Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 268 Why is it so pervasive?

Chapter 268 Why is it so pervasive?

"It's not just luck. I think she has deep thoughts. Otherwise, how could she have escaped twice." Luo Juan said bitterly, twisting her fingers.

"Really? Is she really that good as a girl? I think you think too much of her, right?" Xu Youcai curled his lips in disdain, despising Song Lili in his heart.

In his opinion, Song Lili simply didn't have the ability to escape these two times, and the current result was all because of Song Lili's good luck.

Luo Juan said with a cold face, "But don't forget, she is not a bumpkin who doesn't know anything, but a junior high school graduate."

This is what Luo Juan thought of in the past few days. She had never thought of this before.

She used to really think of Song Lili as the girls in the village who turned their faces to the loess and their backs to the sky. She thought they were all stupid, and she could make them obey with just a few casual words.

But she didn't expect to mention the iron plate this time, which made her feel frustrated for the first time.

In the past few days, she has been extremely busy dealing with her younger brother's affairs, but even though she is so busy, her thoughts are very clear, clearer than ever before.

So, she knew that her younger brother was caught by Wu Yi this time because she wanted to use those old guys as an excuse, and then punish Song Lili.

So she knew very well that Song Lili made all of these things, and Wu Yi and Song Lili were in the same group.

She even suspected that the secretary of the village, the village, was all on her side with Song Lili.

However, later she thought it was impossible, how could those people stand with Song Lili?
If I had known, Li Weiguo was an old fox, cunning and treacherous. When she was the village chief, she didn't catch any mistakes.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to listen to that bitch Song Lili.

So, it means that Song Lili and Wu Yi are colluding together to plot against her.

Thinking of this, Luo Juan couldn't help being angry, wishing that Song Lili and Wu Yi would die.

"So this time, I won't underestimate her. I will treat her as a real opponent. This time, I will see how she wants to escape." The hatred in Luo Juan's eyes turned so strong that it became real, dark , making people feel creepy.

It's just that Xu Youcai, who was caught in his own thoughts at the moment, didn't see it at all, because he was also ruthless in his heart, thinking about how to make Song Lili live or die.

Therefore, Luo Juan's horror was ignored, otherwise he might think about whether he should continue to cooperate with Luo Juan.

It's just that he didn't see these things, so it also caused his irreparable end in the future.

However, it is still too early to say this.

He also glanced at Luo Juan contemptuously, "Hmph, you won't let her escape again this time, right? You said that with confidence a few times ago, but in the end, Song Lili was still at home, but you Like a lost dog, being chased and run away."

"Not only that, but the second ancestor in your family was also arrested. Do you think I can still trust you?"

Before, he thought Luo Juan was such a great person, but he didn't expect to be so useless.

Two such good opportunities made Song Lili run away in a daze, which made Xu Youcai feel as if he had eaten a fly.

If he hadn't been alone, he would have wanted to kick Luo Juan and do it alone.

After hearing this, Luo Juan immediately fixed her gloomy eyes on Xu Youcai's face, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Heh, you still have the guts to tell me. If you have the ability, go and kill Song Lili. As long as you kill her, I will obey you." There was also contempt in his tone.

"You...I'm not that stupid, don't you know you're breaking the law like this?" Xu Youcai roared without confidence.

Luo Juan pouted, breaking the law?Now, there is no such thing as breaking the law.

They are all bad elements, so as long as they use the right method, those people can be criticized to death, and they are aboveboard.

But, in this case, will Luo Juan tell Xu Youcai?Will not.

If Xu Youcai really went crazy and killed Song Lili, she would be even happier, dog eats dog, she just needs to watch.

However, ever since Xu Youcai entered the bureau, he had a psychological shadow about where he was, and he must stay away if he could.

That's why when Luo Juan said that she was going to kill Song Lili, she backed down and faltered.

"Since you can't, then shut up, and don't forget, we agreed at the beginning, we two cooperate, you can ask me."

"That's why you can make Song Lili's life worse than death, but now someone else is making your life worse than death, so why should I listen to you?" Xu Youcai said with his neck crossed.

Luo Juan took a cool look at Xu Youcai, looked into the distance without any anxiety in her eyes, and muttered to herself, "No, I won't let her escape this time."

This time, she will never underestimate her opponent, she must put Song Lili on the same level as herself.

"Tch, who knows if you will." Xu Youcai sneered.

"Then we'll wait and see. If it doesn't work this time, then I'll listen to you in the future." Luo Juan also became ruthless.

"Okay, it's a deal." Xu Youcai said happily, as if he had seen Luo Juan listening to him.

Luo Juan lowered her head, and the sarcasm at the corner of her mouth couldn't be suppressed, hum, idiot.

I say listen to you now, do you really think I will listen to you?You also take yourself too seriously.

At that time, it was not certain who was crying and who was laughing.

Wait, wait until Song Lili is dead, then you will be next.

"What do you decide to do? When will it start?" Xu Youcai asked impatiently.

Then, without waiting for Luo Juan to answer, she said to herself, "Are you still framed? Where are the things this time?"

"Do you think Song Lili is so stupid, waiting for us to use the same method to calculate again?"

"After what happened last time, Song Lili must check the things at home every day. You can't find a chance to be those things."

And, do you really think those things are so easy to find?If it weren't for her status as the team leader, she wouldn't have been able to get those things last time.

Now as long as there are people with these things, which ones are not hidden tightly, who will be so stupid as to let others find out.

What's more, in the buying station, they are very tight, and they can't get it back at all. Last time, she spent a lot of effort to get some of them out.

However, she didn't expect that she didn't know where she went in the end, and she didn't kill Song Lili, which made her feel like losing her wife and losing her army.

Therefore, she held a breath in her heart, wanting to compete with Song Lili.

(End of this chapter)

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