Chapter 85 Douluo World
A group of people are messy.

What's the situation?
Two strange women in heaven and man, earning a man!
This is too outrageous!
At this time, an idea popped up in the hearts of the men around.

No need to earn, we men are very rich!
For a moment, the eyes of everyone around were focused on Lu Chen again, all of them looked fierce, envious and jealous.

Looking at the expressions of the people around him, Lu Chen smiled.

He is very satisfied with this look.


Suddenly, a sneer sounded.

Holding a sword in both hands and riding a steed, Bai Yifei, dressed in blood, came slowly, looked at Lu Chen coldly, and said, "So you are the one who killed Ji Wuye! It just so happens that we will settle the old and new scores together today." .”


Bai Yifei suddenly shouted loudly, the ice zhenqi exploded, and ice thorns spread out one after another, piercing towards Lu Chen.

"Bold, how dare you be rude to my master!" Nongyu shouted, and took the lead.

Waving the colorful belt, Nongyu's body is like a butterfly.

But at the next moment, the "butterfly" suddenly "flapped its wings", and the colorful belt swept away the ice thorns protruding over.


At the same time, Yan Lingji also made a move suddenly, the short sword swept across, and the flames erupted, directly rolling towards Bai Yifei with the momentum of Liaoyuan.

Bai Yifei was about to dodge, but a seven-colored belt suddenly wrapped around him, making him comfortable, so he watched helplessly as the flaming sword energy slashed at his body.


The war horse died on the spot, Bai Yifei was covered in blood, and the flames burned past, and it was instantly scorched black.

Nongyu and Yanlingji teamed up to injure Bai Yifei with one move.

The people around were shocked.

Bai Yifei is the god of war in South Korea, and now he was almost killed by two women, which is too scary.

Almost at the same time, an idea popped up in the minds of those present, that is, the weather in South Korea is about to change.

"Cough cough!"

Bai Yifei struggled to get up, but he kept coughing up blood, Yan Lingji's sword hurt him badly.

At this moment, Bai Yifei looked at Yan Lingji with a look of horror.

Only after the real fight did he realize that both of them were stronger than him.


At this moment, Tianze's black iron chains pierced through Bai Yifei's body in an instant.

"You... poof!"

Bai Yifei opened his eyes wide and died suddenly.

Tian Ze's blow directly pierced his heart.

"My God! Master Hou was killed."

"Run! Korea is going to be in chaos."

"Master Hou!"


Many soldiers fled in all directions.

They understand that South Korea is doomed.

First the great general Ji Wuye was killed, and now the bloody Hou Bai Yifei is also dead.

All of a sudden, the two pillars of their South Korea collapsed.

Lu Chen watched all this happen, and watched it all end.

Tianze and others were afraid of him and left quietly.

Finally, Lu Chen took Nongyu and Yanlingji back to Zilanxuan.

In the next few days, unrest began in South Korea.

King Han died suddenly, and Chao Banshee took out an imperial decree and directly made Han Fei the new king.

Afterwards, with Lu Chen's secret support, Han Fei quickly cleared the court, rectified the discipline, and completely controlled South Korea.

In this way, things here are over ahead of schedule.

After the death of this world, the Quicksand Organization also disbanded.

Lu Chen planned to travel around the world, and Zi Nu followed them.

So, Lu Chen once again ordered Zi Nu.

In a flash, ten years have passed.

Lu Chen traveled all over the world, forged countless swords, and collected dozens of beauties.

Biri, Luna, Jingni, Shao Siming and so on.

In the past ten years, Lu Chen has also reached the standard of conquering a goddess, and he just happened to be one today.

[Reminder: Qin Shi's world tour is complete, and now return to the main universe. 】


As a reminder sounded, Lu Chen instantly left Qin Shi's world and appeared in the universe starry sky.

The location he was in was still the place before he entered Qin Shi's world.

[Hint: Complete the first tour and open the universe tree. 】

[Hint: The world of Qin Shi has been archived. 】


In the space of the plane, a bare tree grows, and on this tree, there is only one leaf, holding a hazy light ball on it, which is the world of Qin Shi.

At the same time, a vortex in the universe disappeared, corresponding to the world of Qin Shi.

Lu Chen felt in his heart and was very surprised.

He has been in the world of Qin Shi for ten years, and only ten seconds have passed in this main universe.

With a thought, Lu Chen turned on the space teleportation and returned directly to Tiancheng.

Although it was nothing to Angel Yan, Kaisha and others, Lu Chen had really experienced ten years.

Seeing everyone at this moment, he really panicked.

So, after staying in Tiancheng for three days, Lu Chen felt refreshed.

Feeling bored, Lu Chen turned on the travel mode again.

[Reminder: The sign-in world has been formed, please host to choose. 】

(1) Douluo World

(2) Perfect World

(3) Fight the World


Looking at the three generated worlds, Lu Chen hesitated a little and chose Douluo World.

This world of cultivating soul power, absorbing soul rings, and obtaining soul skills to become stronger should be a good experience.

"Turn on the travel mode, I choose Douluo World!"

Lu Chen spoke in a crisp voice.

[Hint: The selection is successful, now enter the world of Douluo. 】

[Reminder: Identity is being randomly generated, please wait...]

【Reminder: The system is randomly generating, please wait...】


After about a few seconds, it was hazy, and Lu Chen felt as if his body was surrounded by a viscous liquid.

Moreover, his strength is frighteningly weak.

It is difficult to move the body, as if being in an extremely narrow space.

At this moment, the notification sound in his mind made Lu Chen's eyes widen instantly.

[Hint: The identity has been generated, the son of Chihiro Ji and Bibi Dong. 】

[Hint: Get a sign-in system. 】

[Reminder: The first sign-in has been generated, do you want to sign in? 】



Lu Chen didn't hesitate, he directly issued an order in his mind, wanting to use this first sign-in to help him get out of the current environment.

However, the notification tone that sounded immediately stunned him.

[Reminder: Sign in in Bibi Dong's belly, and you will get the innate full soul power, the three-life martial soul. 】

[Reminder: Since it is the first time to sign in, the host can choose the martial soul independently. 】

[Hint: Martial spirit has been generated, please choose. 】

(1) Zhuxian Sword.

(2) Dragon Emperor.

(3) Divine Phoenix Elixir.

(4) Pangu axe.

(5) Yamata no Orochi.

(6) The other shore flower.

(7) Xuanyuan Sword.




Looking at the nine martial arts options refreshed on the panel in his mind, Lu Chen was stunned.

First of all, leaving aside the matter of Wuhun, he just heard the system say where did he sign in?
Inside Bibi Dong's belly!
No wonder he felt his body was wrapped in liquid, and it was still very congested, so he wasn't born yet!
This place is really amazing!


(End of this chapter)

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