Super God: I Can Copy Kamigawa Gene

Chapter 67 Acquiring a blacksmith shop

Chapter 67 Obtaining a blacksmith shop

Yan Lingji woke up.

When she discovered her condition and Lu Chen's breath in the room, she immediately sat up.

"what did you do to me?"

Yan Lingji covered her body with the quilt, and looked at Lu Chen in the room.

Lu Chen stood up, stretched his arms, twisted his waist, and said, "Don't be so nervous, I just treated the wound for you. Now that you're awake, I'm leaving."

Lu Chen understands that you can't be too enthusiastic when dealing with a woman like Huo Ji.

It's like she can't catch up, because she has seen too many men like this.

If you don't show much interest in her, it will get her attention.

"Wait a minute!"

Sure enough, Yan Lingji stopped Lu Chen and said, "I'm injured now, since you helped me once, can you help me again?"

Lu Chen was happy in his heart, but with an impatient look on his face, he said, "It's really troublesome, then I'll help you this time, I'm very busy."

With that said, Lu Chen walked to the bed and was about to ask, Yan Lingji suddenly threw the quilt covering her body over.

Then, a body wrapped around him through the quilt.

Lu Chen was a little surprised, he really underestimated this Fire Girl!
I didn't expect to be so vigilant.

However, Lu Chen didn't know this, and if he hadn't just taken care of the other party's injuries, it would be impossible for Yan Lingji to restrain him.

Lu Chen poked his head out from the opening above the quilt, and the next moment, a sharp iron formation was in front of him.

Along with the iron needle, Yan Lingji's beautiful cheeks and seductive fragrance are also close.

Lu Chen couldn't help feeling dry mouthed for a while.

Because even through a layer of quilt, he could feel some of Yan Lingji's soft body.


Lu Chen looked at Yan Lingji, and said intently, "Is this how you repay a lifesaver?"

Seeing Lu Chen's playful appearance, and thinking that the other party had already looked at her body and even touched her body, Yan Lingji's face turned red immediately.

"I kill you!"

Yan Lingji gave a low shout, raised the iron stick in her hand, but stopped in front of Lu Chen again.

She was a little bit stuck.

First of all, the man in front of him really saved her.

In addition, the other party clearly had the strength to resist her, but remained motionless. She knew that the other party was taking into account her injuries.


The next moment, Yan Lingji suddenly twitched the quilt on Lu Chen's body, and a beautiful scene flashed, and the quilt was wrapped around Lu Chen's body again.

"You, turn around."

Yan Lingji opened her mouth, her face flushed red.

Hearing this, Lu Chen turned around.

After a while, Yan Lingji, who had put on her clothes, said, "It's done."

Lu Chen turned around and glanced at Yan Lingji, his eyes lit up.

The rosy complexion, the shy expression, and the faint coldness that resists others are really alluring.

"You, have you seen enough!" Seeing Lu Chen staring at her obsessively, Yan Lingji was a little embarrassed.

At this moment, she was also carefully looking at Lu Chen.

The delicate face, the bright and deep eyes are like the deep space, and the ordinary coarse linen clothes can't hide the astonishing aura.

Confident, domineering.

She actually felt an invincible spirit from Lu Chen.

"It seems that your injury is alright, we will meet later!" Lu Chen smiled and turned to leave.


Yan Lingji wanted to say something, but Lu Chen opened the door and walked out, as if he didn't hear her call.


The angry Yan Lingji stomped her feet, couldn't help touching her face and said, "Could it be that I'm so unattractive?"

At this time, Lu Chen who left the inn finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay with Yan Lingji for a while, but he's really afraid that he won't be able to control himself.

Today, his system is the sword casting system, without the ability to conquer the goddess, everything depends on him.

Then you can't act too hastily, otherwise the goddess may only feel disgusted with him and won't fall in love with him at all.

Looking back at the direction of the inn, Lu Chen turned and walked towards the east of the city.

Now he had to go back to the smithy.

Because of the system, there are still many things that are useful to him at the blacksmith shop.

By the time we got back to the blacksmith shop, it was completely dark.

Except for some bloodstains left around, the corpses and so on have been cleaned up.

The Excalibur was stolen by someone, and Lu Chen didn't care much about it.

Master Xiang Lu made up a reason, but he got away with it.

Then, Lu Chen went to cook, while Master Lu sat by the forging table and drank tea.

have eaten.

Master Lu called Lu Chen to his side.

"Lu Chen, I don't have any regrets in my life for the lion. I plan to leave the capital tomorrow morning, and I will leave this blacksmith shop to you." Master Lu said.

"So suddenly!" Lu Chen was a little surprised.


Sighing, Master Lu shook his head and said, "Forging an Excalibur is the lifelong dream of every swordsmith. Now that I have forged an Excalibur for my master, it has already brought disaster to the upper body. It is not easy to stay in this capital city for a long time."

Hearing this, Lu Chen said worriedly, "Master, what about me?"

Master Lu glanced at Lu Chen: "Of course you are fine. You are my Master Lu's disciple after all. After I leave, you will be very safe in this capital city."

"Thank you, master." Lu Chen thanked.

He understood that this teacher had considered him.

Just like that, all night.

When the sky was just dawn, Master Lu left the capital city with several men in black.

Lu Chen looked at the back of the man walking away, and then immediately returned to the blacksmith's shop.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, Lu Chen found a few bright red jade stones in a wooden box.

Yan Yu.

A swordsman gave it to Master Lu, and his predecessor helped to put it away, so Lu Chen has some impressions.

In this way, the materials for making the Scarlet Flame Sword are enough.

Summoning the forging platform, holding Shen Yuan in his hand, Lu Chen took out the red flame spar from the portable space, and began to beat it.

The hard red flame spar was hit by Shen Yuan, but it didn't explode, but slowly changed its shape under a magical force.

Lu Chen felt miraculous.

When he held Shen Yuan, he seemed to be transformed into the most outstanding swordsmith in the world, and every hammer fell as if it was natural.



The crisp sound is very pleasant.

The red flame spar was quickly forged into the shape of a dagger.

In less than 10 minutes, a sword was already formed.

If the swordsmiths in the world saw this, their jaws would drop in shock.

The hammering and forging required for forging weapons, especially the sharp blades of magic weapons, are the most complicated.

Beating for several days, or even a month or two, is normal.

On the one hand, the material of the divine sword is extremely hard, on the other hand, only a weapon that has been tempered and tempered can be called a divine weapon.

However, now Lu Chen has completely broken this routine!

After Shen Yuan struck, it seemed that there was a wave of energy remaining on the sword body, and it was still continuously forging the sword body, which made it worthwhile for others to forge for several months with just a simple beating.

Simply amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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