Chapter 98

After playing two games in a row, Qianchen's spirit power didn't seem to decrease.

This made the senior who wanted to consume Qianchen's soul power look a little ugly.

There is no way, Qianchen has experienced the baptism of the most pure soul power for five years, and the degree of soul power that can be carried in the body has reached a very terrifying level.

Moreover, every time he upgrades, like other ordinary soul masters, he can continue to expand the upper limit of soul power storage and the speed of soul power recovery.


After two rounds, Qianchen walked off the ring with a sneer, his eyes swept over the seniors, and he revealed a meaningful smile.

In Spirit Hall, those who dare to target him like this must be the descendants of those in the Hall of Elders. If so, then Spirit Hall has two hearts!
"Brother, that guy was ordered by Ma Changyu, he is the grandson of the third elder." Qian Renxue ran up to him and said as soon as Qian Chen came down from the ring.

Hu Liena also followed Qian Renxue, and said at this time: "Don't worry, if I meet him, I will help you teach him a good lesson."

Seeing Hu Liena's serious expression, Qianchen couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll leave it to my Nana."

Hu Liena's face flushed immediately, she turned her head and said, "Don't, don't be so nasty in front of so many people!"

"Okay, my Nana!" Qianchen said as before.

Hu Liena was speechless immediately, so she had to drag Qian Renxue away, preparing for the next competition.

Although they have the chance to win, they are facing the descendants of the elders of the Wuhun Hall next, and their strength is not weak. Some people still need to pay attention.

After half an hour.

Everyone is ready, and the game officially begins.

Including Qianchen, who won two games in a row, there were a total of twenty people.

Everyone first draws lots to play the game, the winning side must accept the challenge of the losing side, and those who win three games in a row will directly enter the top ten.

Going forward to draw lots, Qianchen drew number five, and his corresponding number five was an inner disciple of the Wuhun Hall, Liu Xuan.

As the two disciples who got No. [-] came to the stage to compete, everyone slowly gathered in front of the ring and watched carefully.

Qianchen noticed that several people's gazes kept sweeping towards him, and then fell on Qian Renxue who was beside him.

Qian Chen looked in the direction her eyes swept over, and found Ma Changyu, Wu Feng and others.

They are all descendants of the elders in the Elder Hall. Among them, Ma Changyu confessed his love to Qian Renxue, but Qian Renxue refused on the spot.

Soon, after four games, it was Qianchen's turn.

As soon as he entered the field, Qian Chen felt that something was wrong with Liu Xuan who was fighting against him. His breath was heavy, as if he was trying to suppress something.

"Game start!"

As a presiding elder announced the start of the match, Qianchen immediately knew what Liu Xuan was suppressing.

He is suppressing the huge soul power in his body!
Liu Xuan's original soul power was level 47, but after that soul power was released, he jumped five levels and reached level 52.

In one fell swoop, he broke through to the Martial King level.

Although he didn't absorb the spirit ring, his strength wouldn't really reach the Martial King level, but the spirit power in his body did.


With a loud roar, the Wuhun behind Liu Xuan emerged, it was a brown bear with black fur.

Beast spirit!
"do not blame me."

The next moment, Liu Xuan rushed towards Qianchen, let out a low drink, and poured out the soul power in his body without reservation.

Qianchen couldn't help but frowned.

This desperate style of play is very tricky, you have to use a stronger soul power than him to suppress it, otherwise, with the same soul power, the weaker side may die suddenly.

However, there are regulations in the Hall of Spirits, during the competition period, no one can kill the fellow Hall members, otherwise they will be directly disqualified from the competition.

Therefore, now Qianchen has no choice but to burst out stronger soul power than the opponent to suppress him.


A muffled sound.

A black three-headed dragon appeared behind Qianchen.

The next moment, the three-beast dragon suddenly raised a paw, with a scarlet halo around its body, and slapped it down.


When the slap fell, Liu Xuan's forward body was instantly covered under it.

Everyone: "!!!"

what's the situation?
Wuhun materialized?

Can actually catch the soul master?

As we all know, even if the beast spirit is summoned by the soul master, it is still a manifestation of energy, which can attack people, but it is absolutely impossible to attack people in this way.

At this time, above the Wuhun Hall, the eyes of several elders in the Hall of Elders brightened.

Qian Chen unexpectedly revealed her hole cards too early, she is still too young!
In this way, they can find a countermeasure against Qianchen's second martial spirit, so that their descendants can defeat Qianchen.

This has nothing to do with the Soul Master Competition, but a contest between the Pope of the Wuhun Palace and the Elder Palace.

Because in the Wuhun Temple, the disciples who have been defeated by the disciples of the same hall are not qualified to inherit the position of Pope.

"The fifth match, the winner is Qianchen."

As the elder announced Qianchen's victory, this premeditated match was resolved by Qianchen using his second martial spirit.

As for whether the hole cards will be exposed, Qianchen has no worries about this at all.

Because he has more than one hole card, instead of letting others guess it hard, it's better for him to announce it himself, and let those people prepare it, so it won't be too boring.

You know, invincible is also very lonely.

"In the sixth match, Qian Renxue will face off against Ma Changyu."


Stepping off the ring, Qian Chen was a little surprised when she heard the elders announce the contestants.

This girl Qian Renxue actually met Ma Changyu, and she didn't tell him yet.

At this moment, Qian Chen looked up at the ring and found that the girl Qian Renxue was also blinking at him.

Opposite her, Ma Changyu, dressed in white and quite handsome, walked up to the stage with a pair of white gloves on, looking at Qian Renxue with a smile on his face.

"Renxue, we are really destined. This first match made us match up." Ma Changyu said to Qian Renxue with a very handsome smile on his face.

Qian Renxue also had a smile on her face, but in her heart she was thinking about how to beat this guy up so as to make him most ashamed and make Qianchen happy.

"Game start!"

The elder shouted loudly and announced the start of the game.

Ma Changyu was still not in a hurry, he didn't even release his martial soul, he just looked at Qian Renxue with a smile on his face.

This immediately made Qian Renxue extremely upset, she dodged her body, clenched her right fist, and a golden light burst out, blasting towards Ma Changyu's face.

Regarding this, Ma Changyu still had a smile on his face and didn't move his body. He didn't say until Qian Renxue's fist came in front of him, "I'm sorry, I just admit defeat. According to the regulations, I admit..."


Before he could finish his sentence, Qian Renxue punched him in the face.

Immediately, Ma Changyu turned 360 degrees on the spot, and sat down on the ground with a "plop".


(End of this chapter)

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