Pillar Destroyer Call Me Captain

Chapter 180 Under Mount Fuji

Chapter 180 Under Mount Fuji
under the mount Fuji.

In an ordinary small town, a young woman flicked her dexterous ponytail and wore a night cloak, hunting in the cold wind.

But the girl was not afraid of the cold snow wind, she still stood at the gate of the town, kept looking into the distance, the sparkle in her beautiful eyes was mixed with a trace of worry, as if she was looking forward to going out late. Like Gui's husband, he misses someone he hasn't seen for a long time.

"Miss Sakura, why don't we go back first, Master Bai Ye said that he will take at least three hours to get to our side!"

Beside the girl, there were two figures, one big and one small, who were also wearing a cool black night windbreaker. In the middle of the windbreaker, there were two large characters branded with thin golden thread—— -【Song of the Night】!
This is the mission reward Bai Ye and the others got after clearing Chapter 13 a few days ago - the qualification to purchase [Mercenary Cloak].

【Mercenary Cloak】

Attributes: special props
Effect: Charm +10
Note: When the Mercenary Cloak is equipped by members of the Mercenary Corps, the Mercenary Cloak will not be broken for any reason.

This item itself will not add any strength to Bai Ye and the others.

But the attribute of charm +10 can earn a lot of attention for the Yege mercenary group. After all, 10 is already the limit that ordinary people can achieve. That is to say, in the world of ordinary people, once someone wears this cloak If it appears, it will immediately become a highly anticipated existence!

The price of this cloak is not expensive, one only needs 100 essence, and their entire mercenary group has one, and it doesn't cost 1000 essence together.

1000 essence This is nothing to Bai Ye now. After seeing such an interesting prop, Bai Ye immediately asked everyone in the Yege Mercenary Group to wear mercenary cloaks.

Not to mention, when Bai Ye saw a group of partners wearing mercenary cloaks in the adventure dungeon, he really felt a surge of turbulence.

That aura is really full of deterrence.



Hearing Da Huang's words, Xiao Ying pursed her lips, but said: "Wait, at the speed of Brother Bai Ye, he should be here soon."

In the cold wind, Sakura's tone was firm, and she didn't want to go back at all, which made the two people behind him sigh secretly.


"All right……"

The burly Rhubarb flicked the wind-blown cloak behind him, looked at each other with Youtai, and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Rhubarb, who has reached the fourth level, is no longer the dwarf at the beginning. After three upgrades, Rhubarb's figure has become taller and taller each time. Now his height has reached 1.8 meters. In the island country, a country with a low per capita, it can already be regarded as a little giant.

However, as his figure changed, his goblin features became more difficult to hide, so he had to wear loose clothes like a sack to cover his green skin.

On his head, he also wore a wooden mask with special textures, and added scarves, gloves, earbags, etc., so that it would not make people see his inhuman posture.

Seeing that persuading Sakura again was ineffective, and Dahuang had no choice in the end, it was worth contacting Bai Ye in his mind, and told Bai Ye about the situation here.

Fortunately, with the addition of the rhubarb pet halo, Sakura's body has also reached the level of a terrifying monster. Otherwise, in this cold winter, if a girl really wants to stand for such a long time, she must be frozen to death.



Just like that, after another two hours, a small black dot slowly appeared on the distant horizon, and this small dot was approaching them at an extremely fast speed.

"Yes...it's Brother Bai Ye!"

In the cold wind, Sakura, whose body was slightly stiff, suddenly stood up like a spring, jumped up, kept looking at the figure in the distance, and wanted to go forward to greet her, but she looked shy and embarrassed.

At this time, Rhubarb and Yuta also stood up one after another.

Rhubarb rubbed his nose under the mask and said, "That's right, it's indeed the master."

When Bai Ye didn't arrive just now, Rhubarb could act casually, but now that Bai Ye is about to arrive, of course he has to put on a good posture to welcome Bai Ye well.

Perhaps, this is the Goblin.

No matter how much Rhubarb changes, it can't change his sneaky and slippery face.



Near the end point, Bai Ye immediately quickened his pace, his whole body seemed to be flying at a low altitude, and he crossed the distance of several hundred meters in the blink of an eye, with a ghostly figure, and instantly came in front of the three of them.

"Yo Ho! Sakura, Yuta, Rhubarb, long time no see!" Bai Ye greeted with a smile.

"Bai...Brother Bai Ye! I miss you so much!" Xiao Ying's voice was soft and gentle, as if she had a thousand unspeakable feelings, she pounced and wrapped her arms around Bai Ye's neck.

"Ahahaha... Xiao Ying, you are really excited." Bai Ye gently stroked Xiao Ying's hair, as if comforting a child.

Rhubarb and Yuta are also very discerning, there is no good thing to disturb Sakura at this time.


They didn't interrupt Sakura, but they were interrupted by Sakura herself.

A few seconds later, the excitement in her heart gradually calmed down, and Xiao Ying, who was holding Bai Ye, blushed suddenly, realizing that her current behavior seemed a little extreme, she quickly got off Bai Ye, and lowered her head shyly.

"Bai... Brother Bai Ye, I'm sorry."

"Ah ha ha……"

Bai Ye made a haha, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, Xiaoying misses me so much, I'm too happy to be happy."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Sakura's head lowered even more, her little face was flushed like an apple.


Bai Ye seemed to really not care about Sakura's actions just now, and directly greeted Da Huang and Yuta:

"Yuta, Rhubarb, how are you doing?"

"Very good, Master Bai Ye." Yuta stepped forward and replied.

Rhubarb grinned, with sharp fangs protruding from the back of the mask along the corners of his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Reunited after a long absence, Bai Ye and his team members communicated with each other, and then began to walk towards the small town.

Along the way, because of the special effects of the mercenary cloak, the group of them attracted a lot of attention.



The arrival of Bai Ye and the others made this town, which seemed to be shrouded in gray cloth, completely passionate.

Not long after, everyone's post-dinner chats turned into speculations about the dialogue with Bai Ye.

However, Bai Ye and the others directly found a foothold, and started the combat meeting of the Yege Mercenary Corps' first shot.

It has been less than half a month since Bai Ye and Inosuke separated.

In the past half a month, Bai Ye and the others cleared two adventure dungeon chapters one after another, making his essence reserves already exceed 5W.

Even after purchasing the base Rubik's Cube, Bai Ye can still have tens of thousands of essence left over, which can be used to upgrade Rhubarb's level again.

This time the branch base, Bai Ye didn't want it to be just like the magic castle base in Jianye City.

If possible, Bai Ye hopes that this sub-base can completely become a symbol of Ye Ge's name spreading all over the world.

This is why Bai Ye chose Mount Fuji.

Although there are not many people here now, and the population density is far less than that of cities on the seaside or plains.

But here is indeed the iconic building of the island country. In today's teaching textbooks, there are also descriptions about Mount Fuji, just like the Great Wall of China.

If Bai Ye can make some noise here, it will definitely spread the name of Ye Ge throughout the entire island country!
I just don't know how long it will be before Bai Ye's wish is fulfilled.

You know, the town where Bai Ye and the others are now has not even built a power line, which shows how terrifying its remoteness is.

After all, now is not as good as 100 years from now.

100 years later, Mount Fuji has attracted a large number of tourists because of its beautiful scenery and illustrious reputation.

Although the current Mount Fuji is as beautiful as before, even more so, but in this era when food and clothing are just mixed, in a land full of mountains and rivers, far away from the coast, there are really not many people who will take root here.


Once it can take root here, it will really be the sky high and the emperor far away, a small prince.

This sentence was not meant for Bai Ye who planned to settle down here, but for the original manager here, the most appropriate description.



Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

The same is true in this small town, even though there are only a few thousand households here, the class and facilities that should be there are still the same.

Not long after Bai Ye and the others settled down, in the City Lord's Mansion, a middle-aged man who looked like a gangster was reporting something to the person sitting in a high position.

After a while, a trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the high-ranking person, and he asked the person who reported:

"You mean, how many mysterious people with extraordinary temperament came to us suddenly? And they even landed near the city lord's mansion?"

"Yes, my lord, because their aura is too strong, I didn't dare to get too close, but they are indeed living in a hotel near the City Lord's Mansion, and their whereabouts are strange. I don't know what they are here for. "

"Is that so..."

A fierce light suddenly flashed in the eyes of the high-ranking person, but it disappeared quickly, and he began to murmur to himself: "The hand of the shogunate finally reached out to me!?"

The person who said this was Udagawa Ichiro, the patriarch of the contemporary Udagawa clan.

Hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of the Udagawa family used to be the retainers of the emperor. Because of their meritorious service in saving the family, they were rewarded as the ministers of the frontier here. Although the resources here are poor, with the support of the emperor, the ancestors of Udagawa still built a world here. , and carried forward the Udagawa family until today.

However, after the Meiji Restoration, the policies of the island nation began to undergo tremendous changes. Both technology and laws have become completely different from before.

According to the current constitution, people like the Udagawa family who control a piece of land are no longer allowed to exist.

All local rulers must be truly talented people chosen by the government, not re-elected by the family.

It is precisely because of this that after learning about this reform, Udagawa Ichiro will be particularly concerned about a little trouble.

When the limelight passed, Udagawa thought that his place was too remote and forgotten, and he temporarily calmed down.

But the arrival of Bai Ye and others now really disturbed Udagawa's mood.

Udagawa, who was sitting on the highest position, began to concentrate on thinking. If possible, he really didn't want to be in this position right away.

But he is not stupid. He would never do such a thing as confronting the government.

If they obediently let Xian, maybe they Udagawa can still end up as a wealthy party.

But if it is true disobedience, it is not just the end of losing power.

After thinking about it, Udagawa Ichiro decided to investigate the actual situation. Even if the Udagawa family's dominance over this place could not be preserved, he hoped to at least maintain his position here.

This was already the best way he could think of based on the current situation.

"Why did you come here, just ask!"

"Come on! Prepare the sedan chair!"



Soon, a group of people came out from the City Lord's Mansion.

Udagawa Ichiro sat firmly in the sedan chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind, as if he was thinking about how to ask Bai Ye and the others about their visit.

Obviously, now Udagawa Ichiro has admitted to death. Bai Ye and the others are the advance troops sent by the shogunate to subdue this place, and they plan to have a good exchange with Bai Ye and the others to find out the tone of the shogunate.

After all, Bai Ye and the others had a good temperament, flamboyantly walked around the market, and acted quickly. It seemed that they had a clear purpose, and they even directly stayed in the hotel not far from the City Lord's Mansion.

All this seemed to be clearly telling Udagawa Ichiro to let him find them.


This time Udagawa Ichiro really thought too much.

The good temperament is due to the charm bonus of the mercenary cloak, and it is Bai Ye's deliberate attempt to spread the name of Ye Ge by showing off in the market.

As for the quickness of action, there is a clear purpose, this is true, it is only the purpose of Bai Ye, not this small town of [-] people, his heart is for the entire island country, and even the world!

And about staying in a hotel near the City Lord's Mansion...

This is really wrong to blame Bai Ye and the others. After all, this is the most high-end hotel in the entire town, and Bai Ye and the others are not short of money. Sakura and the others came out this time, but they brought a lot of money from Jianye City.

Since he has money, why make things difficult for himself, of course Bai Ye chooses the best hotel to stay in!
In this way, it is precisely because of the above reasons...

When Bai Ye held a sapling exuding life in his hand and showed it to the three of Sakura, a group of guards with knives surrounded the entire inn, making the innkeeper tremble with fright, not knowing what he had done wrong. The city lord treats it like this.

 Thanks to [Nan God Lucian], [Ranger, Hen Shang] for their rewards! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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