Chapter 111

Li Tiandao ignored the hurricane, turned around and wanted to jump over it.

Unexpectedly, he didn't go to the hurricane, but the hurricane came to him.

"Heh, a beast wants to mess with me too?"

Using the pupil of delusion, Li Tiandao could clearly see the figure under the hurricane.


Facing the slowly approaching hurricane, Li Tiandao summoned the magic gun.


Without any nonsense, Li Tiandao shot fiercely, stabbing down the vortex, stirring up huge bloody waves.



With a roar, accompanied by the sound of turbulent water, a huge figure suddenly emerged.

It took advantage of the situation and opened its mouth pouringly, swallowing the hurricane into its stomach, including Zhu Gongdi who had been mashed into a pulp.

It seemed that the hurricane was something that helped him chew his food.

Bursts of gloomy breath came, making Li Tiandao narrow his eyes.


The owner of that giant mouth is a red flood dragon that is about to cross the catastrophe and transform into a dragon!

The dark red vertical pupils are like two clusters of vigorous flames, reflecting the sharp and straight golden spiral horns.

The thick dragon tongue that has been completely transformed, occasionally licks the white and neat fangs, and the body of the flood dragon that is thousands of meters long is covered with blood-red scales.

Four smoke-like misty flames loomed cold and sharp claws with the dancing of the body.

Infiltrating, eerie, powerful!

outside world.

Some people have already begun to worry about Li Tiandao, and some people think that Li Tiandao will end up in the same fate as Zhu Gongdi, buried in the belly of the dragon.

"It's over, it's over, what did I say just now, this monster really made him come across it."

"Tsk tsk, the monstrous blood dragon, no more than a hundred people who have entered the Ten Directions this time can escape from it, and probably no more than ten people can kill it."

"The monstrous blood dragon, the true overlord of the monstrous sea of ​​blood, the Wanzong Conference has continued to this day, and I don't know how many suzerains have died in his belly."

"Sigh, Zhu Gongdi is so ugly, and the Xunji Sect has done all kinds of bad things, so he deserves to be punished now, but this guy has good looks and is full of righteousness. It's a pity that this guy has a good skin."


The surrounding audience discussed and divided, and they didn't know where they could see that Li Tiandao was full of righteousness.

Could it be that beauty is justice?
"Sister, what should I do?"

Seeing that Li Tiandao was in deep trouble, Qi Caiyun became worried for no reason.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright."

Concubine Bing smiled, still calm.

Even though she was wearing a human skin mask, the temperament of that beautiful woman could not be concealed.

It immediately attracted the attention of several male compatriots.

Ten squares.

Li Tiandao looked at the monstrous blood dragon, with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

It's not that he is arrogant, the strength of this monstrous blood dragon is simply not enough.

"I think it's not easy for you to cultivate, now give way to me, you can still live, otherwise, your way will be abolished, and your life will be destroyed!"

Li Tiandao spoke coldly, which made the Taotian Xuejiao feel spooky.


However, as the overlord of the blood sea, how can it be intimidated by the other party's few words?
Accompanied by a roar, the monstrous blood dragon moved.

I saw it leaving the sea and rushing towards Li Tiandao at the speed of light.

"Since you don't listen to the persuasion, it's just right, try my ability of the real dragon spear!"

Li Tiandao clenched the Mo Dao Spear in his hand, and activated the "True Dragon Spear Technique" he had just obtained a few days ago!
The monstrous blood dragon was approaching infinitely, and the outsiders watched with trepidation and regret.

But just when the monstrous blood dragon opened its bloody mouth and was about to swallow this weak and ignorant human alive, an accident happened.


A light chime.

I saw that the tip of his spear was like a dragon, guiding a huge wind like a dragon, rushing like a blood dragon.


The dragon roar sounded again.

Only this time, it was a scream.

I saw the long dragons transformed by the wind rushing in along the opened mouth of the monstrous blood dragon.

The gusts of wind exploded upon meeting the blood, and a powerful explosion erupted in the blood flood dragon's body.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the blood flood dragon turned into a rain of blood and sprinkled in this monstrous sea of ​​blood.

One shot!
It only took one shot!
Just let the overlord who ruled the sea of ​​blood for several years die on the spot.

No bones left!

outside world.

The pot has already exploded.

"Who the hell is this guy? He can instantly kill monsters approaching the Void Realm!!"

"I remember that there was a Taoist League on the entry list, but I didn't pay attention to it at the time. Could it be that this guy is the leader of the Taoist League?"

"Being the master of one alliance is extremely powerful, but I have lived for hundreds of years, but I have never heard of any Dao League."

"Maybe, it was originally an alliance force that was hiding in the dark and now wants to make a big splash. I don't know how his Dao alliance compares to the Qi alliance."

"Why not compare it with the Sword League and the Holy League?"

"Heh, do you think any alliance can be compared with the forces in the Seven Great Alliances?"

There was a lot of discussion off the court, all of them were discussing Li Tiandao's identity and strength.

And who is this Taoist League that was born out of thin air?

"Young Master Li, he is so strong!"

At this moment, Qi Caiyun, who was still a little worried about Li Tiandao, now has golden light in his eyes.

Unknowingly, she developed a strong affection for Li Tiandao.

But remembering that she has a boyfriend and the other has a girlfriend, Qi Caiyun can only bury this good feeling in her heart.

She secretly looked at Concubine Bing who was wearing a human skin mask and her face was still cold.

Qi Caiyun also has self-knowledge.

Concubine Bing's beauty was beyond her reach in this lifetime.

"What happened?"

At this moment, sitting on the dragon chair, the five emperors who were paying attention to the Wanzong battlefield and wanted to find some good seedlings, saw that there was a little noise below, so they turned their attention to the ten directions.

But when they saw the situation in the ten directions clearly, they couldn't sit still.

"Who is this?"

Feng Tianxing looked at Li Tiandao who was in the sea of ​​blood, and asked Yang Heming who was behind him.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the old minister doesn't know this person well, he only knows that he is the leader of the Dao League."

Yang Heming said truthfully.

But in his heart, there was doubt.

Apart from the three alliances, he obviously did not invite other alliance organizations, so who is this Dao alliance?

Anytime while sitting on a unicorn.

Seeing Li Tiandao's astonishing strength, he pushed the concubine in his arms aside, stood up and ordered the guard behind him: "Quick, check for me quickly, what is the origin of this person."

"As ordered."

After the guards of the Sunset Empire took the order, they mobilized the intelligence organization and began to thoroughly investigate Li Tiandao's information.

At this moment, it's not just him, Nangong Chengchi, the king of Xinghui on the flying eagle, An Lang, the king of Canglan on the turtle, and Qi Lu of the Lion Heart Empire.

The five rulers had a tacit understanding and at the same time used the intelligence organization in their hands to thoroughly investigate Li Tiandao's identity.

Such characters can bring huge benefits to join any empire.

Therefore, in the eyes of all the emperors, there is a gleam of determination...

 Since writing the book, I am grateful to the lonely Gemini, Yang Guo, Jun Mo Xiaoyao, A Quan, June Xingyan, Lao Gou and the big brother whose name cannot be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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