lu Chen set up breakfast, and several people gathered around to eat.

During the period, Yan told about the narcissistic uncle Lu Chen met when he was buying breakfast, and the girls who provoked were all laughing.

Lu Chen was also drunk.

You can meet such a wonderful uncle even if you buy breakfast.

"Hehe! Is that uncle really that handsome? I'll have to see him some other day."

"Call me, I'm curious too."

"Then we can go in a group."

"Well, it's good to form a group!"


One day passed, and towards evening, Lu Chen received a dark message from Keisha.

In 10 minutes, she will reach the earth.

Lu Chen was a little happy.

He hasn't seen Keisha these days, and he really misses her a little bit.

So, Lu Chen simply sat in the yard and waited.

About 10 minutes later, a stream of light flashed in the sky, falling straight towards Lu Chen's position.



(End of this chapter)

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