Super God: I Can Copy Kamigawa Gene

Chapter 91 Level 3, sign in again.

Chapter 91 Level [-], sign in again.

Under the attention of everyone, Qian Chen and Wang Yu stepped onto the central stage.

At this moment, Wang Yu's heart is very complicated.

He was thinking about whether to admit defeat directly or to give it a go.

Although the recorded soul master level is not wrong, but you have to believe that the other party is like this, and you won't believe it even if you kill him.

What is the identity of the other party?
His Majesty the Pope's attitude towards him on weekdays, these Wuhundian disciples can see it.

Even the Great Elder in the Hall of Elders, that Limit Douluo, showed great love and care for Qian Chen.

Treat such a character as a level 29 soul master, unless he is mentally ill.

However, Wan Yu changed his mind, if he could be defeated by such a character, it would be his honor!
Moreover, he was also a little curious, wondering what kind of strength this proud son of the Wuhun Temple possessed.

So, Wang Yu took a step back, ready to challenge.

"Game start!"

Following the elder's shout, both Qian Chen and Wang Yu sacrificed their martial souls.

Wang Yu's martial soul is a long spear and also a weapon martial soul, and the soul ring is two yellow and one purple.

The students of Wuhundian, even if their aptitude is poor, are second to none in other places, so they are not too bad in spirit rings.

Seeing that the opponent wanted to fight, Qianchen also brought out the Pangu axe.

The Pan Gu Ax Martial Soul is his public Martial Soul, and it is also a Martial Soul with a conventional spirit ring.

The only reason for doing this is that Qianchen is afraid that this weapon is too strong, and if he puts high-level spirit rings on all of it in the future, he is afraid that it will affect the balance a bit.

But even with a conventional spirit ring attached, the power of the Pangu Ax is beyond imagination.

After all, its prestige is there.

Now, Qianchen's Pan Gu ax has two soul rings attached, both of which were carefully selected by Bibi Dong in the Star Dou Forest with him.

The advantage of the Pan Gu Ax lies in its strength. The first soul ring is the Great Ape from 423, and the first soul skill is Gravity Slash.

Launch three slashes in a row, and the power of each slash will be superimposed and increased, which will be twice that of the previous blow.

The second soul ring was the green bull from 764, and the second soul skill was to charge a blow.

This second year was chosen by Qianchen himself, the purpose was to make up for the follow-up power of the Pangu Axe, rather than blindly erupting.

But the soul skill that was born surprised Qianchen.

Because there is no upper limit for this charged attack, you can store as much energy as you want, and then unleash it with one attack.

Coupled with the Pangu Axe, this soul skill is simply an existence that destroys humanity.


At this time, Wang Yu launched an attack, and his spears swept across.

And Qianchen didn't even move, and with one hand holding the Pangu ax, he blocked the blow.

Casual can hardly be more casual.

Wang Yu was shocked.

Because only by being in contact with it can one understand how terrifying Qianchen is.

Although the opponent was parrying at will, but he used all his strength, and in the end his hands were numb.

But his ax, arm, and body didn't even tremble a bit.

How is this played?
Wang Yu was also very straightforward, directly admitting defeat.

Qian Chen wins.

However, Qianchen gave Wang Yu a weird look.

This kid fired this shot when he came up, and then surrendered?
Qianchen felt that she was being entertained a little bit.

Shaking her head, Qianchen found that after coming to this world, she seemed to become more serious.

Moreover, it seems that because he was born once in this world, he has a special sense of belonging to this world.

As if, this world is the world in which he wants to live forever.

Going down from the competition stage, standing with Qian Renxue and the others, feeling the vigorous vitality on them, Qianchen suddenly felt that she could let go of her previous mentality and live a new life in this world as a teenager!
As soon as this idea came out, Qian Chen felt as if something had been opened in her heart.

Very comfortable.


A day passed.

The first round of individual selection is over.

Tomorrow there will be a rematch, and those who won today will fight against each other until the ten strongest are finally determined.

In the evening, Qian Chen came to the Elder Hall as usual to absorb a piece of soul power every day.

five years.

It has been five years since he absorbed the pure soul power that Qian Daoliu refines for him every day.

Although the progress of the level of soul power is slow, the potential benefits are unimaginable.

Moreover, the main thing is that when he reaches level [-], he will soar into the sky in the future.

And it is only one step away from this level.

"Chen'er, grandpa helped you refine two soul powers today. After you absorb them all, you should be able to break through to level [-]." Qian Daoliu stretched out his hand and shot out two balls of light.

Qian Chen froze for a moment, and couldn't help but glance at Qian Daoliu, who was obviously tired, and was deeply moved.

He knew that refining soul power was a very labor-intensive task.

Douluo-level powerhouses do nothing for a day, and it takes at least sixteen hours just to refine their soul power to the purest level.

Qian Daoliu is a Limit Douluo, powerful, but it takes twelve hours.

In other words, in order to refine these two groups of soul power for him, the other party did not take a break for 24 hours!
Can't help but seething in his heart, Qianchen understood that the other party just wanted him to reach level [-] one day earlier.

This kindness is really a bit heavy.

"Thank you grandpa, Chen'er will definitely not disappoint grandpa." Qian Chen took the light ball and absorbed it without hesitation.

It is useless to talk about other things, as long as he can live up to it, he will be worthy of Qian Daoliu's love.

The two balls of soul power entered the body, as if it was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Accumulated over the years, the quantitative change led to a qualitative change. At this moment, the soul power in Qianchen's body boiled.

Between the hundreds of veins in the limbs, the whole body, like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, strands of pure soul power converged towards the dantian qi sea.


The space in the room couldn't help shaking.

Qian Daoliu couldn't help but widen his eyes when he discovered this scene.

But Qianchen found that he could suddenly look inside his body.

Countless soul power flowed into the dantian, forming a storm-like cyclone in it. The cyclone occupied the entire dantian and slowly rotated counterclockwise.

Every time it rotated counterclockwise, Qianchen found that the cyclone seemed to shrink a little.

Although it was hard to notice, Qianchen really felt it.

It is indeed shrinking.

At this moment, the notification tone sounded again after two years.

[Reminder: If the sign-in condition is met, do you want to sign in immediately? 】


Listening to the notification sound in her mind, Qianchen was very happy.

The last time he signed in, he got a 10-year soul ring [Ring of Time] and opened the Dragon Emperor's real body.

I don't know what rewards I can sign in this time?
Full of anticipation, Qianchen responded in her mind: "Sign in immediately!"


(End of this chapter)

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