Chapter 144 One hit fifteen!
Zishuang and the others stepped forward a little later.

"Hehe, six people, not bad...Miss Zishuang, I, Xiao, have been waiting here for a long time."

The yin and yang strange voice sounded, making people quite uncomfortable.

This person is the genius of the Canglan Sect and the initiator of the crusade organization, Xiao Rui!

"Xiao Rui, unexpectedly we guessed it right. You are really prepared. However, it seems that the person next to you is seriously injured. Hehe, it seems that the restriction of the secret realm of the sky is not so easy to break."

Zishuang smiled slightly at Yiyi, seeing that the scarred face of the other party was a little pale, and then smiled lightly.

Chanda was injured, which was indeed an unexpected gain.

At this moment, Fan Zian, who was standing shoulder to shoulder with Zishuang, opened up his consciousness, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

There was a person who was seriously injured, but this person was calm and composed, with a confident look.

If there's no cheating in it, it means he's a Muggle.

"Haha, Miss Zishuang, don't worry, Xiao has been here to congratulate for so long, and finally waited for you and your new friend to show up, why didn't you present a big gift?"

"Stop hiding, come out quickly."

Xiao Rui's long and narrow eyes suddenly gleamed with light.

As he shouted, nine figures suddenly shot out from three hidden corners of the tree hole, and landed beside Xiao Rui!
Suddenly, the other party became 15 people!
The scene in front of her eyes immediately changed Zishuang's face!
"You!! I didn't expect you to call back the three sects you sent out to recruit allies!"

Of the nine people who appeared suddenly, three of them were wearing the same clothes.

It is the disciples of Chitu Sect, Qingfeng Sect, and Lieyang Sect.

They were also the three sects sent by Xiao Rui to recruit other allies.

The eyes of the nine people were indifferent, staring at Fan Zian and the six people very unkindly.

It was as if the other party was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The situation changed instantly.

This made Zishuang's heart sink.

At that moment, I immediately understood why the three of Gui Yuanzong were sent out of the Wanzong battlefield by him, and Xiao Rui was still so calm.

It turned out that this guy had summoned the other three sects back.

"What the hell."

Zishuang's silver teeth bit her red lips lightly.

Up to now, staying here will only be attacked by groups.

So, only escape!

As the second younger sister, Zisu Qiao's face was solemn, and she was obviously very disturbed, but she followed Zishuang closely, ready to strike at any time.

Zilian seemed to be trembling all over, but she still pretended to be calm.

At this moment, he looked at Fan Zian and the other three with apologetic eyes, as if he regretted dragging the three into this battle.

Just when Zishuang was about to speak out to tell everyone to separate and run away, the young man in white who stood beside him suddenly smiled softly and said, "Cut, just this few people? What kind of crusade organization do you deserve? It's really embarrassing."

In a word, the surroundings were suddenly silent.

The sound of the wind whistling past the ears was clearly visible.

"This is not the time to be a hero! There are 15 people on the other side! Hurry up and escape separately! Let me temporarily block them!"

Hearing Fan Zian's indifferent words, Zishuang became a little anxious for a while!

Fan Zian saw and heard Zilian's apologetic eyes and Zishuang's eager words.

For the three sisters of the Zi family who still acted like this under such circumstances, Fan Zian also secretly admired them.

"No need."

The young man stepped forward lightly, and a Shura's evil spirit slowly emerged from his pitch-black eyes.

A rushing momentum is hidden in the body.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and the relatively obscure devilish energy in his body suddenly radiated out, filling the entire tree hole with a layer of terrifying aura.

Then, she said something to Zishuang that made her beautiful eyes widen!
"Sister Shuang, you three sisters are blocking the tree hole. Brother Mo and Manyu will repair the knife for me in a while. This group of people... just leave it to me to deal with it."

What Fan Zian said made Zishuang almost think that her ears had misheard.

And everyone standing behind Zishuang also looked at Fan Zian in shock!
He wants one against fifteen?
"Fan Zian! Don't be stupid, okay? You are only in the Yuanying state! The villains on the opposite side are all masters in the early stage of the Yuanying state, and the worst is Jindan Consummation! Listen to what the elder sister said, and find a chance to escape! "

Zilian's crisp but hasty words rang in Fan Zian's ears.

The little girl looked eager. Although she hated Fan Zian before, seeing Fan Zian's sudden remarks, she didn't care about anything else, so she immediately stopped her.

The gap in strength is really too big.

Anyone who came across could kill him, not to mention that Xiao Rui was a mid-stage Nascent Soul Realm expert.

Although Zisu who was standing aside did not speak, she still looked at Fan Zian with her beautiful eyes, expressing the meaning of asking him not to be brave.

At this moment, Di Manyu and Zishuang seemed to want to dissuade them, but Fan Zian raised his hand.

Not a word was said.

Master once said that pretending to be 13 must be in place, otherwise it will be meaningless.

"Hey... Brothers, look, that kid who only has the Condensation Realm wants a hero to save the beauty."

A playful laugh sounded from Xiao Rui's mouth, and all 15 people in front of the secret realm of the sky burst into laughter.

There was a sense of utter disregard in the laughter.

"Brother, in order not to delay breaking the restriction of the secret realm of the sky, it is better to deal with these guys as soon as possible and get their tokens in hand is the right way."

Fang Qing beside him suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, the leaders of the other four sects, Wu Chi from the Chitu sect, Feng Wei from the Lieyang sect, Diao Guang from the Zhatian sect, and Jian Tuo from the Qingfeng sect immediately agreed.

"Hehe, then stop talking nonsense and get rid of them! The men will fight out of the Ten Thousand Sects Battlefield, and the women will stay behind. Let the brothers satisfy their greed."


The breath of the Eight Nascent Soul Realm and the Seven Golden Core Realm lingered around Xiao Rui and the others.

The man with a waxy face named Qian Da stepped aside.

Because he was injured in order to break the restriction of the secret realm of the sky, he is temporarily unable to participate in the battle.

But 14 people playing six people is enough.

Spiritual energy fluctuations swept up, and the most powerful one was Xiao Rui!

At this moment, Wu Chi of the Chitu Sect and Feng Wei of the Lieyang Sect rushed up at a high speed, and rushed towards the place where the six Fan Zian were located!

The magic energy is flowing with all its strength.

Due to the baptism of the blood god grass, the blood in the body has been transformed into dark red and surging endlessly.

Immortal Dao Sword appeared in his hand at will, exuding a cold and stern light.

Fan Zian's eyes were like knives, and his black hair danced wildly.

An evil breath permeated the air.

He took the lead, regardless of Feng Wei of the Lieyang Sect and Wu Chi of the Chitu Sect in front of him.

Instead, it shot towards where Xiao Rui was!

"Sister Shuang, lead someone to guard the entrance of the cave, don't let it out alone, Manyu, Brother Mo, don't forget to make up for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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