Chapter 72

Bai Feng was picked up by Lu Chen and smashed at Ji Wuye. All these actions were done in one go, and Ji Wuye didn't even react.

The next moment, Ji Wuye immediately rolled over to the seat and picked up his big knife.

However, Lu Chen didn't give him a chance to swing the knife at all, and he came to Ji Wuye in a flash, swung Shen Yuan in his hand, and exploded with a "clang".

This blow was powerful and heavy, and a terrifying black light erupted from Shen Yuan, and Ji Wuye's sword broke instantly.


With a muffled sound, Ji Wuye was thrown flying.

This made Lu Chen a little surprised, and accidentally glanced at Shen Yuan in his hand, this thing is a bit too fierce!
"Cough cough!"

Ji Wuye, who was thrown flying and smashed into the table and chairs, coughed up blood.

A part of his broken sword pierced directly into his body, and the blood flowed horizontally, obviously hurting his lungs.


The black crow rushed again, but before he could get close, Lu Chen kicked him away again.

Taking a step, Lu Chen approached Ji Wuye, picked up the other broken sword, and stuck it into Ji Wuye's chest with a "poof".

After finishing all this, Lu Chen clapped his hands and said, "Okay, if you still survive, I will take your surname."

Ji Wuye's eyes widened, his heart was shattered, let alone revived, he died on the spot.

Looking at this scene, Lu Chen couldn't help shaking his head. Is this the so-called Korean general?
It's too much to fight.

Turning around, Lu Chen glanced at Nongyu who was full of surprise, and couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Nongyu also recognized Lu Chen, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "You, you are our blacksmith who just arrived at Zilanxuan today!"

Lu Chen nodded with a smile on his face, walked to Nongyu's side, and said: "Miss Zi Nu's actions this time are a bit inappropriate, isn't she just killing Ji Wuye! It's too inappropriate to drag you in." It's worth it."

After speaking, with Nongyu's surprised expression on his face, Lu Chen picked him up and flew away from the hall.

But at this time, it took only 2 minutes from when Lu Chen broke through the roof to when he left with Nongyu in his arms.

Before the guards in the general's mansion could react, their general had already been killed.

It cannot be said that Ji Wuye is weak, it can only be said that Lu Chen's strength is too strong.

5 minute later.

Lu Chen carried Nongyu out of the General's Mansion smoothly.

A carriage was stopped by the side of the road, and the two got into it and drove towards Zilanxuan.

On the carriage, the two sat opposite each other, Nongyu hugged her legs, looking at Lu Chen from time to time.

After a while, Nongyu suddenly said, "Thank you for today."

For Nongyu, Lu Chen not only saved her life, but also changed her destiny!
After hesitating for a while, Nongyu suddenly said, "I, can I ask you to be my teacher?"

Lu Chen was not surprised that Nongyu had this idea.

Because not only Nongyu, but even Wei Zhuang wanted to worship him as his teacher yesterday, but he refused.


Lu Chen immediately nodded in agreement.

The goddess begged, there is no reason why she shouldn't.

Moreover, the relationship between master and apprentice can be further enhanced and the distance increased. This apprentice must be accepted.

As if he didn't expect Lu Chen to agree so simply, Nongyu was taken aback for a moment, then immediately got up happily and saluted Lu Chen.

"Disciple Nongyu, pay homage to Master!"

Nongyu bowed in salute, knelt on the carriage, and worshiped.

Lu Chen hurriedly stretched out his hand, helped him up, and said at the same time: "Okay, just make a move, just kneel down."

"Master, bowing down is a proper ritual for disciples. Nongyu's move is a bit abrupt. When I return to Zilanxuan, Nongyu will definitely ask sister Zinu to be a witness for me. I will do a good obeisance ceremony." He said it seriously.

As for the skin contact between Lu Chen and her, she didn't care at all.

Seeing Nongyu's serious face, Lu Chen couldn't dispel the other party's enthusiasm, so he let her go.

"All right!"

Nodding his head, Lu Chen let go of his hands and went back.

Looking at Nongyu again, it seems that after a simple apprenticeship, she completely abandoned the estrangement between her and Lu Chen and the difference between men and women, and went directly to Lu Chen's side, her arms naturally wrapped around Lu Chen's, and said: "Master, you What is the state of your cultivation?"

The scene in the general's mansion just now is still fresh in Nongyu's memory.

Lu Chen was holding a hammer, and Ji Wuye was severely injured with one blow. In Nongyu's eyes, this was simply an act of heaven and man!
Looking at Nongyu with an adoring face, Lu Chen felt that he enjoyed it very much, so he said, "I am! I am only in the mid-stage of the Heavenly Human Realm, so-so."

Nongyu suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Heavenly realm!
The Heavenly Human Realm powerhouse she knows is the only one in the whole of South Korea.

Bloody Yihou.

The Bai Yifei who proved the way by killing is only at the early stage of the Heaven-Human Realm.

In other words, my teacher is stronger than Bai Yifei!

Nongyu's eyes were filled with little stars in an instant, and he couldn't help asking again: "Master, have you rejuvenated, that's why you look so young!"

Lu Chen was about to deny it, but felt as if he had experienced rejuvenation.

Traveling through time and taking away other people's bodies, isn't this rejuvenation!

So, Lu Chen nodded his head as an admission.

Seeing Lu Chen nod his head, Nongyu was even happier.

It seems that when Lu Chen is older, she is more at ease, and she is not wary of the difference between men and women at all.

This made Lu Chen frown.

This is not a good sign, you can't let the other party treat yourself as an elder, otherwise how dare you do it.

However, there are some advantages for the other party after they are completely free of the wariness of men and women.

Like now...

Ten minutes later, the two returned to Zilanxuan.

Knowing that Nongyu was brought back by Lu Chen, Zi Nu rushed over immediately.

Seeing Zi Nu, Lu Chen said very seriously: "In the future, tell me whoever you want to kill, don't sacrifice in vain in our quicksand future, Ji Wuye is not worthy."

Lu Chen's words left Zi Nu speechless and Nong Yu's eyes filled with tears.

She understands that she has recognized a good master who loves her and loves her. This is her blessing and should be cherished.

After entering Zilanxuan, Nongyu asked Zinu to be a witness to her, and really made a formal apprenticeship ceremony to Lu Chen.

And Zi Nu couldn't help showing a meaningful smile when she looked at Lu Chen.

In her opinion, Lu Chen accepted Yu as his apprentice, and today he helped the Quicksand Organization kill Ji Wuye, so he was truly tied to them.

In addition, Zi Nu also saw Lu Chen's hidden and deeply lustful nature!


This is good!

Then she has countless means to keep this celestial existence in their quicksand organization forever.


(End of this chapter)

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