Reborn 1960 Sweet Wife

Chapter 921 Start

Chapter 921 Start

This world is very fair, you will gain as much as you sow, and you will be rewarded only if you put in the effort.

Maybe this return will be more or less, but the hard work you put in will not let you down after all.

A pie in the sky thing.It has always been a fool's dream, how can there be such a good thing?

It's just that these Xia girls didn't think of it at all.

She felt very dissatisfied with Song Jianshe's job.I also feel that Song Lili doesn't really want to help Song Jianshe at all.

If Song Lili really wanted to help Song Jianshe, how could she ask Song Jianshe to do these physical tasks?
So Xia Niu felt even more resentful towards Song Lili.

When seeing Song Lili, she no longer had the smile she had a few days ago, and returned to her previous appearance.

Song Lili didn't care about these things.

Because she knew that Xia Niu was a very realistic and snobbish person.

If it works for her, she will definitely greet her with a smile, and when it doesn't work for her.Indifference is her most common way of dealing with it.

Song Lili didn't care, and naturally her mood would not be affected.

Song Jianshe is only now starting to make those furniture.And making furniture is not something that can be done in a day or two.

A piece of furniture may take four or five days, but for the three pictures she drew, if Song Jianshe wanted to complete them, it would probably take about ten days.

So Song Lili was not in a hurry to find a way out for Song Jianshe.

It was impossible for Song Jianshe to make only one piece and then sell it.

If he really wants to grow bigger, then he must have inventory on his side.

So Song Lili suggested that Song Jianshe should not go to the market yet.Instead, do a few more pieces first.

It's just that Song Jianshe was somewhat worried in his heart, fearing that no one would want the furniture he made.

Although I am full of confidence in my heart, when I try it for the first time, I still feel apprehensive and uneasy.

A little worried, what will happen if no one wants it?
Song Lili didn't say too many words to comfort Song Jianshe, because she knew that if she didn't see the actual effect, even if she said more comforting words, Song Jianshe would definitely not feel at ease.

Only when the furniture is sold and the real effect is seen, will Song Jianshe believe it in his heart.

The furniture he made was really wanted.

In order to make Song Jianshe less worried, Song Lili suggested that Song Jianshe make three pieces of each piece of furniture, and then look outside to see if anyone wants these furniture, just as a test.

After Song Jianshe thought about it, he agreed to Song Lili's suggestion.

He didn't panic when he made three pieces of each. Even if no one wanted it, it would be easier to deal with the three pieces of furniture.

And at this time, he was really relieved, because he was afraid that Song Lili would ask him to make a lot and then sell it.

At that time, he would probably die of fear in his heart.

It's okay, okay, Song Lili only said that she would do three things.

Song Jianshe is doing these things in a down-to-earth manner every day in an atmosphere of anticipation and tension.

Because Song Jianjian just started, so the place where he works puts you in Song Lili's alley.

Moreover, Song Yongren and Zhang Shengtian can also help out.

The two of them didn't go out for a walk anymore.Helping Song Jianshe every day, she seemed to be in a good mood, so Song Lili let them go.

As long as they wanted to, Song Lili would definitely not force them.

The creaking sound can be heard every day in the house.

Moreover, because the children had never seen carpentry work before, they surrounded Song Jianshe every day, and had countless curious questions every day, and they wanted to ask Song Jianshe.

For this aspect, Song Jianshe still knows a lot, and out of ten times, he can answer eight or nine times.

Only the very unconstrained and unconstrained questions could not be answered by him.

In the past few days, Song Lili has felt much more relaxed, and she doesn't have to take care of her children anymore.

The children found something they were interested in and directly abandoned her as a mother.

Song Lili only needs to prepare three meals a day at home.

Fangfang heard that Song Jianshe was going to stay in the capital, so she was very happy and ran over to ask if it was true.

Seeing that Song Jianshe had already put on a posture and was about to make furniture, she knew that this matter must be true.

Brother and Da Da will stay in the capital in the future, Song Fang is not to mention how happy she is.

She used to regret that Song Jianshe and Song Yongren couldn't be with their sisters in Hongqi Village.

Now, Song Jianshe decided to stay in the capital, and Song Yongren also agreed to stay here with Song Jianshe. Song Fang's mentality was that the sun was shining brightly, and he was in high spirits every day.

She is also very supportive of Song Jianshe's job of making furniture.They are all people who know Song Jianshe well, so they naturally understand what is the most suitable job for Song Jianshe.

In the whole family, Xia Niu is probably the only one who is not very supportive, but the others are very supportive.

On such days, more than half a month has passed.

Song Jianshe finished two wardrobes, two tables, and the bed should be the simplest one. Song Jianshe made it in two days.

He is now familiar with it a lot, his speed has also increased, and his efficiency is even higher.Only the chairs for the table are left, which have not been made yet.

However, Song Jianshe was not in a hurry, and the furniture was not the kind of fragile thing, even if it was left for a long time, it would not be destroyed.

Song Lili felt that Song Jianshe was too rushed for a while, making furniture non-stop every day, and didn't have a good rest.

Seeing that the goal they set was about to be completed, Song Lili suggested that Song Jianshe should take a day off.

That's because, Song Lili felt that Song Jianshe's nerves were too tense these days, and she felt that he should rest.
Moreover, if a person has been working non-stop for half a month, he must be very tired physically. It is better to work with a combination of work and rest.

Song Jianshe actually felt tired. After all, making furniture is a labor-intensive job. He worked continuously for half a month. Even though he was physically strong, he still felt tired.

Therefore, when Song Lili asked him to rest, Song Jianshe immediately agreed.

Anyway, it is almost done, only a few chairs left.

After a day's rest, it can be done in two or three days.

And this time.Song Lili just started to plan, where is the best place to find a buyer?

Song Lili was actually thinking about a question, did Song Jianshe sell these furniture and appliances to those furniture stores?Or find customers yourself?

Both ways have their pros and cons.It's just that Song Lili is thinking about which one is more suitable for Song Jianshe.

If it is delivered to those furniture stores, then Song Jianshe does not need to deal with customers.

He just needs to sign an agreement with the store.Just make the furniture.

(End of this chapter)

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