Chapter 109
The badge is all white.

There were bursts of aura fluctuations on it.

While Fan Zian was observing carefully, Zheng Yan suddenly said, "Let's enter the Wanzong battlefield!"

Then, he waved his hand.

Some disciples took the lead and had already gone to the gate of space.


There was an endless stream of piercing sounds.

Hundreds of young figures burst out with powerful cultivation, their bodies jumped high, and with the help of the huge suction force from the space gate, the figures were instantly submerged!

At this moment, Xuan Tang slowly opened his eyes, and the meaning of Wuji flashed by, but no one caught it.

"Go, it's up to you to win the championship!"

Not far away, Li Tiandao waved to his disciples.

Of course, he wasn't worried at all.

After all, there is a strong Wuji Realm in charge, even if Fan Zian and Ge Zhihui lose to the disciples of Sword League, Holy League, or even Qi League.

Xuantang will not lose either!

"Don't worry, Master."

After receiving the order, Fan Zian gestured to Li Tiandao.

Afterwards, Fan Zian asked Qi Caiyun to go to Concubine Bing's side, and he exchanged a glance with Xiao Yan, and then followed Xuan Tang and Ge Zhi.

The spiritual power in his body was shaking, his feet stepped on the ground, his body soared into the sky, and entered the gate of space!


A small beep.

As soon as he entered the gate of space, Fan Zian's eyes were filled with white light.

Nothing can be unclear.

It just vaguely feels like flying through the clouds, and the token in his hand emits a wave of fluctuation.

After a few breaths have passed.

Fan Zian's eyes suddenly brightened, and then his body lightened, and he fell downwards!


Fan Zian, who controlled his figure, stepped on the solid ground.

Immediately after that, there were also two sounds of feet stepping on the ground behind them, it was Xuan Tang and Ge Zhi with dull eyes.

As for Xiao Yan, it seems that she has entered another world.

A world where the movement and signs of the three can be monitored at any time.This is also the responsibility of the team leader, who is responsible for taking care of the life and posture of his own disciples to avoid casualties.

"This place is interesting, but there is no spiritual power fluctuation at all."

At this moment, Xuantang surveyed the surrounding environment, and then casually complained.

His words also made Fan Zian vigilant.

Spiritual Qi is a special force naturally bred by the heaven and earth, and there is no trace of spiritual energy here, so there must be something strange.

"The trees here are lush, but there is no aura, which is really strange."

Fan Zian stroked his chin and looked around calmly.

Within the sight of the three of them, they happened to be at the entrance of an extremely dense jungle.

The ancient trees block out the sky and the sun, and the whole jungle exudes a gloomy, damp atmosphere.

Behind him, there are rugged mountain roads and peaks that spread to an unknown distance, and above his head, at an infinite height, there is still the sun.

However, white illusory, misty fluctuations flashed, proving that it was an illusion.

They are in a plane created by humans at the moment.

"Just now the token flashed suddenly, it should be detecting our cultivation base. After finding out that our cultivation base is not high, we assigned the three of us to a place with no aura and very few spirit beasts. It seems that Master has hidden it for us. The cultivation has worked."

Hearing Fan Zian's words, Xuan Tang asked, "Oh? You mean that the tokens will divide us into different areas according to our cultivation? And because the boss hid our cultivation, the token misjudged and the Are we assigned to a weak zone?"

"Well, if what I expected is not bad, this is for us to familiarize ourselves with the Wanzong battlefield first, so as to avoid premature elimination. In other words, first let us hunt monsters, find natural materials and earth treasures, and upgrade the tokens. In this way, with the passage of time and continuous progress, the major sects will eventually meet, and then the real decisive battle will come, and it will be more interesting."

Xuan Tang was somewhat surprised by Fan Zian's explanation.

Never expected that the boy in front of him was young, but possessed such a calm mind and powerful combat power.

He couldn't help but nodded in admiration.

During those seven days when he wanted to guide him, Xuantang felt that this son was not easy.

"Since this is the case, then the soldiers will come and cover the water and soil, and take one step at a time."

They looked around, and then, Xuantang gave an order, and the three of them walked towards the depths of the jungle.


outside world.

The original gate of space turned into a light curtain, on which every move of the disciples in the plane appeared.

Similar to Fan Zian's guess, disciples of different cultivation levels were divided into areas of different strengths.

Most people are relatively conventional in their respective fields, which means that their strength is relatively conventional in their own realm, and they cannot fight across borders.

There are also some people who performed relatively well. These disciples are the elites among the elites of the various sects.

Fighting over the next level can be said to be commonplace.

But the most eye-catching are the two teenagers assigned to the gloomy sea area.

This place is one of the most dangerous areas in the Wanzong Battlefield, where all kinds of flood beasts and monsters emerge in endlessly.

But those two teenagers seemed to be able to do anything with ease. Wherever they passed, their lives were devastated.

All monsters encountered are killed in one blow.

The two young men were Cheng Ran of the Holy League and Qin Tianwen of the Sword League.

Cheng Ran, who carried the gourd on his back, was one of the Four Saints of the Holy League, and he really didn't feel any pressure in this gloomy sea area.

He didn't even bother to use the Xuantian Gourd on his back.

Black Sword boy Qin Tianwen, as the only disciple of the Sword League, has no team leader and no teammates, and he is also able to handle with ease in the gloomy place.

Ta Kong walked in this gloomy sea area, and all the monsters couldn't hold his sword.

"This Nima is not a character at all."

The performance of the two made all the suzerains present sigh in admiration.

After confirming that the disciples had landed safely, here, Zheng Yan spoke again, saying: "Since the disciple competition has started, the suzerain competition is coming soon."

After the voice fell, the light curtain gradually rose to the sky.

Zheng Yan backed away slowly.

The five emperors in the sky released their spiritual power at the same time, opening a new door of space.

This door of space is not comparable to the door of space that the disciple entered just now.

Inside, it is called the ten directions, which is a special plane handed down from ancient times.

"Young Master Li, this Wanzong Conference is a tough battle for you."

At this moment, I don't know when Liu Qin'er came behind her, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Concubine Bing.

In seven days, Concubine Bing became good friends with Liu Qin'er, which Li Tiandao did not expect.


Li Tiandao smiled lightly, he naturally knew that the tough battle Liu Qin'er was talking about referred to the four major sects of the Lion Heart Empire.

"Don't let me touch them, otherwise, it will be a dead end."

Li Tiandao smiled coldly, his eyes full of murderous aura.

Liu Qin'er felt an inexplicable chill.

(End of this chapter)

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