Opening system: My wife has the appearance of a great emperor

Chapter 137 Wang Lie's Perverted Proposal

Chapter 137 Wang Lie's Perverted Proposal
With a simple sentence, Li Tiandao took another deep look at the trio of Sky Empire.

He had just fought against each other, and he could feel that this organization was the most threatening and powerful among all the people present!

It is also the worst.

Although the external injuries were healing at the speed of light with the power of his powerful body of the god emperor, the internal injuries caused by the three of them made him a little uncomfortable.

"Damn, is this guy a pervert? Even though he is a perfect monk in the Infinity Realm, he can't kill so many people and still be full of energy, right?"

Ling Heyan and the others burst into foul language.

And the reason why Li Tiandao has not used the immortal method until now is because he is waiting.

Wait for Bai Mei and Long Yushu to return.

Waiting for the arrival of the real strong!

Exhaling, Li Tiandao operated the body of the god emperor, speeding up the recovery of his injuries.

The Huiyue Banner stood in front of him, but no one dared to take half a step closer.

At this moment, no matter who it is, they understand the situation in front of them.

Except for Zhang Shenfeng who has been watching the show without any intention of making a move.

Li Tiandao is the strongest alone!Wang Badan, Yin Yuehua and others followed.

However, in terms of overall combat effectiveness, the Zongmen Alliance of the Sky Empire is the strongest!
These are the few people who are currently qualified to compete for the Huiyue Flag.

But if Liu Qin'er wakes up, the situation will be uncertain.

As Li Tiandao retreated step by step, he came to Liu Qiner's side again, and immediately lifted the fighting state.

Seeing Li Tiandao healing his wounds secretly, the eyes of the three members of the Zongmen Alliance flashed.

Looking at each other, Ling Heyan asked quietly.

"Is this guy's physique a little abnormal?"

Lan Xiusheng carefully looked at Li Tiandao, whose aura had faded and his scars were still healing quickly, and nodded slightly.

"That's right, this should be some kind of divine body. It doesn't look like an offensive or defensive divine body, but a bloodthirsty body similar to Yang Buju's. The power of heaven."

Lan Xiusheng rubbed his chin and analyzed calmly.

He saw Li Tiandao's god-emperor body, and also saw through the mental method "Doomsday Buddha Jue" he used.

Indeed, the body of the god emperor cooperates with the "Doomsday Buddha Art".

Very bad.

"Doesn't this mean that this person will only get stronger as he fights?"

Fatty Wang muttered in a low voice, then shivered.

I have a deep understanding of this kind of all-round bloodthirsty physique!
Because he had seen with his own eyes that the Zhan Kuang sect patriarch Yang Buju's Zhan Kuang divine body, under siege, fought more and more fiercely.

"In terms of comprehensive strength, it is stronger than Yang Buju, but it is far behind Master Yang Heming's God of War body! Among the people participating in the competition for the Huiyue Banner, this person is the strongest alone. If the three of us If someone fights with him, the odds of winning should be around [-]%."

Lan Xiusheng carefully analyzed: "In a while, when Liu Qin'er's injury recovers, there will be a short adjustment period. Take advantage of this time, let's do it. Get ready!"

Following Lan Xiusheng's words, Ling Heyan and Wang Fatty nodded slightly.

At this moment, Fatty Wang summoned a three-meter-long dog, which was his natal beast.


And being able to sacrifice this thing means that the next fight will not be as petty as it is now!
Li Tiandao sped up the recovery speed of the healing formation, which gradually stabilized Liu Qin'er's breath.

I have to say that this group of people is really ruthless.

I'm afraid that if I come a little late, Liu Qin'er will explain here.

After casting the healing array, Li Tiandao smiled calmly as he looked at the suzerains who were ready to move.

Magic gun, fairy weapon.

"True Dragon Spear" and "Tyrant's Spear".

The immortal heart method "Doomsday Buddha Jue" plus the body of a god emperor, combined with the power of the law, is enough to stand out from the crowd.

But unfortunately, it's not crushing.

This is also doomed, next time, Li Tiandao will be attacked by everyone.

Instead of an attack from less than a hundred suzerains like just now.

After all, everyone thought they had seen through his cultivation.

Seeing that Liu Qin'er was about to wake up, Li Tiandao immediately entered a fighting state, and at the same time blessed the strong healing ability of Cyclops.

The wound on his face had already healed, and the huge burn on his arm was also rapidly stopping the bleeding.

Judging from the healing speed, Li Tiandao's injury can be healed before the suzerains make their next move.

The scene fell into silence again.

From time to time, bystanders turned around and left, or simply gave up the game, preparing to wait for the time to leave the Ten Square Realm.

It may be that they have seen the battle for the Huiyue Flag, and there is no room for themselves to intervene, or they may be waiting for an opportunity on the outside.

After a while, there were less than 200 people present.

"Actually, I have a suggestion. I don't know if you guys want to hear it."

The first to speak was Wang Lie from the Lieyang Sect of the Lionheart Empire.

And what he said was to several other strong men besides Li Tiandao.

Before a few people had anything to say, Wang Lie, who was dressed in a red robe, continued.

"Look, we are the only ones who are capable of competing for the Huiyue Banner, and the others, to put it bluntly, are a group of jackals waiting for their prey. The crowd got it, it's not going to work!"


Before Wang Lie finished speaking, he shot directly.

The target was a suzerain who hadn't left yet.

The distorted power erupted again, and a flame appeared in his hand, directly piercing through the opponent's chest.

Immediately, blood flowed out, and the Nascent Soul was also burned.

As the fire became stronger, the suzerain's body exploded directly.

It wasn't until this time that Wang Lie said the following words: "Since the guy on the other side started killing, then we don't have to be polite. First, clean up this group of miscellaneous fish that don't want to fight or leave. What do you think? ?”

Hearing this, Li Tiandao turned his attention to Wang Lie.

Looking at his righteousness, the benevolence and morality he talked about before, he couldn't help but feel a chill.

Where there is black, there is white. Since there is a good man like Zhang Shenfeng, there are naturally also perverted lunatics who like to kill.

Killing yourself is for the mission.

Also for survival.

But the other party seemed to be slaughtering for the sake of slaughter.

But what he said couldn't be said to be unreasonable.

However, the Ten Directions Realm is so big, how could it be possible to kill everyone?
This is impossible, even if several people agree, what will come will be a joint attack by everyone.

Once this happens, the outcome is unknown.

With Li Tiandao's powerful cultivation base, if he didn't use immortal techniques, he wouldn't dare to say that he could face nearly [-] top sect masters at the same time.

I believe that none of the people who are still there will agree.

Seeing that the three members of the alliance, Wang Badan, and other suzerains who wanted to stay and fight against Li Tiandao were all silent, Wang Lie curled his lips.

Just a bunch of high-minded people.

(End of this chapter)

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