Pillar Destroyer Call Me Captain

Chapter 111 The Unknown Ceiling

Chapter 111 The Unknown Ceiling

"where is this place?"

"Unknown ceiling..."

A piece of chaotic darkness covered his eyes, and Inosuke suddenly opened his eyes, and the dazzling light flooded into his optic nerves in an instant, but it didn't make him frown.

He grew up in Morino Tianlin, and he has a vigilance far beyond ordinary people.

Enduring the discomfort caused by the strong light, Inosuke began to quickly survey the surrounding environment, and at the same time, a memory began to go back like a tide.

In my memory, I seem to be competing with someone, and then...then...

I don't remember.

Let Inosuke, who has always been thinking with a beast mind, analyze the current situation. For him, it is as difficult as asking a monkey to take a pen to participate in the Olympiad.

And right now.


The door of the room opened suddenly, and Inosuke's eyes widened, staring closely at the person who stepped into the room.

"Are you up?"

Tanjiro walked into the room, and when he saw Inosuke who had already sat up, he was stunned for a moment, then he showed a gentle smile and walked in.

"Brother Bai Ye said that you are exhausted, so let me bring you some food and drinks."

While speaking, Tanjiro placed a wooden tray on the head of Inosuke's bed.

As if influenced by Tanjiro's gentle aura, Inosuke didn't show too much aggressiveness in the first place.

Perhaps this is also the main reason why Shiraya asked Tanjiro to take care of Inosuke, otherwise the trivial matter of bringing tea and water would not have been the turn of Tanjiro, who is already a cadre, to do it.

"Your name is Inosuke, right? Brother Bai Ye said..."

Bang! ! !
A beast is a beast after all.

Before Tanjiro finished speaking, a heavy punch suddenly hit Tanjirou's body.

However, the heavy punch passed directly through Tanjiro's body, as if hitting the air, and Inosuke's body also leaned forward instantly, almost falling to the ground.

Tanjiro's figure, which was fiddling with the food plate, gradually turned into a phantom and disappeared.

On the other side, Tanjiro, who used Shunpo to dodge the attack, couldn't help frowning.

"It's really the same as Big Brother Bai Ye said, like a beast, you can't guess your next behavior at all."

"Hey! Inosuke, I'm here to deliver food to you, why are you attacking me!"

Tanjiro, who easily escaped Inosuke's attack, did not show any signs of anger, but his small eyes were full of great doubts, and he couldn't understand how there could be such a character in the world.

"Yehahaha... You are actually able to escape my attack, you are also a good stepping stone!"

Inosuke stood up, looked at Tanjiro and yelled like mocking, even he didn't know why, when he heard the word Bai Ye, he suddenly became irritable.

As he said that, Inosuke turned around suddenly, grabbed the cake on the table, and quickly put it into his mouth.



When the pastry entered the mouth, the sweet and greasy taste instantly bloomed in Inosuke's taste buds, allowing this beast to taste what is called a real delicacy in the world.

"Isn't it delicious? This is made in an oven, only the Yeka Mercenary Group can do it!" Tanjiro said with a smile.

"What? Who do you say made this?"

Inosuke's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and he grabbed again with his hand back, not forgetting to enjoy the delicious food while being wary of Tanjiro.

Tanjiro replied: "The Yege Mercenary Group is the owner of the castle you are in now. Only here can such delicious food be made. I was surprised when I ate it for the first time!"

Tanjiro wasn't surprised by Inosuke's expression.

Because when he tasted such a delicacy for the first time, his expression was not much restrained than that of Inosuke, and a sense of happiness filled his whole body.

But hearing Tanjiro's words, the expression on Inosuke's face was even more exciting.

How could this castle be able to make such delicious food?
Thinking of this, Inosuke suddenly yelled:
"From today onwards, this is my territory! You are all my slaves, and you have to pay me delicious food every day! Do you understand?"


"There is really no way to communicate normally..."

Tanjiro, who felt that his thoughts were not on the same line as Inosuke, suddenly raised his arms, recalling Bai Ye's warning, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Immediately afterwards, Tanjiro began to chant under Inosuke's puzzled gaze:

"Thundering carriage, the gap of the spinning wheel, this thing has light, one divided into six..."

"The 61 of binding the Tao, the six-stick light prison!"

As Tanjiro's spiritual power was activated, six beams of light suddenly appeared in the void, and they quickly shot towards Inosuke in an instant.

"Huh? What is this?" Inosuke let out a confused cry.

In the next second, the beam of light passed through his body in an instant, without causing any damage, but it fixed all of Inosuke's joints, making him unable to move at all.

"Damn! What the hell is this!?"

Inosuke, who was controlled by the six sticks of light, began to struggle vigorously, but unfortunately his strength was still far behind in front of Tanjirou, and there was no effect at all.

"Inosuke-kun, let me introduce myself..."

Tanjiro walked towards Inosuke with a calm face, stepping forward with a smile on his face.

"My name is Kamado Tanjiro, I am a god of death, and I am also a member of the Yege mercenary group."

"I don't care what you are! Hurry up and let go of this crap for me, or I will kill you!"

Inosuke roared like a beast.

"Inosuke, have you forgotten the bet you made with Brother Bai Ye?"

"Bet!? What bet!?"

"Of course it's your bet to join the Night Song Mercenary Group!"

Just then, the door opened again.

Hearing the commotion here, Bai Ye walked leisurely into the house with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Seeing Bai Ye's appearance, Inosuke felt a tightness in his buttocks, and suddenly remembered the memory before coma.

"It's you!"

Inosuke's face turned pale, and his expression became flustered instantly, and he no longer had the arrogant posture before.

"What? It's agreed that I'll catch you and I'll be my subordinate. Don't tell me you want to violate the rules?"

"Hmph~ I won't go back on my word! If that's the case, you are my leader now!"

Although it is strange that the words unreasonable and promise-keeping are used on the same person, Inosuke is indeed an existence that is unreasonable and keeps promises at the same time.

"Chief...boss?" Bai Ye was embarrassed, and when he heard this title, he felt like the boss of a wild boar.

"Call me group..." Bai Ye paused.

After a while, Bai Ye sighed and said: "Forget it, the leader is the leader...I will correct it later..."

"Tanjiro, let him go."

"Okay, Big Brother Bai Ye."

"In this way, we are companions, please take care of me, Yizhi..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Take my uncle's kick first!"

The light stick was scattered, and Tanjiro palmed his new partner in a friendly manner, but Inosuke didn't appreciate it at all.

A direct flying kick hit Tanjiro's arm immediately.

Bang! ! !
The collision of flesh and flesh, in this small space, unexpectedly erupted with a dull sound.

Tanjiro frowned, "What do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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