Pillar Destroyer Call Me Captain

Chapter 122 Inosuke Big Brother

Chapter 122 Inosuke Big Brother

Tokyo, Asakusa.

In a noble mansion, suddenly there was a sound of broken porcelain, and when it was approaching, there was another loud shout!
"Damn it! Another one died!"

Incarnate as a human Tsukihiko, Mumai Onimai Tsuji smashed a precious antique vase beside him with a punch.

The bloodshot red pupils stared angrily at the floor below him as if they were about to break out of their sockets.

On the floor that had been wiped clean, his ugly face at this time was reflected.

In the hundreds of years since the establishment of Twelve Ghost Moons, I don't know how many batches of the six Moonlight Ghost Moons have been changed, but they have never brought any valuable news to Wu Mi.

In fact, Bai Ye was not bad as expected.

It is true that Xiang Kai was promoted without exception because of his special blood ghost technique like the house of ghosts.

Wu Mi gave him a large amount of ghost blood in order to let Xiang Kai's magical blood ghost technique work at a certain moment and save his life.


Wu Mi has always been afraid.

400 years have passed, but the scar Ji Guoyuan brought to Wu Mi has been persecuting Wu Mi's body, never stopping for a moment.

No fear, among human beings, there will be a second and third Jiguo Yuanyi.

So even though 400 years have passed, he has never shown his true face and truly stepped forward.

Twelve ghost moons have always been used as eyeliner, looking for information about the "blue flower of the other side".

Especially in recent years, Wu Can vaguely felt a sense of oppression.

The Ghost Slayer Squad, which was almost wiped out by him, is gradually restoring its former glory.

The power of science and technology mastered by human beings is also slowly becoming stronger.

Wu Mi's actions became more cautious and scattered more blood.

On the one hand, it is to attract the attention of the Ghost Killing Team, and on the other hand, it is also trying their luck to find the blue Bana.

However, so many years have passed.

There was no news about the blue Bana flower, but he watched the scene of the dying moon over and over again.

"Mr. Yueyan, what happened?" A gentle voice suddenly came from outside.

This is Wu Mi's wife when she was disguised as a human.

In an instant, the wretched and ghostly appearance was instantly withdrawn, and he became a modest gentleman again, and the gentleman's tone responded:
"Oh~ nothing, I accidentally dropped the vase just now."

"You are not hurt?"

"it does not matter……"

Wuyou perfectly interprets the identity of the human Yue Yan.

Because I have seen scenes of the death of the last quarter moon many times, Bai Ye's killing of Xiang Kai did not have much impact on Wu Mi.

It just made his need for powerful ghosts bigger.



"So, Inosuke, have you decided yet!?"

The day after killing Xiang Kai, Bai Ye and Inosuke started their journey again with the goal of finding my wife Zen Yi.

But this time, behind them, followed by a silent little tail.

Ever since he saw Inosuke accidentally knocking down a big tree in order to catch a hare, Yuan Qianliu began to follow behind them without saying a word.

In order to take care of Yuan Qianliu's physical strength, Bai Ye and the others also slowed down their pace.

And once the pace slows down, the time for communication will relatively increase.

While chatting, Bai Ye suddenly brought up the matter of making Inosuke a cadre of the Yege Mercenary Corps.

At the same time, tell him that if he becomes a cadre of Yege, he will be Bai Ye's younger brother for the rest of his life, and he will never turn over!
Of course, in contrast, Inosuke will gain even more powerful power.

This is such a problem, if Inosuke used to be, he would have rejected Bai Ye's invitation long ago.

But after seeing Bai Ye's power, Inosuke became confused.

To become stronger, or to continue to persevere...

If he continues to stick to his own path, Inosuke is confident that he can still be stronger.

The demented old man who had taught him to talk had also taught him other strange things.

Inosuke didn't care about it before, but after seeing Bai Ye's fighting style, he seemed to have gradually realized something. He couldn't explain clearly, but he was sure that something could make him stronger.

However, Inosuke still has no clue about becoming as powerful as the leader of Bai Ye, flying into the sky and setting fire.

If Bai Ye kept flying in the air and couldn't come down when he was fighting with him, wouldn't he never be able to regain his position as the boss! ?

How to do!
How to do?
what do I do! ?



"Ah!!!! It's so annoying!!!!"

The tangled Inosuke was walking, and suddenly stopped, holding his head tightly with both hands, and howling loudly.

Bai Ye also stopped immediately, and turned to Inosuke.

"What's wrong, Inosuke?"

At this moment, I saw Inosuke suddenly take a big step forward, and the whole person stood up in a perfect lunge, and the momentum of his whole body surged instantly, as if there was a hill supporting him behind him.

"It doesn't matter! As long as it can become stronger! Let it go!!!"

For some reason, Inosuke, whose gaze suddenly became firm, suddenly shouted loudly at Bai Ye.

No pleas like others, no gratitude at all.

Yes, just the determination to become stronger!
"So that's it, are you struggling?"

Bai Ye smiled happily.

He thought that Inosuke had ignored what he just said.

Now that Inosuke has said so, why does Bai Ye have any hesitation!

"as you wish."

A mercenary qualification certificate suddenly appeared in Bai Ye's hands like magic.

Bai Ye gently pressed it on Inosuke's forehead.

boom! ! !
Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the forest, and the birds and beasts fled away one after another as if they had encountered something terrible.

And on Inosuke's body, that hill-like will was slowly solidifying.

It should be said that he really deserves to be Inosuke, a wild man.

On the day of its establishment, the entire forest is cheering for it!



From Inosuke's perspective, the moment he watched the badge touch his body...

The whole world suddenly changed.

He was originally in the forest, but at some point, he suddenly came to a vast ocean.

His body was still the same as usual, with his upper body exposed, animal skin trousers on his lower body, and a pig's head mask on his head.

And under his feet is a wooden floor, and in front of him is a green fence.

Inosuke, who has never seen the sea before, and has no concept of the sea, suddenly sees the magnificent sea, but there is nothing strange about it.

Instead, a strange idea of ​​"I want to conquer it" came out.

Here, where is it?

"Inosuke...Inosuke! Inosuke!!!"

Just when Inosuke was confused, beside Inosuke, there was a voice calling suddenly.


Inosuke turned his head instantly and looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a short, pink-haired boy looking at him with a look of fear, as if he was afraid that he would be angry because of the yelling just now.

"Who are you?"

Although the system has transmitted information about inheritance to Inosuke's brain.

But with Inosuke's personality, he didn't care at all, and he treated these information like garbage, piling them up in an inconspicuous place in his brain, occupying a small amount of brain capacity.


The pink-haired boy smiled awkwardly, scratched his head in embarrassment and said:
"Really, how many times have I told you, when will Inosuke remember my name well?"

"I'm Kebi, Brother Inosuke."

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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