Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 266 Do You Have My Sweater

Chapter 266 Do You Have My Sweater

Song Lili didn't say anything, and she didn't want to say anything.Now I just want to talk about a lighter topic.

Yang Mei suddenly said, "I don't know when I'll be able to pass. The daily criticisms have made people panic, and everyone is afraid."

"I heard a few days ago that some people in Xiawa Village were so miserable that they not only ransacked their homes, but even dug their graves."

"Not only that, but the temples in their village where they went to offer incense on the fifteenth day were also smashed, saying it was a feudal superstition."

"There are also books in the school, all of which were burned, and the teacher was dragged to criticize. My heart is always beating when I hear it."

"But our village is fine, nothing like this has happened, so it's relatively safe." Yang Mei patted her chest, looking scared.

Song Lili raised her eyebrows, a little surprised by what Yang Mei said just now.

In the past, I often saw what Yang Mei said in various materials, but she hadn't experienced it since she came here, and thought it was different from the original world.

I didn't expect it to be different, it's just that this kind of thing didn't happen in Hongqi Village, and it happened in other places.

I don't know if this gust of wind will blow to Hongqi Village?Hope not.

She also just smiled, "Don't worry, this has nothing to do with us. Aren't Luo Juan and the others broken? It probably has something to do with this."

"As long as we live our lives well, we don't have to worry." As long as we don't follow ourselves to death, life is still peaceful.

Daqing also said, "That's right, didn't you say that, let us not worry about it, let them make trouble, there will be a day when it will stop."

"You just need to take care of the baby. Don't worry about the rest." Don't worry about it either.

Daqing knew that with Da Da at home, he didn't need to worry too much, Da Da would definitely take care of everything.

That's why Daqing didn't have so many burdens, and didn't feel as much as others. After patrolling with the militia every day, his wife and children were hot on the kang.

At this moment, Yang Mei was persuaded in the same way.

Not to mention, Song Lili was really envious of Daqing, because someone was supporting her outside, and she really lived a carefree life.

But she is just envious, and doesn't want to become like that herself, only if she can survive the wind and rain without falling down, can she survive any difficulties.

Although it is very happy to have shelter from the wind and rain, it is also very fragile. Once the shelter from the wind and rain is stepped on, it will usher in a violent storm.

Therefore, it is only through the wind and rain that we can thrive.

Zhang Qinghua listened, but didn't say anything. Normally, he didn't talk much, and probably only when he was facing Song Lili, he would talk more.

Everyone didn't feel embarrassed, because they knew that he was such a person.

Song Lili made shoes for a while, then dropped them and quietly covered Zhang Qinghua's big dry hands with her hands under the quilt.

Then, Song Lili looked at Zhang Qinghua with a smile, saw him startled, and then a little smile crossed his eyes.

Song Lili felt that her hand was also being grabbed, she clasped Zhang Qinghua's palm playfully, and then smiled slyly.

Zhang Qinghua glanced helplessly at Song Lili, softened his facial expression, and let Song Lili's hand make trouble in his palm.

He just held it vaguely, not letting go.

"Sister Yangmei, can you knit a sweater?" Song Lili looked at Yangmei and asked.

"Sweater? I can't, but my mother can. What are you doing? You want to make a sweater?" Yang Mei asked curiously.

Song Lili nodded, "Yes, I'm going to buy some wool to make sweaters for my dad and the others. It's so cold this winter, a padded jacket won't resist freezing at all."

It would be good if it was a brand new padded jacket, but everyone was wearing half-new padded jackets that were not old.

Many people are wearing old clothes that can't be worn anymore. The cotton has come out, and it's a black ball. You can feel the pile of cotton in your hand, and it can't block the wind.

After wearing the padded jacket for five, six, seven or eight years, no matter how much you take care of it, it will not keep you warm.

Although the situation of the Song family was not that bad, it was about the same, so Song Lili thought that no one had a sweater.

If you have a new padded jacket, forget it this year, just wear the old one first.

The sweater is worn under the padded jacket, and no one else knows or can see it, so she came up with this method.

"I don't know. I haven't learned it before. Besides, how can I learn wool at home? But if you want to learn it, you can go to my grandma."

Yang Mei shook her head regretfully. These days, every family is poor and has no money to buy wool, so no one learns to knit sweaters anymore.

Song Lili nodded understandingly, "Okay, I got it, I will go find my aunt."

In fact, Song Lili knows a little bit more simply. In her previous life, when she was in college, everyone was popular with knitting scarves.

Those who have a partner will weave for them, and those who have no one will weave for themselves. At that time, Song Lili was the first to learn because of her foundation.

After learning it, I will teach other people in the dormitory, because everyone will not know it after reading it again.

Therefore, at that time, she learned several patterns and colors, but she had never knitted a sweater before, so she didn't know what to do.

That's why I asked Yang Mei.

"Do you have mine?" Suddenly, Zhang Qinghua approached Song Lili and asked.

"What's yours?" Song Lili didn't realize it for a while, and asked a little silly.

"Do you have my sweater?" Zhang Qinghua asked again.

"You want it too?" Song Lili glanced at Zhang Qinghua in surprise, as if she didn't expect that Zhang Qinghua also wanted a sweater.

But it soon became clear that Zhang Qinghua had only one girl in his family, Zhang Ai'ai, and probably wouldn't do these things.

His mother passed away early, so no one would make such a fuss. Thinking about it this way, Song Lili felt sorry for Zhang Qinghua, and couldn't help but soften her heart.

"There's yours, but I'm only learning it, so it's definitely not fast, so you have to wait patiently."

Although she has confidence in herself, she needs too many people, and she doesn't know when she will be able to weave for Zhang Qinghua.

So, get the vaccinations done in advance, so that Zhang Qinghua won't give him a sweater because she says she doesn't mean what she says.

"Okay, I'll wait, as long as you remember to knit a sweater for me." Zhang Qinghua looked at Song Lili with a smile on his face.

I thought I would not have it, so I asked out of balance, but I didn't expect to get such an unexpected answer.

He never thought of asking Song Lili to knit him a sweater at all, he just wanted her to care about him, but he didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

As long as she has him in her heart, she can wait as long as she wants. He has patience and time to wait.

"Okay, let's just say that, I'll bring you the sweater after I'm finished." Song Lili said with crooked eyebrows, her eyes were full of joy, like a sunflower growing towards the sun, bringing brightness.

 There are only two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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