Chapter 950
As soon as Song Lili let go, Wang Shan stood up and immediately wanted to rush into the room.

But Song Lili had been on guard against her for a long time, and immediately blocked the door, Wang Shan had no way to go back to the room.

Wang Daming and his wife are opposite to him, and Song Lili and Song Lili form a triangle, enclosing Wang Shan in the middle.

No matter which direction Wang Shan wanted to go, someone would stop her. Wang Shan could only stay where she was, looking at the three people warily.

At the same time, I was thinking of a way, thinking about how to escape the current predicament.

Song Lili didn't care about the small things in Wang Shan's heart, she looked at Wang Daming and said, "Okay, now the problem is solved, you can send him away."

However, Song Lili still took a step forward, grabbed Wang Shan again, and dragged her to the middle of the yard.

At the same time, he also said to Wang Daming and his wife, "Da Ming, go and get ready. Take her to the train station immediately."

"And Lihong, go in and pack her luggage." Because she was Wang Daming's cousin, Song Lili was considered a little bit of face.

If this matter is on Song Lili's body.Song Li didn't even give her her luggage, and just sent it away by herself.

Wang Daming and his wife were surrounded by Song Lili's envoys. They were busy with their work, but they kept thinking in their hearts that Song Lili was clean and tidy just now.

Both of them sighed in their hearts at the same time. They felt that Song Lili was very powerful, and they solved their problem that had been a headache for a long time. This made them both admire Song Lili in their hearts.

I feel that at this moment, there is really a feeling that she is omnipotent.

The two of them couldn't come back to their senses for a long time, they just followed Song Lili's orders subconsciously.

After both of them packed up, they slowly came back to their senses, and finally realized that this problem was really solved.

Thinking about it, the two of them suddenly became excited.The subordinates were also particularly agile, and within a short while, both of them were packed.

Wang Shan didn't have a lot of luggage when she came to the capital. She only had a small bag when she came, and it was very dry. There was only a change of clothes in it, and she didn't bring anything else.

Yu Lihong only packed one and a half bags, and these were after Wang Shan came to the capital.Wang Daming asked Yu Lihong to buy clothes and other daily necessities for Wang Shan.

Yu Lihong felt that these things were for Wang Shan, if she didn't take them away, she would have to throw them away, or put them all together for Wang Shan.

Wang Daming was much simpler, he just sent Wang Shan to the train station, took the money, and had nothing else to do.

In the end, Yu Lihong's heart is better.Fearing that Wang Shan would be hungry if she didn’t have anything to eat on the train, she filled Wang Shan with some steamed buns and pancakes that she had at home, as well as pickles, thinking that at least she would be able to fill her stomach.

After handing over all these things to Wang Daming, Wang Daming took Wang Shan away.

Of course, it was impossible for Wang Shan to leave voluntarily. It was because Wang Daming had been holding Wang Shan's arm and never let go, because he was afraid that Wang Shan would run away.

Song Lili felt that Wang Daming might not be able to see Wang Shan alone, so after thinking about it, she and Yu Lihong went with Wang Daming.

At least with her here, it is impossible for Wang Shan to do excessive things, and Wang Daming will not let Wang Shan go because of soft-heartedness.

Wait until it's time to buy a ticket.It can be seen how correct Song Lili's decision is.

When Wang Daming went to buy the ticket, he let go of Wang Shan directly. If Wang Daming was alone, Wang Shan would have run away long ago.

Wang Daming went to buy a ticket, but if Song Lili grabbed Wang Shan, Wang Shan couldn't find a chance to escape.

Wang Daming bought a ticket to get home the fastest, put Wang Shan in the car himself, and didn't get off until the car was about to leave.

Wang Shan had no choice but to watch the train slowly leave the capital.

And the resentment in his eyes was clearly printed in Song Lili's eyes through the train window.

But Song Lili didn't care at all, watching the train slowly move away from her sight.Song Lili, you just turned around and walked out.

She had to make sure that Wang Shan really left.Otherwise, what is the purpose of such a big battle today?

After leaving the train station, Wang Daming and his wife realized in a daze that they really sent Wang Shan away.

This time, they succeeded.

The two became happy belatedly. Seeing the two grinning silly, Song Lili could only shake her head speechlessly.

I couldn't help complaining about the two of them in my heart.It's really impossible to do anything, a little soft-hearted, and it doesn't matter where it is used at all.

I am really speechless about these two people.But who made Wang Daming Song Lili's good friend?

And at the beginning, when Song Lili was in the most difficult time, it was Wang Daming who helped her, and her life gradually became easier.

Therefore, it is impossible for Song Lili to watch Wang Daming worry there all day and not help.

Although I don't agree with the two people's approach in my heart.However, when it is time to help, we still have to help.

After the three of them left from the train station, Song Lili didn't go to Wang Daming's house, but went directly to her own home.

Just after Wang Shan was sent away, Wang Daming and his wife needed to vent their emotions.Song Lili did not follow them.

Give the two of them a private space, and let the two of them vent all the depression and depression during this period of time.

The next time I see these two people.I hope there won't be such a decadent atmosphere on them.

Song Lili went home directly, very considerate, and did not follow my two people.

Besides, Song Lili also has her own things to do.

Because she was worried that Wang Daming would not be able to handle this matter, she took the time to go to Wang Daming's house today. She is also very busy during this time.

However, thinking about Wang Daming's character, he couldn't help worrying.

Wang Daming is very straightforward in dealing with work matters, he can also judge clearly which is more important, and can make the most correct choice.

But when facing your relatives.He is always soft-hearted.Always can't help but endure.

That's why Song Lili was worried about him and thought about going to see him in the morning.

Unexpectedly, her worries became true. When Wang Daming faced Wang Shan, there was really nothing he could do.

However, it's all right now, Wang Shan has left here, and she no longer has to worry that Wang Daming will soften his heart.

As for Wang Shan, it doesn't matter whether she will do it again or not.Song Lili didn't know, but she also had an idea in her heart, if Wang Shan came again in the future.Just send her away again.

Anyway, Wang Daming is not short of the fare money. I don't know if Wang Shan's family will let her come after so many disturbances.

(End of this chapter)

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