Chapter 50 I Have Two Guns


There was a sound of metal clashing, and the flaming sword in Angel Yan's hand flew away immediately.

Holding the Angel King Sword in his hand, Lu Chen was full of awe-inspiring aura, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, showing its sharpness.

In Wuji swordsmanship, the emphasis is on sharpness.

Sword out of the infinite, no one can match!
"King! What kind of swordsmanship are you doing? It's so powerful, I want to learn it too." Angel Yan said with a look of admiration.

"This is called Wuji Sword Dao, a sword way that no one can match!" Lu Chen stood up with his sword in his hands, and said with a proud face.

"I will share the sword intent in the information database, and then let all the angels understand it." Lu Chen said.

Keisha's eyes lit up immediately.

She also saw Lu Chen's swordsmanship just now, and it was not so strong.

If she didn't rely on melee combat anymore, she really wanted to learn it too.

However, although she doesn't need to learn it anymore, if countless angels can learn this Wuji swordsmanship, their overall strength can be at least doubled.

After all, the angels are still in the stage of physical attack when using the flame sword. With this Wuji swordsmanship, it is like a tiger with wings added!
Here, Lu Chen opened the Heavenly Tribulation and directly uploaded his sword intent experience.

Afterwards, he directly shouted in the angel message book: "I uploaded a sword technique in the information database, everyone go and learn it!"

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, the message book was blown up.

"Wow! Wang actually uploaded the sword technique, I'm going to check it out."

"The sword skills uploaded by the king must be the strongest!"

"My king! Thank you for your gift!"


Lu Chen found that the group of angel ladies who had never met before seemed a little fanatical in their admiration for him.

No matter what he posted in the angel message book, it always caused an uproar.

Perhaps, this is the direction of the king!
After closing the message book, Lu Chen looked at Keisha and the others.

With a helpless smile, Lu Chen said, "Go, let's have dinner together!"


After finishing dinner, Lu Chen followed a group of beauties back home.

Kaisha has decided to return to Tiancheng tomorrow, and Liangbing also plans to continue training with Qiangwei.

Lu Chen was also assigned a task.

Yan, Leng, and Zhi Xin stayed behind to teach Lu Chen various knowledge.

In this way, after two days of leisure, Lu Chen started to get busy again.

Get busy and time flies.

Lu Chen comprehended swordsmanship, Wuji swordsmanship has made another breakthrough.

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

At noon, the sun in the sky flickered suddenly, and the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in Lu Chen's yard.

Looking up, Lu Chen couldn't help being a little surprised: "Sister Na, why are you here?"

It was Rena who came.

"What? I can't come! I haven't seen you for over a year, you have become a lot more handsome." Leina looked Lu Chen up and down, and said in surprise.

Indeed, recently Lu Chen also feels that he is becoming more and more attractive.

After staying with angels for a long time, it seems that the genes will take the initiative to develop the body shape, making it better and more perfect.

"Sister Na, come back suddenly, is there something wrong?" Lu Chen invited Leina to sit down and asked.


Sighing, Leina showed a trace of exhaustion: "Forget it, I'm in Lie Yan, and I can't stay any longer. As an emperor, I'm really aggrieved."

"what happened?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised. Normally, with the support of General Pan Zhen, Leina should gradually stabilize her position.

"It's not the Emperor Yu you support!" Leina glanced at Lu Chen resentfully, and then said: "Now, Emperor Yu has the support of Grandpa, and soon, he will be the emperor of Lieyang Star."


Lu Chen responded: "That's really hard to do! After all, I have a good relationship with Di Yu, so it's impossible for me to help you deal with him."

"Who said we're going to deal with him?" Leina suddenly turned her head to look at Lu Chen: "I can't wait for Diyu to take over the position! Why do you want to deal with him?"


Lu Chen froze for a moment, a little unaccustomed to Leina's brain circuit.

And what Lena said next made Lu Chen understand why she had this mentality.

It turns out that Leina has always been unwilling to take the throne of Lieyang Star.

However, Di Hongkun insisted on her sitting down, trying to drive the ducks to the shelves, so Leina had no choice.

You know, there are not a few male members in the Lieyang star royal family.

However, after receiving the help of Lu Chen's sub-biological engine, Di Yu's strength improved extremely quickly, and he also showed great potential, which made Di Hongkun change his mind.

Now, Lena finally got rid of the sea of ​​suffering, she is too late to be happy!

That "ah" was just to release the pressure of these years.

"By the way, I don't have a place to live recently, so I'll live with you first." Reina waved her hand and walked straight to the room of the three of them.

Lu Chen was helpless, he knew that Lena must have felt their breath.

Sure enough, after Reina entered, the four of them were chatting and laughing in the room, looking very happy.

For Leina's sudden arrival, Lu Chen had no choice but to be surprised.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen got up, ready to go for a stroll.

The high-intensity training these days has made him a little tired.

Riding on a motorcycle, Lu Chen drove all the way out of No. [-] Sub City along a main road towards the east.

Now, the earth has stabilized, and the backhand arranged by the gods has been hidden, and the earth has regained its former peace.

Everywhere is slowly recovering, and everything is waiting to be done.

after an hour.

Lu Chen stopped at the edge of a lake, put the motorcycle beside him, and walked along the lake.

The scenery here is very good, the air is fresh and the river is clear.


Suddenly, the locomotive he put on the shore was started.

This surprised Lu Chen. He turned his head and found a woman riding on his motorcycle, ready to leave.

【Turn off the locomotive engine】


The locomotive that had just started suddenly stopped again.

The woman was a little surprised. She jumped out of the car and was about to leave. When she looked up, she found that Lu Chen was in front of her.

At this time, Lu Chen looked at the woman in front of him, but his eyes lit up.

This woman's clothes are really sexy.

Moreover, the figure is quite hot, and the appearance is even more unspeakable.

Especially the chest, the degree of fullness is simply amazing.

Lu Chen swore that this was definitely the biggest, straightest, and whitest thing he had ever seen.


"do not move!"

Just as Lu Chen was looking at the other party, two guns suddenly appeared in the woman's hands, aiming at Lu Chen.

That gun is very special, like an ancient musket with a thick barrel.

However, the surface of the gun in this woman's hand is very delicate, without the roughness of the ancient musket at all.

"You have two guns?"

Lu Chen suddenly thought of something.

When the woman heard Lu Chen's words, her eyes lit up, and she said in a very charming voice, "Yes! I have two guns, one called "Boom" and the other called "Ah"!"


(End of this chapter)

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