Chapter 74 Colorful Soft Gold
Opening his eyes, a look of surprise flashed across Lu Chen's eyes.

Just for a moment, he just felt the nature of the world, the law of all things, and he broke through.

Late Heaven Realm!
This time, Lu Chen is confident that even the one from the Yin Yang family may not necessarily be his opponent.

Put your own internal strength here.

Lu Chen stood up and clearly felt some differences in himself.

It seemed as if the laws of heaven and earth were by his side, surrounded by aura, and he could wave them around at will.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Before, although he had the cultivation base of Heaven and Human Realm, he couldn't feel all of this at all, which was tantamount to a pseudo-Heaven and Human Realm.

It's completely different now, he can use part of the power of heaven and earth, and has the real power of heaven and man.

Just as Lu Chen was feeling the changes in himself, a strong smell of chicken wafted over.

Afterwards, Lu Chen saw Nongyu running happily carrying a casserole.

"Master, I've finished stewing the chicken soup." Nongyu put the casserole on the stone table in the yard, took off the porcelain bowl on top, and filled a large bowl full.

Carefully bringing it to Lu Chen, Nongyu blew it.

"Master, drink it while it's hot. It's just been stewed. This is a three-year-old hen." Nongyu smiled. There was still a piece of unwashed pot ashes next to her ear. It seemed that the chicken soup was still cooked. Yu personally stewed it.

Lu Chen hurriedly reached out to take it, and said emotionally: "You are the first person to cook chicken soup for me! It's so kind."

Nongyu blinked her big eyes and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely cook more chicken soup and duck soup for you in the future."

"Well, this kind of filial piety is enough." Lu Chen nodded, took a sip of chicken soup, and immediately felt extremely delicious.

Maybe there is a beauty effect in it, Lu Chen feels that this chicken soup is different from what he usually drinks.

A day passed.

Lu Chen completely consolidated his cultivation base.

In the evening, Lu Chen took out the seven-color soft gold in the portable space.

The piece of metal he obtained through breakthrough is not easy.

Lu Chen has never seen such a metal before. The colors are mixed together, and they are distinct, each with its own color, which is particularly beautiful.

In addition, as a metal, it is not hard, but rather soft, like silk.

However, when you touch the sword, it makes a metallic sound and sparks fly, full of metal.

"It's really a magical metal material!" Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Afterwards, he opened the Excalibur catalog and found that the main material of that weapon was made of this colorful soft gold.

As a result, Lu Chen not only found it, but also found two.

[Colorful cloud snake]
Type: soft sword

Description: The sword body can be extended arbitrarily, up to 50 meters.

Required materials: colorful soft gold, glazed nephrite.


[Colorful belt]
Type: Rope

Description: The belt can be extended arbitrarily, and the maximum extension is 150 meters.

Required materials: Colorful soft gold, ice silk (more than [-] years old).


The things that this colorful soft gold can create have one thing in common, that is, they can be extended arbitrarily.

There are only simple instructions and required materials on the Excalibur catalog, but this does not mean that they only have these functions.

Every kind of divine sword has multiple, even hidden abilities.

For example, the Scarlet Flame Sword that Lu Chen gave to Yan Lingji came with the Scarlet Flame Sword Technique, which can increase one's skill for ten years through practice. These were not introduced in the Excalibur Catalog at that time.

"Let's ask Nongyu which type of weapon he likes!" Lu Chen thought for a while and decided to give Nongyu the right to choose.

After all, when Lu Chen got this colorful soft gold, he planned to make a weapon for Nongyu.

After a while, Lu Chen came outside Nongyu's room, and seeing that the lights were still on, he knocked on the door.


Nongyu's voice immediately sounded in the room.

Lu Chen also said immediately: "I have something to ask you for my teacher."

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, he heard hurried footsteps in the room, and then the door was opened.

Dressed in a light veil, Nongyu stood at the door with a subtle body, and said happily, "Master, come in and sit down."

Lu Chen hesitated a little.

Just entering a woman's boudoir like this seems a little bad.

However, Nongyu didn't give her any time to hesitate, and stretched out his hand to pull him in.


The door of the room was also closed by Nongyu casually.

Lu Chen suddenly became angry.

In the middle of the night, the lonely man and the widow are in the same room, it's impossible...

"Master, sit down."

Nongyu didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, and let Lu Chen sit on her boudoir bed, while she poured tea for Lu Chen.

"Master, I still have some jasmine tea here, you can just drink it!" Nongyu brought a embroidered jade cup, and the faint fragrance of flowers wafted over immediately.

Lu Chen took the cup and looked at the table not far away. There was no second cup on the table, so the jade cup in his hand should be made of jade.

The other party directly gave him the cup she usually used?


Looks pretty good.

This kind of indiscriminate thinking is very good.

Lu Chen nodded, brought the jade cup to his mouth, took a sip, and immediately the fragrance of flowers filled the cavity, mixed with a special sweetness, but the taste was excellent.

Nongyu blushed a little.

Originally, she thought that Lu Chen couldn't drink, so she used her own cup as a show.

Who would have thought that Lu Chen would directly pick it up and take a sip, wouldn't that mean she kissed the other party indirectly?
Thinking of this, Nongyu's face instantly turned red to the neck.

Lu Chen was a little surprised, and asked, "Yu'er, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? As a teacher, I know some massage techniques. Would you like me to help you unblock the blood vessels?"

Nongyu subconsciously wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of the fact that Lu Chen had "touched the bones" for her during the day, which allowed her to unblock the meridians all over her body, and her heart beat immediately.

So, Nongyu didn't care about being shy, took off her shoes and fell asleep on the bed, and said softly, "Then I'll have to thank Master."

Lu Chen: "!"

To be honest, Lu Chen just said it casually, teasing Nongyu a little bit, and promoting the relationship.

In the end, the other party went straight to bed...

Lu Chen suddenly felt that something was wrong, but looking at Nongyu's natural and rigorous expression, he felt that there was nothing wrong.

What's wrong with the master dredging the blood vessels of the disciples so that they can better absorb the aura of heaven and earth?
Isn't it a matter of course, a matter of course!
Lu Chen feels that there is no one in this world who loves his apprentice so much.

Just imagine, that strong man in the Heaven-Human Realm would not hesitate to expend his own skills to open up the meridians and baptize his body for someone who has not yet reached the Grand Master Realm.

It's too extravagant.

"Ahem, that's the beginning of being a teacher." Lu Chen coughed, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to start.

Nongyu lay quietly on the bed and nodded, "Thank you, master. Nongyu is really lucky in three lives to have a master who loves me so much."

Hearing Nongyu's serious words, Lu Chen suddenly blushed.

However, Lu Chen also recovered in an instant, with genuine energy in his hands, pressing towards Nongyu's body.


(End of this chapter)

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