Super God: I Can Copy Kamigawa Gene

Chapter 57 Carl's Move

Chapter 57 Carl's Move

"Here, your mutton skewers!" The owner of the barbecue stand is a man in his 40s with a goatee and looks very kind.

"Uncle, bring me five skewers of lamb kidneys, and two more cans of beer." Lu Chen took the lamb skewers and said again.


The uncle responded, his eyes swept over He Xi, and he couldn't help saying: "Young man, you are so lucky! Such a beautiful girlfriend is willing to accompany you to eat at the barbecue stand. This is the first time I have seen you!"

"Haha! Uncle, who said that pretty girls can't come to the barbecue stall." Lu Chen laughed loudly.

He Xi chuckled, looked at Lu Chen with big eyes, and blinked.

"Hey! Young man, today's world is not as good as it used to be. If you can accompany you to the barbecue stand to eat barbecue, you have to cherish it." The uncle said earnestly.

Lu Chen nodded immediately: "Uncle is right. In this world, there are really not many girls who can share weal and woe."

"My lord! Aren't there so many angel sisters in Tiangong?" Hexi suddenly whispered.

Lu Chen smiled and said in a low voice, "Angels are different from ordinary people."


Just as the two were talking, a fighter plane appeared in the sky, and then slowly landed outside the street.

The owner of the barbecue stand and several customers looked up.

I saw a woman in a suit with a perfect figure and a very good-looking appearance got off the fighter plane.


Lu Chen stood up involuntarily, and Qilin actually came.

It's been a while, Qilin is still so beautiful and moving.

Walking straight towards Lu Chen, Qilin couldn't help but say, "I found your location here, so I'll come over and have a look."


Lu Chen stepped forward and hugged Qilin, feeling the warmth of her body, conveying his thoughts.

"Lu Chen, do you miss me?" Qilin also hugged Lu Chen tightly, and whispered in Lu Chen's ear.

"miss you!"

Lu Chen replied without hesitation, and complained: "You are too busy with work, why don't you do it! Now the North Star is different from before."


Looking at this scene, the owner of the barbecue stand was already dumbfounded.

He glanced at Hexi again, a little in disbelief.

This guy is not easy!

"Haven't you eaten yet? Come, let's eat some together." Lu Chen pulled Qilin to sit down, and asked the boss to grill some more skewers.

After Qilin sat down, she looked at Hexi first, and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Qilin, we are all sisters, add a WeChat in a while, and you can send me a message directly when you come to play later."


He Xi smiled and said: "My name is He Xi, it's just a little bit of kindness when we meet for the first time."

As he spoke, Hexi waved his palm, and a delicate little box appeared in front of Qilin.

Lu Chen looked at Hexi in surprise.

When did she prepare the gift?

Qilin was also a little surprised. She picked up the small box and opened it for a look. She couldn't help but said, "This bracelet is very beautiful. Thank you, sister Hexi."

Sister Hexi?

Lu Chen froze for a moment.


How to count according to the identity of the eldest wife, Hexi, Kaisha, these female angels who have lived for more than 3 years, really have to call Qilin a sister.

Lu Chen looked at Hexi, but saw that the other party didn't care about Qilin's address to her at all, instead he said happily: "It's just as long as you like it, I'm still worried that the hasty preparation will not suit your wishes."

"No, I like it."


The two girls chatted like this.

And Lu Chen found that after the girls get acquainted with each other, there is nothing wrong with being a man without you.

So, Lu Chen sat honestly by the side, eating skewers and drinking beer, watching them chuckle and whisper from time to time, feeling very good.

At around ten o'clock, the three returned.

The previous courtyard had been destroyed, and the three of them stayed in the hotel.

Lu Chen and Qilin haven't seen each other for a long time, and even "talked all night long"!
early morning.


The dark channel communication woke up Lu Chen.


The communication was connected, and Kesha's image appeared in the dark channel communication.

"what happened?"

Lu Chen got up, and while getting dressed, he had a video chat with Keisha.

Keisha blushed slightly, and then said seriously: "King, that guy Karl gathered his army this morning, and now the Great Worm Bridge is red and has reached the outskirts of our Angel Nebula."


Lu Chen was a little surprised, this Carl is quite courageous!
Moreover, this is to give him a preemptive strike, and he has come to the door in advance.

"Let the angel fighters who have upgraded their divine power go to fight them first, and I will upload various Kamigawa gene data and the formulated combat system as soon as possible in the next two days!" Lu Chen said, and got dressed at this time.

"Okay, King!"

Kaisha responded, and then said with a smile: "Wang, is Hexi a gentle woman?"


Lu Chen couldn't help being speechless.

Since expressing her love to him, Keisha has become more and more girlish and naughty.

"It's quite gentle, but it's still a bit worse than you." Lu Chen couldn't help teasing.

Indeed, Kaisha and Hexi have completely different experiences.

Keisha's face flushed instantly, and she couldn't help saying: "King! Come back early."


Lu Chen nodded.

After the communication ended, Lu Chen immediately uploaded all the Shenhe genes.

He also uploaded the genetic data of Liu Chuang, Zhao Xin, Qilin, Qiangwei, and even the Ruined King.

If an angel can adapt and upgrade successfully, it will be worth it.

"Lu Chen, what time is it?" Qilin also woke up, rubbed her eyes, and asked Lu Chen.

"It's only six o'clock, you can go to bed later, I'll buy breakfast and come back." Lu Chen came to the bed and sat down, stroking Qilin's hair.


Qilin also nodded obediently, and continued to lie down and rest.

She worked really hard last night.

Coming out of the room, He Xi also came out of the next room just in time, the two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

"Wang, last night was crazy!" He Xi said, and couldn't help teasing Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't take it seriously, and said casually: "Will I not be crazy?"


He Xi nodded, as if the two were talking about an unimportant matter.

Going to the breakfast shop to buy breakfast and returning, He Xi held Lu Chen's arm along the way, enjoying the alone time with him.

"By the way, Hexi, do you know anything about individual group battles?" Lu Chen suddenly asked Hexi.

He Xi immediately nodded and said: "I know this, the defense of Tiancheng and the training of soldiers are all done by me."

"Okay, I'll share some data with you, and you can do the specific operations." Lu Chen nodded.

"no problem."


So, after Lu Chen digitized the system in the League of Legends, he connected it to Hexi.

Of course, Lu Chen did not copy the battle system in League of Legends, but improved it.

A squad, ranged shooter, control assist, squad leader, defense fighter, raid fighter.

After the improvement, the coordination performance of the team is even stronger!


(End of this chapter)

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